
"Ergoferon" is an antibiotic or not? Instructions for use, product description, analogues and reviews

Nowadays, many people prefer antibiotics during the treatment of viral infections, not even suspecting that some strains of ARI, ARVI and influenza can be treated with completely new, safe and effective drugs.

We are accustomed to self-activity, not paying attention to the prescriptions of doctors, characteristic of the indicators of medicines, we assign them ourselves and thereby assess the effectiveness, not looking at the details of the instructions. Such actions only complicate the process of recovery. As a result, the patient takes many medications, which in the majority of them can not be consumed together. Thus, the patient leads himself to a worse state and goes to the hospital, explaining to the doctor that he used both this drug and another wonderful remedy, but nothing helped.

And the crux of the matter always lies at the root of the problem - all diseases the doctor should treat, especially if it concerns little children. Only an expert can evaluate all risks of taking medications and indicate the correct dose of administration.

There are a lot of drugs on pharmacy shelves these days. All of them are advertised, but often, in order to recover, you need to get involved not by the producers 'rolls, but by real experts' evaluations of the drugs.

So, now many doctors advise against catarrhal diseases and influenza a drug called "Ergoferon".

A lot of conflicting information has been collected about this medication. This situation is due to the massive forgeries of modern medicines, because of their incorrect application, because of the high competition in the market for the sale of drugs.

Does this drug belong to a group of antibiotics?

Many patients are so attached today to antibiotics that this tool has been added to their list. So, the medicine "Ergoferon" is an antibiotic or not? The answer to this question is unequivocal: no. Its effectiveness is not associated with antibiotics in any way. This fact must be remembered for good. If the drug is effective, it is not necessarily an antibiotic, but an innovative immunomodulator that is absolutely safe for the human body - adult and child.

What is the drug?

It is an antihistamine antiviral. In the explanation of the question: "Is the drug" Ergoferon "- is it an antibiotic or not?" - it should be noted that it is antibiotics that actively influence not bacteria, but viruses. Viruses can be destroyed by interferon, which is produced directly in the human body. On the basis of this formula for this drug has been developed.

The anti-inflammatory drug actively influences influenza type A and B, respiratory infections due to parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, herpes, chicken pox, acute intestinal infections caused by caliciviruses, rotoviruses, meningitis, tick-borne encephalitis.

Despite the fact that the medicine is antiviral, it can be used in combination with antibacterial drugs in the treatment of pertussis, pneumonia, in order to prevent the development of complications.

This medication is applicable in the pre- and post-vaccination period, which increases the effectiveness of vaccinations several times, and also as a preventive measure against frequent ARVI.

All components of the drug are aimed at the activity of the CD4 receptor, as well as receptors for interferon-gamma and histamine, and they, in turn, have an immunotropic effect on the body. In other words, push the body to a stable resistance, that is, develop a strong immune defense.

Form of release of the medicine

The drug "Ergoferon" is available in white tablets. One package contains twenty pieces. The medicine "Ergoferon" for children and adults sold in pharmacies is the same drug. There is no separate medicine under this name for kids, adolescents, adults and elderly people. The drug can be prescribed to everyone without restriction, depending on the diagnosis given by the doctor.

For children, the "Ergoferon" pill is recommended for taking it from an early age. First, it is the formation of immunity, and secondly, the opportunity not to stuff the children's body with unnecessary chemical preparations.

Therefore, many parents are concerned about the question: "Is the medicine" Ergoferon "an antibiotic or not?" - with his appointments. It should be borne in mind: if this drug is observed in the list of recommended, you got a competent doctor who does not accept an unambiguous reception of antibiotics without the need.

Dosage of "Ergoferon": how to take the drug during treatment

This medicine is produced in tablets, which you need to dissolve, without washing down with water. This is not done during meals. Adult person, of course, it is not difficult during the day to absorb several tablets. But the child at the age of six months can not do this unequivocally. Therefore, the drug "Ergoferon" for children instruction for use says to give dissolved in one tablespoon of water.

The dosage of the medicine is as follows:

- at the initial stages of development of ailments associated with viral infections, tablets are taken in the first two hours every thirty minutes, after which the patients go to a three-day daily intake until they are fully recovered;

- for preventive purposes, the drug can be used for half a year in the amount of one to two tablets per day.

The correct purpose of the drug

Despite the effectiveness of the medicine "Ergoferon", how to take it - not everyone knows.

This drug helps in the early stages of development of viral infections. And if it is taken in the course of a progressive disease, the effect may not be, which in many cases entails taking antibiotics. And this is just the reason to conclude that the medicine does not help. And it turns out, the problem is not in him, but in his wrong reception.

When buying a drug, you should carefully read the instructions to it and clearly follow its instructions.

Who is contraindicated with this medicine?

Although it is believed that the drug "Ergoferon" for children and adults is ideal, but there are cases when it is unacceptable for admission. Categorically this remedy can not be used to treat people with congenital galactosemia - lactose intolerance, which is contained in this medication.

Are drug overdoses possible?

Cases of overdose are not uncommon when taking the medication "Ergoferon". Many, concluding that it does not help, try to double the dose on their own. And this can lead to dyspepsia. Therefore, you must strictly follow the instructions. These are not sweets, but a remedy.

What side effects can the drug "Ergoferon" cause?

Individual intolerance to the components of this medication can lead to the rejection of it.

Can I take the drug with other medicines?

The medication "Ergoferon" indicates that it can be used along with other antiviral drugs. No dangerous interactions with other medicines have been recorded to date. Therefore, it is suitable for both symptomatic treatment of patients, and for complex use in medicine.

Can I take medicine during pregnancy?

The properties of the new drug are also asked by pregnant women who are not allowed to take many medications during an important period of childbearing.

The results of a detailed study of the effect of this immunomodulator on the development of the fetus and the state of health of women in the situation to date, no, so the appointment of a pregnant doctor should be engaged by a competent doctor who weighs the pros and cons of taking a medication and determines the appropriateness of using it.

Reviews of doctors and patients

Answering the question: "Is the medicine" Ergoferon "an antibiotic or not?" - and describing its important characteristics, let's understand, it is worth paying close attention to this drug or not, evaluating the feedback of those who experienced its effect on personal experience.

Among the patients' reviews there are many positive and negative evaluations of this drug. One helps him effectively, others respond about him as an expensive low-quality medicine. Although the drug "Ergoferon", whose price is about 300 rubles per package containing 20 tablets, causes conflicting opinions, it does not lie on the shelves of pharmacies.

Why is he appointed by doctors? And is there any collusion between medical institutions and pharmacies?

The answer always lies in the diagnosis of the patient, his physical condition and the possibility of resistance to all sorts of viral infections. The modern variety of influenza viruses gives the foundation to all doctors to strengthen the patient's immunity, enable him to fight the disease more effectively, even if another anti-cold medication is prescribed.

The medicine "Ergoferon" is primarily an immunomodulator. That is, a tool that increases the resistance of the body to virus attacks.

At whom from patients immunity strong - that helps from the first hours of reception, at whom he is lowered - the effect is observed later. During the time of taking the drug, the body not only fights against the viruses, but also develops a future protective reaction from a certain kind. And this is not such a simple physiological process. Therefore, complain about the fact that the drug is ineffective, it is not worth it, its influence can be felt at the next attack of similar viruses.

The patient's logic is always inclined to search for a magic pill that can put on its feet within a day or two. Flu and cold do not get cured in a few hours.

The constant intake of antibiotics is not a solution to the problem. The task of recovering the body is to develop stable resistance receptors with the help of drugs that are safe for its functioning, which do not cause side effects. This is an auxiliary method, along with hardening and physical exercises.

In medical practice, doctors positively assess the effect of the drug on the overall picture of recovery. But in the process of treating patients, not only the immunomodulator "Ergoferon" participates, its analogs are also often effective.

This drug is most common due to the possibility of treating children from an early age, while other drugs are often designed for older children and adults.

Analogs means

The doctor can prescribe not only this drug for improving immunity, but also similar medicines.

Considering the drug expensive, many are immediately interested in whether the immunomodulator "Ergoferon" has analogues. If you select similar drugs for components, then replacements you will not find, because it is not. But if you need an analogue on the pharmacological trait, then there are a lot of them and they include the drug "Acridoneacetic acid", the medicine "Broncho-vaccine", the drug "Anaferon", tablets "Immunorm" and "Rinalital", the solution "Drop Beresh Plus" .

How much is the drug and where can I buy it?

On the immunomodulator "Ergoferon" the price today is on the average by pharmacy offers of about 300 rubles. For many, this cost seems too high, since not every patient feels physically relieved from taking the medicine for the course of a particular disease. Therefore, many are looking for an inexpensive, more effective analogue of "Ergoferon".

A cheap option that can be used as a replacement for an expensive drug is Arbidol. Their price does not exceed one hundred and eighty rubles. Very often we apply such an analog of "Ergoferon", cheap and effective, like tablets "Anaferon", their cost varies from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and eighty rubles.

Since the prices for medicines have been rising rapidly lately, it is necessary to give preference not to the cost index, but to the properties of the drug. If a doctor appoints him, then he knows what he is doing, according to his competence.

The less we engage in amateur activities in treatment, the less will be the occasions to visit the doctor often and criticize his activities.

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