HealthDiseases and Conditions

Arthritis of the knee: symptoms and ways of treatment

Arthritis of the knee joint, the symptoms of which will be discussed in the article, is an inflammatory process localized in the named part of the body and caused by various types of infections. To arthritis include several diseases, which are manifested, mainly, swelling, redness and painful sensations in the affected joint.

How arthritis of the knee arises : the causes of different types of arthritis

Most often knee joints affect osteoarthritis, and less often - post traumatic and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of a decrease in the volume of the intra-articular fluid. As a rule, it is attributed to age-related diseases, since people are most often affected by it after 45 years. It is the long-term stresses on the knee joint and lead to its gradual abrasion and wear. An important prerequisite of this disease may also be the overweight of the patient or his predisposition to frequent injuries.

Violations in the human immune system cause rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint. Symptoms of it are manifested in the form of swelling and painful pain in the affected area. The diseased knees become very sensitive to hypothermia, physical stress and even to weather change. True, this type of arthritis strikes at the same time not only the knee, but also other joints of the human body, "spreading" over them and not stopping in one place.

Arthritis of the knee: symptoms

Arthritis is a continuously progressive disease that accompanies painful sensations, discomfort and stiffness during movement, and sometimes at rest, and other signs of the inflammatory process (such as an increase in temperature, for example).

Depending on how the infection got into the knee joint, distinguish between primary and secondary arthritis. If this happened as a result of a trauma, we have a primary type of disease, and when infecting with blood or lymph from a diseased organ, they talk about secondary arthritis.

But no matter how arthritis of the knee arises, its symptoms manifest basically the same: swelling, pain and reddening of the affected area. If you find these symptoms in yourself, be sure to consult a doctor. Without proper treatment, the knee joint may become deformed. And this will lead to disability.

Arthritis of the knee joint: treatment with folk remedies

In addition to mandatory procedures and medicines, which you will appoint a doctor, you can alleviate your condition with the help of traditional medicine (but do not forget to inform the treating doctor!).

  • Fat the pork fat (without salt), melt, mix with the eggs (4 pcs.), Their shell, vinegar (350 g) and ginger (50 g). Stir the mixture for three days, stirring occasionally. Then it can be rubbed into a sore joint for the night.
  • Mix well crushed leaves of aloe (preferably old) with beer yeast and apply to the sore knee as a compress in the morning and in the evening. The course takes three days, after which a weekly break is recommended.
  • Raw corn stigmas (1.5 tsp) are poured into a glass of boiling water. After the drink has cooled, it is ready for use. Take stigmas no later than half an hour before each meal (tablespoon).

Arthritis of the knee joint, the symptoms of which have been discussed above, require careful and serious treatment of the doctor's appointments. Then the disease will recede, and the quality of life will greatly increase.

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