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Why there is itching during pregnancy

The coveted pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman. In the body of the future mother there are many changes, the hormonal background is completely reconstructed, and therefore often almost before the very birth there is such trouble as itching during pregnancy. Sometimes the whole day passes calmly, but it is only in the evening to go to bed, how these unpleasant feelings begin. Itching during pregnancy often signals that the liver is under a lot of stress, and this body does not fully cope with its "duties". Itching can be easy, and can also exhaust a woman. Cheshutsya feet, palms, stomach and back. Most often, the itching during pregnancy appears due to excessive dryness of the stretched skin, stress on the excretory system (especially on the liver and gallbladder) and dehydration.

Why does itching occur during pregnancy? Hormonal changes, increased dryness of the skin and allergic reactions can be the causes. Sometimes it is only necessary to change makeup and powder for linen - and the allergy recedes. Itching is most common in women prone to the formation of moles and pigmentation spots, as well as contact dermatitis. With repeated pregnancy, such problems are aggravated.

How to overcome skin itching during pregnancy? It is necessary to buy a special cream or lotion for pregnant women, such products perfectly soothe the skin. Cold packs or lotions for skin with antihistamines also alleviate the condition. Clothing should be purchased only from natural fabrics, since synthetic fibers further irritate the skin. Let in your wardrobe there will be less things, because clothes from natural materials are more expensive, but they will be of high quality and will not cause harm to health and beauty. Ornaments can also irritate the skin, so during pregnancy it is better to remove all the gold and silver chains, bracelets, etc.

Hot baths or a shower are contraindicated in case of skin problems. Soap - only without fragrances and for sensitive skin. After washing, you must moisturize your skin with special means. Abundant drink and rational nutrition also have a beneficial effect on the skin condition. All fatty, smoked, sweet and spicy should be excluded from the daily menu, but sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits (but not red ones), eggs and cereals should become "friends" in the daily diet. It will help to cope with such a nuisance as the itching of the skin during pregnancy, activated charcoal, it will remove all excess from the body, eliminate toxins.

Itching during pregnancy can be slightly cured if you add a pine extract or a decoction to the bath when bathing. You can buy these bathing products in any pharmacy.

Pregnant women need to be careful about their health and see if itching occurs after eating a product, especially if it is a new product in the diet. Usually pregnant women like to pamper themselves with something new and start to try the dishes of Mediterranean cuisine or seafood. Such products can easily cause itching, so during pregnancy it is better to refuse them, transferring "acquaintance" to a later date - after the baby is born and will be bred by the breast.

You can not use medicines yourself, so a pregnant woman should always contact an allergist-immunologist for advice. Only a specialist, having collected an anamnesis of the disease and based on the results of the examination or allergic test, decides what to treat, because many antihistamines are potent and can harm the mother and baby.

And finally, of course, I would like to wish all pregnant women easy birth and quiet nights after the birth of the long-awaited baby!

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