
Bishofit - what is it? Bischofite (gel): instructions for use

At the end of the 20th century, the medicine "Bishofit" became known in our country. What it is, many know who suffered from pain in the joints and spine. This mineral is now universally used in sanatorium treatment, sold as a solution, gels and creams and even a plaster. Salt bischofite has many useful properties, as its composition is close to the composition of blood plasma and the contents of human cells. Mineral is quickly absorbed, quickly absorbed through the skin and saturating the body with useful substances. It is especially valued for its high content of easily digestible magnesium chloride. In addition to use in medicine and cosmetology, bischofite is widely used in many branches of the national economy.

What it is

This mineral lies at great depths and formed many thousands of years ago when the ancient seas evaporated. Its crystals have an unusual color and are very hygroscopic, so they dissolve quickly in the air, absorbing all the moisture from it. Usually in nature, the mineral exists in the form of strata and plates. The bischofite attracted interest from the researchers due to its rich composition. Most of all it contains magnesium chloride, which is necessary for normal vital activity of all life on Earth. By its composition bischofite approaches the salts of the Dead Sea, which have long been famous for their useful properties. It contains about 70 different microelements: potassium, calcium, iodine, bromine, copper, molybdenum and many others. And they are all in the mineral in easily digestible, instant form.

How this mineral is mined

Discovered the healing properties of bischofite in the salt mines in Germany at the end of the XIX century. They called the mineral found by the name of the German physicist. And about 100 years this salt was considered very rare, although the healing properties of it were already discovered. But in the middle of the twentieth century bishofite deposits were discovered in the Urals, in the Volga region and in Ukraine. Poltava is considered the deepest and oldest deposit. Obtain this curative mineral in an unusual way, since it lies at a great depth - from 1.5 to 2.5 kilometers, and evaporates quickly in the air. Therefore, artesian water is injected into the deep salt layers through the wells , which dissolves the bischofite. After a while this saline solution is lifted to the surface, water is evaporated and the mineral is obtained in pure form.

How is bischofite used?

1. In medicine for baths, compresses, inhalations and rinses. And you can be treated not only in a hospital or a sanatorium, but also at home, as the funds on its basis are freely sold in pharmacies in the form of not only salt or solution, but also gel, cream and plaster.

2. This mineral is widely used in the road economy. For example, bischofite in Moscow is recommended for use as the main anti-ice reagent, which is much better than ordinary salt, it helps to fight the freezing of roads even at temperatures below 30 degrees.

3. In the chemical industry, oil production and to prevent the freezing of coal and other loose rocks in winter, bischofite is also widely used.

4. It is also used in construction for the production of artificial stone, the manufacture of self-leveling floors and glass-magnesium sheets.

Healing properties of bischofite

But the most known is the use of this mineral in medicine. For several decades, bischofite has been widely used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. What is it is known to all doctors and many patients. Why is this substance so popular? This was due to its special properties that affect the human body.

How does the bischofite work?

- relieves pain and inflammation;

- improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure;

- improves mobility of joints and vertebrae;

- helps to relax and struggles with insomnia;

- Tones up the skin and smoothes fine wrinkles;

- has an antiseptic effect;

- improves immunity and metabolic processes, accelerates the regeneration of cells;

- improves mood and vitality, improves general condition.

How to explain such a beneficial action

The composition of this mineral, as already mentioned, in its dissolved form is very close to the composition of the intercellular fluid of the organism and the environment inside the cells. Getting on the skin, bischofite is easily absorbed and penetrates into the blood, quickly rendering its healing effect. After all, it gently introduces into the body magnesium ions and other microelements, the lack of which is experienced by most people now. Especially the shortage of magnesium necessary for all metabolic processes is felt. In humans, it is manifested by fatigue, frequent stress, hypertension, the development of arthritis or osteochondrosis. Therefore, the bischofite became so popular. Treatment of many diseases is much faster with it. In addition, this drug is quite cheap - a bottle of Bischofite solution costs about 100 rubles. They are easy to use, and the healing effect is quite high.

When this mineral is applied

1. Most often in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the bischofite is used. Instruction for use recommends making compresses and baths with a solution for osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, lumbulgia and other dystrophic and inflammatory diseases. It also helps in recovery after injuries, and even children with cerebral palsy.

2. Treat this mineral any neuroses, myositis, neuralgia and neuritis. Help "Bishofit" with Bekhterev's disease and heel spur.

3. Successfully used and with diseases of the cardiovascular system "Bishofit". The instructions for use recommend that patients undergo hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia, peripheral vascular disease and coronary heart disease.

4. Mineral successfully treats sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis and periodontitis.

5. Gynecology also uses "Bishofit". Instruction for use recommends making baths with a solution for many diseases of the genitals, especially inflammatory.

"Bishofit" in cosmetology

In recent years, the industry has produced many cosmetic products based on this mineral. A great popularity among women began to use "Bishofit" -gel. Instructions for use notes that it perfectly copes with wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin. This drug not only increases its tone, but also saturates the hypodermic layer with nutrients, which helps it to withstand the negative influences of the environment. Very often Bischofite is also used in the treatment of cellulite. Compresses and baths can cope perfectly with the "orange peel" and make the skin more elastic and taut. That is why the bischofite mineral has become so popular among women.

Instructions for use

Use this medication at home. In pharmacies, it is easy to buy both a bath solution and salt crystals that need to be dissolved in water. The solution happens with the additives of herbal extracts, which supplement and strengthen its action. Now it is also produced "Bishofit" -gel. Its use is less extensive, mainly for massage, warming up the skin with joint pain and treating cosmetic problems.

How correctly to apply a preparation? Any form of the drug is applied only to clean, without damage, the skin. You can not use "Bishofit" in places where there are acne, scratches and skin inflammatory diseases, since this solution is very corrosive. For the same reason, when rinsing your mouth and throat, you need to dilute the drug no more than a tablespoon per half-liter of water. Sometimes, when using undiluted remedies, there are local allergic reactions, in the case of which the treatment should be stopped. The solution and crystalline bischofite are used in the form of compresses, grindings and baths. But not everyone likes to mess around with the drug's dilution. The easiest way to use "Bishofit" is gel. The instructions for use recommend rubbing it into the skin in places where the muscles and joints are affected. It can also be used as a cream that makes the skin supple and improves the complexion.

Baths with "Bishofit"

They take courses on 10 procedures every other day. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes. After that, you do not need to rinse, but be sure to rest in the warmth, so it's better to do them in the evening before going to bed. "Bishofit" for baths is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a special solution. For a routine procedure, two to four liters are needed. The drug poured into a hot bath and mixed well. Weakened after illness or by virtue of the elderly, people are advised to take half-baths, plunging into the solution no more than on the chest. The result of this procedure is the normalization of pressure and general state. It has a calming, adaptogenic effect, helps to fight stress and insomnia, strengthens the immune system and tones up the body. But most often the baths are used for the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine.

How else does "Bishofit"

The solution of this mineral is mainly used in the form of compresses. For this, the preparation is poured into a saucer and heated to body temperature. The painful area of the body also needs to be heated for 5 minutes using a heating pad or a blue lamp. Dipping the tips of your fingers in the solution, several times it must be rubbed into the skin. Then wet the gauze with the drug and put on the body. From above it should be covered with cellophane and wrap it with something warm. The compress should be kept for at least 8-10 hours, it is best to do the procedure at night. After its termination the solution is washed off with warm water. The location of the compress should be kept warm. Such procedures are done every other day for a month, then you need to take a break. Compresses relieve arthritic pains well, help to recover from injuries and facilitate the condition with radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

Increasingly popular is the "Bishofit". What is it, patients learn not only from doctors, but also from acquaintances. Positive feedback on its effective use attract people with joint pain. This drug successfully helps many patients.

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