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How to calculate, how many days after menstruation occurs ovulation

If you are planning a pregnancy, or, conversely, trying to find out the safe days for making love without additional contraception, then you are probably wondering how many days after the monthly ovulation occurs. In order to understand this, it is necessary to understand what processes take place in the female body on a monthly basis.

Thus, each next cycle is counted from the first day of the appearance of bloody excretions from the vagina - menstruation. Ideally, the next monthly period from this date should take 28 days. It is this figure that gynecologists use for all their calculations. But for many women, the cycle can be either longer or shorter, so in order to find out how many days after the monthly ovulation occurs, certain actions need to be taken.

With a standard 28-day cycle, the egg leaves on its 14th day, that is, by the end of the second week after the first discharge began. But if your situation differs from the classical one and you wait for the beginning of the next menstruation not earlier, for example, than in 32 days, then it is necessary to calculate on what day ovulation after the monthly begins, as follows. Not everyone knows, but that phase of the cycle that occurs after the ovary leaves the egg lasts for most women 14 days, only in single cases it can be 1-2 days shorter or longer. But the number of days in the first half can fluctuate significantly. Therefore, in order to calculate the approximate date of ovulation, it is necessary to subtract 12-15 days from the number in which your assumptions are to start monthly. This is the possible date of ovulation.

If you have an irregular cycle, then calculate by mathematical calculations, after how many days after the monthly ovulation comes exactly from you, it is simply impossible. To determine the time of release of the egg in such cases it is necessary to use additional diagnostic methods (by measuring basal temperature, special tests for ovulation) or to regularly undergo ultrasound. But usually only those who plan a pregnancy resort to the use of these methods.

But even if you have never had problems with shifts of menstruation, this does not mean that you can accurately calculate how many days after the menstrual period ovulation occurs in your ovaries. The regular cycle does not mean that the egg leaves. For example, a healthy woman up to twice a year may have periods without ovulation, which does not differ from usual ones. And if you have regular glitches, then the fact of the release of the egg is better confirmed by ultrasound.

In addition, do not forget that it is a living human body, which can not work all its life without failures, like a Swiss watch. With stresses without which modern life is impossible, or simply with a change in the climate, the ovaries may retard their activity or, conversely, begin to work hard. Therefore, to assume the date of release of the egg in each month, even with a regular cycle is quite difficult. If before the question of patients about whether there can be ovulation immediately after menstruation, gynecologists responded negatively, but now they do not undertake to make any predictions. After all, it is not uncommon for an egg to go on the 7th-9th day of a cycle, that is, almost immediately after the discharge is complete.

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