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How to calculate the date of birth for a month?

For almost every woman, a child is a welcome and expected miracle. Therefore, many ladies, as soon as they find out that they are in an interesting position, want to know when they can see their crumbs. And if for such methods as ultrasound or gynecologist examination, it's too early, you can try to calculate the date of birth by monthly. How it can be done independently - this is exactly what I want to talk about.

Why is this necessary?

So, first of all you need to decide, why should a woman know this information. It is worth saying that this figure will be far from accurate, so it can be indicated simply to determine the approximate time for the baby to appear. Further, by other, more precise methods, this date will be specified. Basically, they independently understand how to calculate the date of birth for a month, women who can not wait to find out when their crumbs will appear.

What is good about this method?

What is good for determining the date of birth for a month? This method is very easy to use and suitable for all women. After all, most of the ladies very rarely follow the ovulation (according to these indicators, you can also calculate the preliminary date of birth and find out the time of birth of a baby) and almost never know when exactly fertilization could take place.

Normal numbers

How long does a normal pregnancy for pregnancy last? If you count in the usual for all mode - this is 9 months. However, gynecologists tend to consider the development of the baby not by months, but by weeks. Those. In their calculation, a normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. You can also consider the lunar months. In this case, the woman will give birth to her baby after 10 lunar months. But in this statement there are certain nuances. So, very rarely the pregnancy lasts exactly the allotted time period. Normal, i.e. Full and not yet carried, is a baby born between the 38th and 42nd week of pregnancy. Therefore, to focus on the figure obtained by any methods certainly is not worth it, it is approximate and just indicative for the parents.

About this method

In order to know the date of birth for a month, you need to know just one important date - the beginning of the last menstruation. Further it is necessary to simply carry out simple calculations according to the formula of Franz Negele (a German obstetrician who presented this method of counting to women). To do this, just from the first number of the last menstruation, take three full months and then add one week, i.e. seven days.


In order to better understand how correctly calculating the date of birth for monthly, you just need to see how this is done, for example. So, let's say that the last menstruation started on the 3rd of April. Then the formula of Franz Negel comes into operation, according to which we take three full months from this number. It turns out on January 3. Next, you need to add one week to the date you received. As a result we receive on January, 10th. That's what the PDR woman you are looking for will be. Estimated date of delivery.


However, it is not so easy to approach these calculations. After all, ideally this formula is designed for those women whose cycle is clearly 28 days. However, this is not always the case. On average, a cycle is considered normal, the duration of which can be from 26 to 35 days. And the pregnancy itself falls on the time of ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle, approximately on the 12th-14th day (at the rate of 28 standard days). If the figures for women are different, then the results should be slightly adjusted.

Corrections in calculations

How correctly to calculate date of sorts on monthly if the cycle of the woman does not last 28 days? There are some nuances. If it is shorter, the date obtained by standard calculations will not be accurate. From it it is necessary to take as many days as the cycle differs from the ideal one. If the cycle is longer, it will also be necessary to calculate the indicators using the standard method, but, again, to make corrections-to add the difference between the cycle of a woman and her ideal exponents in 28 days to the received date. If to speak in general, the longer the cycle of a woman, the longer she will be carrying her baby.

Example with deviations

Now I want to count the date of birth by monthly for an example, considering the situation when the cycle of a woman differs from the standard one. Preliminary calculations remain the same as above, then we will simply proceed from the PDR on January 10.

  1. If the cycle of a woman lasts not 28 days, but 26, what will the calculations be in this situation? We find the difference in the days between cycles (28-26 = 2) and from the date of January 10, we simply take away two received days. Thus, if a woman has a cycle of 26 days, she can expect the birth of her baby on January 8.
  2. To find out the date of birth according to monthly, there can also be ladies, whose cycle for a certain number of days is longer. Let it be 32 days for an example. In this case, first again, we find the difference between the standard and the existing cycles - 32-28 = 4. And then just by the date in January 10 adds 4 days. In this case, a lady whose cycle is somewhat longer (in this case, for 4 days), you should expect the appearance of a crumb on January 14.


Again, it is worth recalling that you can calculate the date of birth on a monthly basis, but do not be too hung up on this figure. After all, it is not final, and the baby may want to see the light a little earlier or later than this date. With regard to statistics, only about 20% of women give birth exactly on the day they received thanks to calculations (both for their own and for the doctors). But the others will expect a surprise, because the baby can appear, starting already with the 38th and ending with the 42nd week (and this is absolutely normal). This is the time when the child will not be considered premature or born. Provoke earlier births can various stressful situations, pathologies in the development of the fetus, hereditary factor and many other reasons.

Other methods

We have already figured out how the expected date of delivery can be found by monthly. However, it should be said that this is far from the only method of determining a given number. So, there are a few more.

  1. Determination of the date of birth by the embryonic method. Do not be afraid, not everything is as terrible as it might seem at first glance. It's just a definition of the date of birth according to the day of ovulation. In this case, the calculations will need to know the length of the cycle of the woman, and depending on this, the day of the alleged conception will be found. If the cycle is shorter, approximately 21-25 days, ovulation will occur approximately on the 7th day, but if longer and lasts 31-35 days, then expect ovulation is on the 21st day. It should be said that for calculations gynecologists have certain tables, due to which they quickly determine the PDR.
  2. Determination of the date of the first visit to the gynecologist. When a woman first contacts a woman's consultation, the doctor must perform her examination (however, it is not recommended to do this before the 6th week of pregnancy). At this time, the doctor on such indicators as the volume of the abdomen, the size of the fetus, as well as determining the height of the bottom and the size of the uterus can draw certain conclusions and say an approximate length of pregnancy.
  3. Well, the most, probably, exact method of determining the date of delivery is ultrasound. The first screening is carried out at about 11-14th week of pregnancy. Then it is possible to determine the expected date of birth with an accuracy of 3 days.

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