Education, Languages
Introductory words in Russian: features
In general, the introductory words in Russian are a very capacious concept. These are various designs that do not necessarily enter anything. Indeed, the standard location of the opening word is the beginning of the sentence, but this is not a strict rule ( if the girl, for example, comes alone ). The word "for example" in this case is introductory, but it stands in the middle of the sentence.
And it unites all the opening words in the Russian language that they are separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma, when they stand at the beginning or separate, when they are located in the middle of the sentence.
All these are constructions with introductory words: by the way, I noticed long ago ...; However, I will take this into account ...; Therefore, does not imply action. Introductory in the examples given: by the way, however, hence.
So, the opening words. The rules of the Russian language on their account are unambiguous - we mark out with commas!
Classify by value the opening words. The table "Russian language" is a very convenient way to study them.
A) Modal meaning: expresses the degree of confidence (doubt, strong confidence, etc.) of the speaker or writer. Introductory words of the Russian language with a modal meaning: undoubtedly, probably, can be .
B) Ordinary. An introductory word with this meaning emphasizes the ordinary nature of what is happening. For example: it happens, usually, as usual .
C) Sometimes the introductory words in the Russian language contain an indication of the source from which the information came: they say, they transmit it according to you, as they said on the radio (this is already an entire introductory construction!).
D) There can also be an additional value of the way of expression of thought. These include, for example, such introductory words in the Russian language: actually, more precisely, or rather, in a word, in a word, in other words.
E) There may also be an address to the interlocutor: You see, I could not do otherwise !, You see, this is a very special case!
E) Introductory words - one of the ways of logical connection in the text. This, for example, such designs: in addition, by the way, means, in the first place, secondly.
E) In this word, the speaker's attitude to what he says is also possible: unfortunately, fortunately, what's good.
G) And finally expressive meaning: between us, except jokes .
There is another very similar to the opening words in the Russian language phenomenon, namely - appeals. First, they are also always separated by commas and have similar meanings: they are designed to specify the addressee, pay attention to the replica, give it expressiveness, etc.
A small nuance: at times, together with the appeal to give greater expressiveness, they use the particle "o": Oh God! Today, many people pose a dead-end question: "Is it necessary to separate this particle" o "from circulation?" No, do not. The fact is that this genus comes from the Greek language, from those times when Cyril and Methodius created their Slavic alphabet. Then, and in general during the following centuries, the Greek language influenced the Slavic. In Greek it is the article, that is, inseparable from any nouns from the noun part.
- Introductory words are divided into types by value.
- Introductory words are always separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
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