Education, Languages
How correctly to write: the girl or the girl? We find out together
About how to write: "girls" or "little girls", - think many. And most of us guess about the right version, but still checks, using for this purpose the corresponding rule of the Russian language. If you also doubt the word ("girl" or "girl"), then this article will help you.
General information
With the help of what you can find out how it will be right: "girl" or "girl"? A spelling dictionary - that's what you should use to correctly write the word. But, unfortunately, not all and not always at hand there is such a publication. In this regard, we recommend to memorize the simplest rule of the Russian language on spelling of vowel letters (in our case "o" or "e") after sizzling. We will introduce it below.
How it is correct: "the girl" or "the little girl"? We find out together
A fairly large number of people can answer the question correctly. However, not all of them are able to argue their choice. After all, the rule of the Russian language, which refers to the given word, is studied in the primary classes of the general education school.
But why does such confusion arise and many people do not know the simplest answer to the question: "girl" or "girl"? According to experts, this is primarily due to the fact that the letters "o" or "e" after the sibilant consonants are always heard the same, even when they stand in a shock position.
So, let's look at how the word "devchenki" or "girls" is correctly spelled together. Dictionary of Dahl VI for this we will not need. After all, we will rely only on the existing rules of the Russian language.
Vowels after sizzling in the names of nouns
The word "little girl" is a noun. Accordingly, in order to properly write it, we need to rely on those rules of the Russian language, which relate to this particular part of speech.
Vowels after sizzling letters at the endings
In the endings after sibilants under stress (in the names of nouns, as well as adjectives), the letter "o" is always written. For clarity, we give a few examples:
- Ball, hut, pencil, candle, dugout, etc .;
- Big, strange, etc.
It should be specially noted that the rule described applies only to words that were not derived from verbs.
So, let's consider together whether our word falls under this "law". The word "little girl" is a noun. However, the letter we are checking is not located at the end. Therefore, the rule described above does not apply to it.
Vowels after sizzling letters in suffixes
If you need to learn how to correctly write the noun "girl", then you need to remember all those rules that relate to this particular part of speech, or rather - the suffixes.
If there is a vowel after sizzling letters, then first of all it is necessary to see if the given word has such suffixes as -snow (in modern Russian it is unproductive) or -sov. If so, you only need to write "o". Let's give a couple of illustrative examples: pear-shank, hrychovka.
After studying the rules, let's see if our word falls under it. "Girl" is a noun that has a root - "girl," a suffix - "onk" and the ending - "a". As you can see, there are no suffixes such as "lamb or" lamb "and can not be. Accordingly, this rule does not suit us, and we should continue searching for the right one.
Vowels in suffixes after sizzling in nouns
In order to understand how to write: "girl" or "girl", it is necessary to remember the following rule: if the noun has such suffixes as -onek, -chonok, -oc, -sov, -ok, -onk, then after sizzling Letters in them are always written "o". For clarity and a better understanding of this rule, we give a few examples:
- Mys-onok;
- Pososh-ok;
- Frog-onok;
- Muzhik-ok;
- Gal-chonok;
- Ponozh-ovschin;
- ratchet.
We disassemble the word "girl"
After the presented rule, it becomes clear how to write: "girls" or "girls". Spelling in this case requires a small analysis.
So, the "little girl" is the noun. And the "girl" - acts as the root, "onk" - as a suffix, and "a" - endings.
From the foregoing, the conclusion is that the word that we are testing falls under the described rule about vowels in nouns after sizzling consonants. And the suffix "onk" is the main proof that it is right to write "the girl".
Thus, there is no longer any reason to think about this issue. Although it should be noted that in the Russian language there are many other words, when writing which some people have similar questions. Let's consider some of them.
Adjectives with suffixes -on and -es
If the adjective has a vowel after the sibilant, then it is recommended to pay attention to whether there are percussion suffixes in the words being checked or -one. If they are available, then in these words only "o" is written. For example, canvas, cane, ridiculous, etc.
Adverbs on
After squealing at the end of adverbs under stress, you should write only "o". Let's give an illustrative example: hot, good, fresh, etc.
Borrowed words
In the roots of words borrowed from foreign languages, after sibilant consonants should always write only "o". Here are some examples: joker, show, John, dude, major, harcho, anchovy, shorts, Joyce, shock, Joule, etc.
Now you know the basic rules that deal with writing some vowels after sizzling letters. Applying them in practice, you can easily compose literate letters.
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