BeautySkin care

What is epilation? Description and types

What is hair removal, today, probably everyone knows. This is a special way of removing hair on the skin of the body. This is due to injury to the papilla and follicle. This causes a gradual cessation of growth of hairs on the site of hair removal.

Before the beginning of the procedure, the beautician needs to assess the skin. It is also necessary to find out why excessive hair growth occurs.


A common cause of this phenomenon is genetic predisposition. The second is the imbalance of the human hormonal background. There may be several reasons for this. This is the reception of steroid hormones or hormonal contraceptives, and hyperandrogenism. Any of them requires serious treatment from a doctor - an endocrinologist. Without solving these problems, it will not be possible to achieve beauty and smoothness of the skin.

Of course, effective ways are:
1. Photoepilation.
2. Laser Hair Removal
3. Electrolysis.
You can not believe the commercials that promise in one session to permanently rid the body and face of excess hair. To date, there is no such way.

Method of electroepilation

This method is based on the inhibition of the functions of the hair follicle when exposed to an electric current. He demands from the cosmetician thoroughness and thoroughness. It is very time-consuming and more time-consuming than photo-epilation or laser hair removal.

Even with shortcomings, this method is very effective. And they can be the following:
- Overestimated requirements for the disinfection of skin. For example, before the procedure, you must necessarily treat the skin with a mixture of 70% alcohol and 0.05% chlorhexidine.
- Electrodes must be used disposable.
- The procedure is rather painful. Modern medicine has a wide range of painkillers, so that unpleasant feelings can be brought to nothing.
- Affecting its duration of rehabilitation. It depends on the technical features of the procedure and can be as a twenty-minute (rare cases), and two-week. Often, the skin reacts to a burn with the onset of an inflammatory process. - Even tissue swelling can provoke epilation. Bikini and armpit zones can keep swelling up to two days.
- On the third day, the cork-forming process begins. Depending on the strength of the current, not only crusts may appear, but bruises, and even small scars.
- Hemorrhage cases have been reported. The only reason for this is the technique for epilation. The electrode could touch the subcutaneous plexus of the vessels. Bearing in mind this lack of electrolysis, it is not recommended to be carried out for a few days before critical days and people taking hemorrhaging drugs.
- Frequent cases of hyperpigmentation. This method of epilation provokes the appearance of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This occurs after 4-5 sessions and is no earlier than 8-9 months. Therefore, electro-epilation is recommended to plan for the autumn-winter period.
- A frequent complication is infection. Disinfection of the skin is mandatory. Consumables should be disposable. The skin should be absolutely healthy.
- Scarring. This deficiency appears only because of the low qualification of the cosmetologist and violation of the rules of procedure.
- Growth of hairs. In this case, it is necessary to treat the skin with special cosmetic compositions based on alpha hydroxy acids. But all the same, the ingrown hairs need to be removed mechanically (cut the skin and remove them).

Method of light hair removal

What is hair removal, we figured out. And what exactly is this method? This oppression of hairs with the help of high-power light sources (these are IPL-systems and lasers). Destruction occurs due to the thermal action, when the chromophores absorb the light beam. The length of the light source should correspond to the part of the melanin absorption spectrum (visible part of the spectrum (350-700 nm), UV radiation (100-400 nm), infrared part of the spectrum (1200 nm)).

The main advantages are non-penetration and speed of impact. Disadvantages are very insignificant: and not every skin type and face color is suitable, and the effectiveness is somewhat lower than the previous method.

Method of photoepilation

What is hair removal with a photoelectric effect? It is based on the action of a broadband long-pulse source of a nonmonochromic light beam.

For this, IPL systems with characteristics are used: the energy flux is 30-55 J / cm 2 , the wavelength is 500-1200 nm, the spot diameter is 0.8x2.0-2.0x2.0 cm. It differs from the others in high efficiency, Rapidity, safety and low skin traumatism. The light source does not work with a beam, but with a spot, which greatly shortens the time of the procedure.

Disadvantages and complications of the procedure

The disadvantages are the following.
- The color of the hair depends on the effectiveness of the procedure: the red, light and gray are worst of all removed.
- The most expensive kind of epilation from the existing ones.
- Painful sensations are lower than those of the previous methods. Anesthesia is used if they work in the bikini area.

There are also complications:
- Hyperpigmentation.
- Hypopigmentation. On the sunburned skin after photoepilation appear whitish spots. Naturally, this procedure is prohibited for skin covered with sunburn. Admit to photoepilation beautician can not earlier than a month after receiving the sunburn.
- Burns of the skin. Can result from incorrect selection of the program. And, as a consequence, there are cortical coatings, swelling, blisters with fluid inside.
- Scarring. Appear on the skin, prone to scarring. For photoepilation very rare case.
- Growth of hair. For this type of hair removal an atypical complication.

Fashionable direction of elos hair removal

Every year there are more and more methods for removing unwanted vegetation. Now we will talk about the elos procedure. Such a modern epilation in Israel has been developed, and in Russia it has been successfully used for more than 10 years. A current and a light high-frequency pulse are sent to the area of the skin with unwanted hair. Due to the action of two energies, optical and electrical, the hair follicle is oppressed. The cost of elo-epilation has a large price range. It depends on the color of the hairs, the density and the density of the hair, and, accordingly, on the number of sessions.

Advantages and contraindications

What is Elos? This is a procedure for hair removal, which has many advantages:
- there are practically no painful sensations;
- efficiency of 100%;
- there is no period of rehabilitation and negative consequences;
Even hairs are removed;
- The program is developed for each client separately.
There are also contraindications. But they are for every type of hair removal. These are any cancers, herpes (the crisis period), epilepsy, diabetes mellitus (severe form) and lactation period.

Remove hair at home

Ladies who want to save not only money, but also time, can conduct the procedure in their room. Home hair removal (depilation) is of three types.
1. Depilation with an electrical appliance . The device is purchased in a specialized store or pharmacy. His work is based on the rotation of metal discs, which, in contact with the skin, pull out the hairs. The procedure is very painful.
2. Depilation with strips of hot wax. On the skin treated with lotion, apply warmed wax, and on it a strip of tissue. Shoot with a sharp movement. Painful sensations are slightly less than the previous method.
3. Depilation with sugar, the so-called shugaring. The method is almost the oldest. On the strip of tissue, a thick sugar solution is applied, applied to the skin, waiting for several minutes and abruptly removed. The pain is so severe that the procedure in the groin and in the armpits is not recommended.

The difference between the procedures?

Well and at last: it is necessary to distinguish, that such an epilation and depilation. The dermal hairs have an external part, the hair itself and the subcutaneous part, the follicle, the root and the bulb. So, epilation is aimed at breaking the subcutaneous part. In turn, depilation removes only the hair itself (therefore requires frequent repetition of the procedure).

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