Education, The science
Pedagogical technology is ... Methods of pedagogical technology
The effectiveness of the educational process directly depends not only on the teacher's knowledge of the material presented, but also on the ability to present this information. Pedagogical technology is the most important component of the teacher's skill, allowing him to develop and improve in his profession. To understand the whole essence of this concept, it is necessary to consider it in more detail.
What is the pedagogical technique
For the first time this term appeared in textbooks on pedagogy and didactics at the beginning of the last century. Since then, a lot of scientists have been and continue to be engaged in his research, who never came to a common opinion about the exact interpretation of this phenomenon. But if we combine all the works of great teachers, then we can draw a generalized conclusion.
So, the pedagogical technique represents that set of means, receptions and methods which helps the teacher to establish contact with the pupils and correctly state the information material. She can express almost everything the teacher does: in the way he lectures, how he arranges the necessary semantic accents, how he attracts the attention of the audience, adjusts it to the working mood.
Pedagogical technology is, to some extent, a style of teaching. It is based on certain rules, moral standards, which should guide the teacher. However, at the same time every teacher has this style of individuality.
Components of pedagogical technology
The first teacher, who tried to describe the structure of the concept under consideration, became AS Makarenko. This person entered the educational literature on didactics as the greatest teacher of his time. Of course, after years he had followers, and there were many such. Now, based on the results of the accumulated experience, the following components of such a concept as pedagogical technique stand out:
- Perceptual abilities, expressed in the development of memory, imagination and observation.
- Communicative skills, manifested in the ability to establish contact with the audience.
- The appearance of the teacher (grooming, as well as general style).
- Ability to use verbal (vocabulary wealth, technical literacy) and non-verbal (diction, intonation and semantic accents) means of communication.
- To the pedagogical technique is also the ability to control oneself (to control gait, gestures, facial expressions, posture).
Each of these components plays an important role in the learning process, but we will separately focus on only two of them: the appearance of the teacher and his ability to use verbal and non-verbal means of communication.
Teacher and his appearance
As they say, a person is always met by clothes, but escorted to the mind. This proverb is true, from which side you look at it. And in the pedagogical process, it plays a role. After all, the teacher is not just a walking encyclopedia. First of all, it is a person who conveys experience and knowledge to his students. And for students to perceive the teacher as an authority, he should look solid, causing respect.
The first thing that reveals the essence of pedagogical technology is clothes. It should be convenient to not impede the movements of the teacher and do not interfere with him to perform basic technological operations: move around the audience, write on the blackboard, etc. In addition, it is desirable for a teacher to select a wardrobe in a reserved, classical style. Otherwise, students will be distracted by the face of the teacher, which will prevent the learning of the material.
In harmony with the clothes there must be other components of the teacher's style: hair, make-up, accessories. Perfectly selected details of the teacher's image will be an excellent example for the students, they will develop a taste for them, and will also arouse sympathy and respect for their teacher.
Management of the teacher with his speech
Let us return to our proverb, which says that the mind is the second characteristic by which we are judged. And since pedagogical technology is first and foremost oral skill, it is very important for the teacher to be able to correctly express his thoughts. For this, the teacher needs:
- Be technically literate in the material that he explains to his students;
- To observe the correct pronunciation of the text;
- To present information in the most simple and accessible form;
- Decorate your speech with epithets and metaphors;
- Own a rich vocabulary and good diction;
- Correctly set pauses and semantic stresses.
Particular attention should be paid to the last point. Pauses are necessary in order to attract the attention of listeners and give them time to understand what has been said. They are made either after an important statement, or in front of him to create some kind of intrigue. Semantic stresses are made in the text to create an emphasis on certain points. With them, you can begin to improve the teacher's teaching technique. Usually accentuations are manifested by some increase in the loudness of the teacher's voice or by changing its tone. For example, the semantic load can be done by reading a term.
Basic mistakes in pedagogical engineering
Insufficient mastery of the skill of teaching leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the learning process. As a rule, it is caused by such errors in the formation of pedagogical techniques:
- Monotonous, too fast speech without semantic accents;
- Inability to regulate their psychological and emotional state (overcome anger, excitement, etc.);
- Lack of communication skills, which hinders the establishment of contact between the teacher and his students;
- Meager use of gestures and facial expressions.
Techniques of pedagogical technology
In order to interestingly and productively conduct a lesson, it is not enough for a teacher to be theoretically prepared for it. A variety of information is provided by techniques of pedagogical technology. They are techniques that describe how and in what form it is better to present the material to the students. The well-known teacher Anatoly Gin presented the world with a book describing the techniques of pedagogical technology. There are a lot of them, so we will consider the most basic, so to speak, in brief.
Organizational moments
To adjust students to the working environment, they need to be a little cheer up. To do this, the following methods are used at the beginning of the lesson:
- Communication with the audience in a slightly comic manner. This will cause the group's location to the teacher and develop interest in the forthcoming topic.
- Use as an example of fantastic heroes. It does not matter what it will be - a person or an unusual plant, the main thing is that the students want to join the lesson.
Introductory survey
The best way to start a new topic is to go smoothly to it from the previous one. All pedagogical techniques and technologies imply that the fragments of material studied in the lessons must be interrelated. But first, it is desirable to conduct a small warm-up in the form:
- A small survey;
- Intellectual competitions.
The survey can be conducted in a game form. For example, the teacher reads out the statements, and the students are asked to determine which of them is wrong. Or it creates a semblance of famous intellectual games ("What? Where? When?", "Field of Miracles").
Assimilation of new material
It is known that during the lecture the students remember only a small part of the information they heard. Therefore, the teacher can apply additional methods for better mastering of the material stated:
- Independent compilation of a supporting summary by each student;
- Preparation of a list of questions on the topic of the lecture.
This will develop in students the ability to highlight the main among a large amount of information. In addition, thus passed the topic is better to be fixed in memory.
Elaboration of acquired knowledge
In this case, the student activity is more evident than the pedagogical activity. CPC techniques (independent work of students) are used in many universities to improve the effectiveness of the educational process. Here we are talking about the practical application of theoretical knowledge. The teacher can offer students any of the following work options:
- Creation of a small project;
- Independent research;
- Solving problems;
- Exercise for finding errors.
From all that was said in this article, it remains only to draw logical conclusions. Undoubtedly, pedagogical technology is an important and invariable component of the learning process. On its basis, the teacher's skill is formed, without which it is impossible to imagine the effective activity of the educator and mentor.
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