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Whole-grain pasta and their benefits. Stamps of whole grains macaroni

As recent studies show, pasta is a frequent visitor on the tables of Russians. True, Italians eat them more often. But on the figure of the inhabitants of the Apennine peninsula eating a large amount of flour does not affect. The thing is that Italians relish spaghetti and headboards made of durum wheat, while Russians are satisfied with the pasta of the domestic food industry. Mankind also came to the conclusion that the less we subject the product to pre-treatment, the more useful it is for the body. In this article we will consider whole grains of pasta. What it is? How are they different from the usual vermicelli? This you will learn from our article.

What is whole grain?

Usually, the ears of wheat or rye are threshed in the current. In this process, the grain is cleared from the flower and amniotic membrane. Then the groats are crushed to the state of powder. It turns flour. The ground particles of grain are sieved through a sieve. As a result, we can talk about flour of the highest, first and other varieties. Whole-grained pasta is produced from uncooked cereals. The raw material can serve as rice (then it will not be white, but brownish or even brown), corn, oats, rye. For the production of pasta, wheat ears are traditionally used. Grain from them, if dropped into the ground and watered, can germinate. In it there is not only the embryo of the future ear, but also the endosperm, the aleurone layer of the shell. This grain is simply grinded and flour is received. Thus, the product is not subjected to deep processing, changing its chemical composition and structure.

History of wholemeal flour

In the mid-seventies, it was observed that brown unpeeled rice is better processed by the pancreas of diabetic patients than the beautiful white. Scientists have conducted research and found that the polishing of grains erases outer shells, which are important for the assimilation of the body of rice. Of course, porridge is cooked from such cereals much longer. But it has a lot of protein and fiber, complex carbohydrates, minerals and B vitamins. By analogy, whole-wheat pasta is made from flour, which, in turn, is obtained from grinding an untreated wheat ear. From this raw material is prepared not only vermicelli, but also bread, buns, lavash, khinkali. Along with wheat for whole grains flour use rye, oats, barley, corn.

Why are macaroni from whole-grain flour useful for health?

What we are accustomed to eating as bread and vermicelli is a product with a high content of starch. And this component leads to obesity. Its frequent use provokes cardiovascular diseases and even, perhaps, cancer. The physician Sylvester Graham was the first to notice that flour, obtained from whole grains, is not as detrimental to health as its ennobled sister grinded by technological grinding. He advised using the most natural product. Therefore, in honor of him, the basis for graham-flour bread was named. And later from this raw material they began to make whole grains of pasta. Dishes of them taste a little different from ordinary spaghetti, give a feeling of pleasant hardness - al dente. And the glycemic index of them is lower than that of the vermicelli that we are accustomed to - thirty-two against forty.

How to distinguish pasta from wholemeal flour from ordinary flour?

Fortunately, this can be done by eye. Although the producers of pasta proudly inform on the packaging that their products are correct. And the price noticeably increases, because you need to pay extra for useful food. The brands of pasta abroad, especially in Italy, are all good. Products are made from wheat of solid sorts. What is it, we'll talk below. But still such spaghetti is made from refined, not whole grains. If you buy pasta abroad and can not read the inscriptions on the package, take a look at the products themselves. On the surface of vermicelli from whole grains, dark dots are visible - traces of the amniotic membrane.

What is hard wheat ?

Many unsophisticated consumers confuse these two terms. If whole-grain flour is produced as a result of special processing of various cereals, then products from durum wheat initially depend on the selectively grown species. Spikes undergo usual threshing, crushing and sieving. Products made from such flour are also more useful because they contain less starch and more fiber. In Italy, all wheat crops belong to the so-called grano duro. From flour to make famous pasta of solid varieties. Marks can be very different - it is important that the packaging had the inscription "Semolina di grano duro". This is a kind of quality sign.

Domestic regular pasta

Unfortunately, in the Russian Federation, wheat of solid varieties is grown only in the Saratov Region, Stavropol Territory and in the Altai. Small sown areas directly affect the high cost of products made from such flour. You can recommend the brands "Extra-M", "Noble", "Shebekinsky", "Makfa". Macaroni of these brands are different from the usual even by their appearance. They have a smooth surface with an even glassy cut. Macaroni have amber golden color, and in a pack there are no chips. The manufacturer indicates on the label "Flour durum" and brand. The price starts from thirty rubles for a small pack. But you can not save on health. Consumer sympathy is enjoyed by Stanitsa from McFa. Macaroni whole-grain in Russia is manufactured by the manufacturer "Diamart".

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