HealthDiseases and Conditions

Krivosheya in a newborn: do not panic

The main task of every new mother in time to respond to all the physiological abnormalities, which she watches with her newly born baby. Krivosheya in a newborn is a common diagnosis in modern orthopedics, characterized by a defect in which damage or underdevelopment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is detected. Simply put, the baby's neck has a visual deformation. In this case, the muscle is significantly shortened, as a result of which the baby's head is tilted to the anomalous side, turned in the opposite direction and visually retracted. The occipital part is slightly slanted to the healthy side, and the sick shoulder is slightly upturned, and sometimes there is some asymmetry of the face. Krivosheya in children requires timely and productive treatment, otherwise the similar anomaly can lead to kyphosis of the spine, as well as early osteochondrosis, less often a slight lag in motor skills.

Krivosheya in a newborn can have two forms: congenital and acquired. In the first case we are talking about the formation of pathology as a result of underdevelopment of certain muscle groups and other fatal processes in the womb. In the second case - torticollis in a newborn is provoked by a birth trauma, that is, completely dependent on the generic process.

To substantiate the obvious symptoms of this abnormality, it is necessary to trace in detail the dynamics of this pathological process. The problem focus is located in the neck, the muscles of which are attached to the mastoid process at the top, and below - to the collarbone. With a physiological disorder, one of the muscles is damaged, which often develops in the womb or occurs directly during childbirth.

If all the symptoms are on the face and diagnosed with torticollis in newborns, treatment should be immediate. Most often, such a violation is eliminated by conservative methods, but if they are ineffective, the orthopedist recommends resorting to surgical intervention. What does it mean? Acquired torticollis in a newborn is most often "corrected" by intensive physiotherapy, in particular, by the course of therapeutic massage, by applying warming compresses, by electrophoresis, by swimming and by correct placement of the child. If the torticollis is congenital, then from the age of six months can be applied orthopedic treatment with the help of the collar of Shantz, for example.

One way or another, the massage plays the leading role in this problem, but an experienced orthopedist should prescribe it and clearly specify the number of sessions, while correcting the torticollis should be trusted exclusively by a masseur who knows his or her business. In addition, vigilant parents should also do special doctor-recommended special exercises, contributing to a productive recovery. In addition to strengthening massage, a series of additional gymnastic exercises is also needed to stimulate the lymph flow in the neck muscles, to tone and strengthen the aching muscles.

So, therapeutic massage and gymnastics, as well as proper re-laying and special procedures are able to correct such a pathology as torticollis in a newborn. In addition, parents should themselves take care of such a child, go to bed without a pillow, on a hard mattress and mainly on the sick side, as if training a sore spot, and also it is necessary to follow the rules of its transfer.

It can be summed up that the problem of torticollis in a newborn should not cause panic, but requires timely diagnosis, productive treatment and strict control of vigilant parents. Only by meeting all these requirements can you achieve the expected results in a very short time.

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