
What is the source? The meaning and use of the word. The source of the river

What is the source? What is the meaning of this word? In what sciences and spheres of human life is it used? We will try to answer all these questions in our article.

What is the source? Meaning and use of the word

There is a huge number of words that are used immediately in several meanings. "Source" is one of these words. In what spheres of human activity is it used? And what is the source?

In general, the interpretation of this word is as follows: the source is the beginning of something. In this sense, it can be found in a variety of different word combinations. For example: "the origins of ancient Greek culture," "people's origins," "the sources of spirituality," "the sources of life," etc.

In addition, this term is used in three scientific disciplines:

  • In hydrology (as the place where the natural watercourse began);
  • In physics (as one of the electrodes of a field-effect transistor);
  • In hydrodynamics (as a point of a line of force with a positive divergence).

The word "source" has many synonyms: the beginning, the original source, the cause, the source, the spring, the outflow and others.

The source of the river is ... Interesting facts about the sources of rivers

Any river of the planet, as you know, flows from the top down. And every river, even the tiniest, has its beginning and its end.

So what is the source in hydrology and geography? This place is the beginning of any natural watercourse (river or stream). As a river source, different geographical objects can act. It can be a spring, a thermal spring, a glacier, a lake or a swamp. Quite often the source is the place of the confluence of two smaller rivers.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the source of a river (in view of the large number of "applicants" for this title). In this case, it is determined by two main criteria:

1) choose the most abundant source;

2) choose the source that is as far from the river mouth as possible.

Our nature is incredibly bizarre and diverse. And it does not cease to surprise us. So, sometimes it changes places and source in the same river! A striking example of this is the modest river Rossony, connecting Luga and Narva. When the water level in Luga rises, then Rosson flows in one direction. And when he rises in Narva, she radically changes her direction.

It also happens that the sources of absolutely different watercourses are located very close to each other. Another fad mother nature! For example, rivers such as the Dnieper, the Volga and the Western Dvina are born within the same Valdai Upland. But they all carry their waters to completely different seas.

The origins of Russia's largest rivers

The origins of many large rivers very often become popular sights. In such places, as a rule, small monuments or information signs are installed, places for rest are arranged. Here tourists and travelers come willingly. This tradition is also popular in Russia (in the photo below - the source of the Volga River).

The table below shows the location of the sources of the ten largest and most famous rivers in Russia in case our reader wishes to visit one of these symbolic and iconic places.

Name of the river

Where does the river flow

Geographical source address

Source height (in meters)


Kara Sea

52º 25 '56 "N 84º 59' 07" E



Sea of Okhotsk

53º 20 '00 "N 121º 28' 53" E



Laptev sea

53º 56 '00 "N 108º 05'01" E.



Kara Sea

51º 43 '40 "N 94º 27' 06" E



Caspian Sea

57º 15 '04 "N 32º 28' 04" E



river Ob

47º 24 '52 "N 90º 12' 55" E


Lower Tunguska

The Yenisei River

58º 02 '42 "N 105º 40' 39" E



Caspian Sea

54º 42 '03 "N 59º 25' 02" E



Sea of Azov

54º 00 '44 "N 38º 16' 40" E



Barencevo sea

62º 12 '06 "N 59º 25' 55" E


Thus, we have found out what is the source, examined the meaning and use of the word.

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