Law, State and Law
Debt collection from individuals: important points
Collecting debts from individuals is a very difficult and long-term occupation. There are the following categories of such cases:
2. Dispute between a legal entity and a natural debtor.
Litigation between individuals
It is very common for two citizens to enter into a loan agreement. In most cases, these relationships are not documented. Usually borrow money from acquaintances or relatives. And take a receipt as something embarrassing, because people have known each other for a long time. But if it's a large sum, it's a very slippery way. The law stipulates that loans worth more than one thousand rubles must be registered in writing. If you did not do this, you will not be able to give evidence in court that the loan actually took place. And even the presence of witnesses will not help you - there is no document, no evidence. The collection of debts from individuals in such cases is of little prospect. You can advise in this situation to initiate correspondence by e-mail, to ensure that your debtor begins to respond to you.
Legal disputes between a legal entity and a citizen
There are cases when the collection of debt from individuals requires organization. For example, an employee has a debt to the employer, or the case is brought against a financially responsible person who has harmed or damaged the organization's property. For such debts there are fewer terms during which the plaintiff can apply to the court. The circle of employees that can be brought to such responsibility is limited.
In all of the above cases, the existence of a claim for debt collection is only the first step. Now we must somehow get a debt with live money. Sometimes it turns out that the debtor has neither money nor property. A very qualified lawyer is needed here.
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