
"Goose Goose" - a phraseology that characterizes quirky people

Many phraseological units are used to characterize a person. Among such stable expressions, it can be noted "the gutted goose". Whom do they call that? To answer this question, it is necessary to determine what phraseology "goose-pate" means. With this, we will try to understand this article.

"Goose Goose" - phraseology: the meaning

In order to explain this expression, let us turn to the explanatory dictionary of SI Ozhegov and the phraseological dictionary of Stepanova M.I.

In the first, the following definition is given: about the clever person, the scoundrel. At the same time, it is noted that the expression is original.

In the phraseological dictionary of Stepanova MI, this interpretation is given: a disapproving characterization of a person admitting reprehensible acts, slowness, short-sightedness, arrogance, etc. It is indicated that the expression is ironic and is used in conversational style.

Thus, it can be concluded that "Goose Goose" is a phraseology with a negative color. He characterizes the sly people.

A fascinating story about the origin of the expression "Goose Goose"

The phraseology appeared thanks to Count Vasily Saltykov. He was the owner of the Outback Village. He had a nickname - a goose earl. It appeared not accidentally. All because he planted a herd of geese.

In the village in which he lived, there were all conditions for breeding this bird. Around the flooded meadows, near the river. Raised the count of geese for sale. However, in those days, the retired ambassador could sell such a large number of birds only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the same time the bird was bought in the old days.

The Count asked the question how to carry geese to the capitals, which were far from his estate? When grown geese were transported to these cities by carts, they had a non-commodity appearance before arrival: they were emaciated, and no one wanted to buy them. Then the earl came up with an original way that would help deliver his birds long distances in good condition. He ordered the geese to run on their own.

The road was prepared for the beginning: they plowed the land and sowed it with grass, so that the bird would not lose along the way, but gain weight. Started to drive ready-to-sell herds of geese one after another. And then there was another problem. Poor geese rubbed their paws to the blood. So too it was not suitable. Then the count (or one of his entourage) decided to shoe the birds. Started on the feet of geese fit bast shoes. However, the birds were not enthusiastic about the shoe, they tried in every possible way to get rid of it. And those bast shoes that remained were quickly worn out.

We needed an idea that would help bring birds to distant cities without compromising their presentation. It consisted of the following. As you know, the legs of geese can withstand different temperatures. They can walk both on ice and hot sand. Based on this observation, it was decided to do the following. Hot gum was poured out, geese drove on it. After that, the birds were sent to the poured sand. Thus, in the geese formed a kind of horseshoe. They protected their paws, and the birds began to drive to the most distant cities for sale, up to Paris.

Hence the expression "Goose Goose". Phraseological characterization of Count Saltykov. He so contrived that he found a way to achieve his goal. Since then, this expression is characterized by sneaky and deft business people. However, this definition is very disapproving.


We examined the expression "Goose Goose" - phraseology, which is actively used in literature and journalism. In the article we noted what this phrase means and how it was formed.

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