Education, Languages
Connecting "o" and "e" in compound words. Compound words in Russian: connecting vowels
A great spelling difficulty is caused by vowels, which are called connecting. "O" and "e" in complex words often do not notice, as a result of which they make mistakes. It is noteworthy that there are no other letters connecting the two bases.
If a word consists of two or more bases, it will be called complex. For example, agricultural (agriculture), meat and milk (meat and milk), scientific and technical (science and technology), the chronicler (write chronicles).
Complex words in Russian appeared at the present stage of development in the period of an abundance of information, because it allows one to fit several concepts in one word.
Phenomena, when more than two roots are used in the formation of a complex word, are quite rare. For example, cycling.
Education and writing options
Complex words can be formed in various ways. This will determine their spelling. Let's analyze the most popular ones:
- Addition of complete bases: a sofa-book, rocking chair, left-bank, reinforced concrete, instant. These words can be formed with the help of coherent and subordinate connections. Let's talk about the differences in spelling of such constructions later.
- Addition of truncated bases: special cortex, drama circle, yunnat. Truncated can both be the basis (yunnat - young naturalist), and any one: travel agency (travel agency - the first basis is cut, and the second is unchanged).
- You can form a complex word using connecting vowels. In the Russian language there are only two of them - "o", "e". The words of the poultry farm, the Old Russian, the homebody, the waterfall, the nuclear-powered vessel are formed in this way.
- To complex words carry and abbreviations, by the way, the youngest way of formation of words. For example, the RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences), a university (higher education institution), a nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant).
Complex words in Russian are written together either through a hyphen: haymaking, railway, evergreen, boarding school, dynamo-car, raincoat-tent. The use of one or another method depends on the formation of a specific word.
Words with a connecting "o"
We will analyze when using connecting "o", "e" in complex words. Examples when you need to write "o" are the following:
- railway;
- Factory;
- Forest-steppe;
- The people's liberation movement;
- reinforced concrete.
In all these words, the first stem ends in a solid consonant, and therefore the use of a connecting "o" is required.
Words with connecting "e"
Now we need to parse complex words with a connecting vowel e. Examples are:
- Old Russian;
- a pedestrian;
- vegetable store;
- Birds;
- The kozhedel;
- cook;
- dormitory;
- traveler;
- A windbreak;
- Rain gauge.
All these words are united by the fact that the first stem ends in a soft consonant (rain gauge, Old Russian), sibilant (hostel, pedestrian, cook) or "ts" (birdwatchers). Therefore, in such words it is necessary to write a connecting "e".
Base Options
Sometimes the connecting "o" and "e" in complex words are not used: they are replaced by parts of derived bases. We will analyze similar cases.
- The word is formed from a combination of adverbs with the adjective name: little-researched, evergreen, purely negative, ominous-proud. Here "o" and "e" are not connecting vowels, but suffixes.
- The first part is the verb in the imperative mood: the vertical spit, the roll-field.
- A word is a shade of color. Accordingly, for the connection of the bases, the suffix -a - / - i-: jelly-red, bluish-black is used.
When a connecting vowel is not needed
In the Russian language, there are many cases when the connecting "o" and "e" in complex words are completely unnecessary. This happens in the following cases:
- If the first generating basis is a numeral in the genitive case form: a double, a five-day, a dvdonka. In this case, there are suffixes, homonymous to the endings of the genitive case.
- In a number of cases, the word is formed without these vowels simply by adding bases. For example, compare the words "psychotherapy" and "psychasthenia". In the first case, the word has a connecting "o", and in the second letter "a" - the initial word in the word "asthenia."
- Sometimes the first producing basis is the initial form of the noun: seed stem (but: seminal storage), flame erupting (but: flame-maker).
- Also, the first producing base can have the form of some case. So, all the words with the first part of sum and mind will be written without connecting vowels: mad, crazy.
- Many parts are words of foreign origin: air, auto, moto, photo, electro, quasi, and others. Here, regardless of the hardness / softness of the preceding consonant, the original vowel remains: quasi-interesting, electric motor, air modeling, motor club.
- You should distinguish between simple and complex words. So, in the word "electrification" only one root is electrified. Everything behind it is a suffix and an ending. Another thing is the words "electric carrier", "electrician", "electric motor". There are already two bases in them, one of which is electro.
Spelling of complex words
The connecting "o" and "e" in compound words can be used both when they are written together, and when they are hyphenated. Let's consider cases of using a hyphen.
Compose complex words with the help of a coherent and subordinate connection. If they are formed by the first case, they will be written through a hyphen. In other words, it is easy to put the "and" union between the parts. Let's analyze examples, for this it is necessary to compose complex words: a sofa and a bed - a sofa bed; Scientific and technical - scientific and technical; Russian and English - Russian-English; Factory and factory - factory; Meat and milk - meat and milk; Military-medical - military and medical and others.
Complex words (nouns and adjectives) with the meaning of the sides of the world: western European, southeast, northeast.
Words conveying shades of colors: crimson-gold, gray-brown-brown, light green, purple-blue.
If the word is formed on behalf of its own: the Tolstoy style, the Walter-Scottish ideas, the New York Stock Exchange. Exceptions are geographical names formed from the phrase noun and adjective: Velikiye Luki - Velikie Luki, Sergiev Posad - segreev Posadsky, Old Rus - Old Russian.
Words - scientific and technical terms: dynamo-machine, vacuum-dryer, diesel-electrode, stop-cock, filter press.
Words are designations of political parties and trends: vice-mayor, liberal-democratic, social-democrat, national-socialist.
A word that has in the first part an appraisal proposition: grief-wife, a shirt-guy, a bunting-daughter, a good-looking son.
If the first producing basis is the designation of any Latin letter: alpha male, beta-carotene, gamma radiation.
It is also necessary to write compound words formed with the help of a subordinate link: timber processing (processing wood), old Moscow (old Moscow), chronicler (write chronicle), dairy (processing milk), logging (logging).
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