Education, Languages
What is a word? What power does it have?
In Russian there are a lot of different words. Some of them are understandable by definition, some need to be studied. In this article, let's talk about what a word is. The term, it seems, is known to everyone, but not every person can correctly identify it without preliminary preparation.
Etymology of the word
At the very beginning you need to understand the very concept. So, what is a word? It is believed that this term came to us from the Greek language - λόγος ("logos"). And although this designation is often translated as a "word", it is still a bit wrong. If we were to be more precise, then the "logos" must be translated as "reason". And from this it is quite easy to conclude that the word is a consequence of a certain thought process clothed in a specific linguistic unit.
A bit of history
It should be said that the word appeared when people needed to negotiate among themselves (about the way of life, about the rules of hunting , etc.). When exactly this happened, it is impossible to say. Anthropologists have not yet come to a single conclusion, although there are more than a dozen different hypotheses on this account. The following statement will be important: the appearance of the word was preceded by the sign language, which had existed for at least a million years before. However, since it was not always possible to communicate in this way (for example, it was difficult to do this in the dark or during work, when the hands are busy), it was necessary to look for alternative options. That's how the word arose in the history of mankind and, as a consequence, colloquial speech.
On the Power of a Word
Having understood what a word is: how it originated, where the term came from, it is worthwhile to say a few phrases about the fact that the word itself has great power. Even in the Bible, it says: "Life and death are in the power of the language." And this is not an exaggeration. Only one word can cheer a man, hurt, poddet, offend. And with the help of a special key, with which a certain word is uttered, one can also correct the behavior of the person: to educate the child, to shame the adult. Mages and veshchuny will say even more: a set of words, or even one word, thrown in the hearts, can harm the person so much that will bring him to the grave. However, this also applies to positive words. Pleasant for a person's ear phrases can so reassure him that they can radically change life. The fact that the Russian word has not only weight but also strength, reads the following, all known saying: "The word is not a sparrow. If you fly out, you will not. " The essence of this statement is that you always need to think hard about what you are saying.
From the field of science
Having understood what a person's word is, and what strength it has, it's also worth mentioning that all this is confirmed by scientific figures. Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences P. Garyaev and G. Tertyshny invented an apparatus that translates all human words into electromagnetic oscillations (and they are known to affect DNA). Through hard research, it has been proven that all the words spoken affect human DNA. And the abusive speech causes in the human cells some mutations, which by their nature are similar to the radioactive effect! The experiments were carried out on the seeds of the plant (they were "irradiated" with abusive speech). The results exceeded all expectations: some of the experimental seeds disappeared, while the rest turned into genetic freaks (and after several generations they completely degenerated). However, on this experiment was not completed. Researchers decided to try to revive the "dead" seeds - and they did it. Prayers were simply read over them and good kind words were uttered. After a certain time, the seeds sprouted and yielded an unprecedented harvest.
Simple conclusions
Already only this one study can clearly show what a word is, and what power it has. At the same time, one can safely assert that all words spoken by a person influence the body. Positive - good, negative - bad, destructive. But the brain also perceives speeches, spoken by another person in his address or even pronounced from the TV screen. Therefore, it is necessary to be very cautious not only with surrounding people (who can not only spoil the mood but also damage the organism at the cellular level with one word only), but also with information received from outside sources from various sources - television, books, newspapers.
How to pronounce words correctly
So, having understood the concept of the "Russian word": what is it carries in itself - it is also necessary to say that one should be able to speak correctly, so as not to harm your body. Here's a pretty simple example: "I do not want to get sick." A person seems to be setting himself up for positive, but the result is not very good. Why is that? It's simple, in the sentence there is the word "disease", which is perceived by the body. It would be better to say: "I want to be healthy!" And then the brain itself is tuned to the health program, not allowing different viruses and infections. And there are a lot of such examples, and all of them fully illustrate the power of the human word.
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