Sports and FitnessFitness

Raising the legs in the vise. Tips and Tricks

Lifting the legs in the vise is one of the most excruciating exercises for the abdominal muscles. However, such exercises are extremely effective in the development of the press. Particularly powerful, they affect the lower cubes. If done correctly, you can also "sand" the upper cubes of the press. This exercise can benefit athletes involved in football, gymnastics, karate, acrobatics, in general, those sports where simultaneous bending of the spine and hip joint is necessary.


1. Lifting the legs in the vise on the crossbar is carried out as follows: you should grab it with an average grip. Legs freely sag without touching the floor. If the grip is weak, then you need to use special support straps.
2. Bend slightly back in the lower back, hands and feet should be straight.
3. Having inhaled, take back your legs a bit and raise them higher with a strong jerk. It is advisable to keep them straightened. However, if you do not have enough strength for such a performance, you can slightly bend your knees. It is important that the angle at which they are bent remains unchanged until the end of the set.
4. You need to raise your legs above your waist. At the highest point, you should try to hold back a few seconds, strongly straining the press. After that, you can lower your legs slowly and smoothly down.
5. After a second pause, repeat the exercise again.

Tips and Tricks

1. Easy "cheating" at the beginning of the exercise "Lifting the legs in the vise" does not affect the work of the press. In the first phase, the muscles of the hip participate in the work. In the middle and final work the muscles of the press.
2. The higher the legs, the stronger the pressure on the press. It is advisable to perform the lifts of the legs in the vise in such a way that the angle between the trunk and the hips is minimal. Correct execution of the exercise increases the effect of training at times.
3. It is important to lift the pelvis correctly. To achieve maximum results, lifting the legs in the vise must certainly be performed, strongly straining the press. After the legs reach the level of the belt, you need to strongly push the pelvis up.
4. Do not use additional weights during this exercise. The weight of the legs, as well as the weight of the athlete's shoes - is quite an adequate load. However, trained athletes sometimes use weighting in the form of a dumbbell or special bracelets between their feet. It is not necessary to abuse excessive excess weight - you can get a hernia.
5. It is necessary to breathe correctly during the exercise: lifting your legs upwards, you need to exhale the air, lowering them downwards - with a force to inhale.
6. Those who can not keep their weight in the vise for long, you can use specially sewn straps.

7. To carry out lifting of legs in the vise it is possible on specially equipped machine tools which are available in training halls. A simplified exercise option will be a simulator on which elbows are lifted.

Regular training, proper exercise and, of course, persistence, work on themselves will certainly give a stunning result!

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