
Theodosius, Genoese fortress. Attractions of Feodosia

The Genoese fortress is a complex of defensive structures built in the Middle Ages on the territory of such a city as Feodosia (Crimea). It was created in the XIV century.

The fortress was built by the Genoese Republic to protect Kafa, the largest port in the Crimea. Today there is a historical and architectural reserve on these lands.

A lot of tourists flock here to enjoy the amazing views of ancient walls and towers, to breathe in the smell of antiquity reigning here, and to feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Let's get acquainted with the history of this majestic fortress.

Ancient city of Feodosia. Origins

Feodosia (Crimea) is a city with the most ancient history, numbering more than twenty five centuries. It was built in the 6th century BC. E. Greek immigrants. At the beginning of the IV century BC, he became a member of the Bosporan state. Then Feodosia also acquired its present name. It is translated as "God given."

The desire to capture the city was explained by its favorable geographical location and the presence in Crimea of various raw materials for trade: wool, fish, salt, honey and other expensive goods. Very quickly, Theodosius developed into a thriving commercial settlement and one of the main slaveholding centers in the Crimea.

When Greece fell into decay, the city repeatedly passed under the control of the Roman Empire, then Khazar, then Byzantium. Until the tenth century, Theodosius was in a deplorable state. This was due to the fact that the Romans had their own trading ports, more convenient in location than the Crimean ones. The decline of Theodosius led and the raids of some nomadic hordes. In the XIII century, the city was under the control of the Golden Horde, after which it was bought by Genoese merchants.

Genoese period. Creating a Fortress

This time is considered the most prosperous in the history of the city of Kafa (Theodosius). By the way, the Genoese fortress was built exactly then.

The beginning of blossoming can be attributed to the middle of the XIII century. Genoese merchants, entering the Black Sea, noticed the undoubted advantages of the local bay. On the site of the ancient city they arranged a trade settlement, which they called Kafa. And thanks to powerful fortifications in Constantinople, all the sea routes leading from the Mediterranean to the countries of the East were taken under control .

Soon Feodosia became the main Genoese colony in the Crimea. It was a large transit trade center. Through Feodosia in the European countries furs and wheat, gold and precious stones, porcelain and spices were brought from the East. But the main and most profitable commodity, as before, alas, remained numerous slaves.

In general, during this period Feodosia was a prosperous city. The population then numbered about 70 thousand souls. The city had its own theater and bank branch, its own coins were minted.

Creation of the Genoese fortress

In the middle of XIV, the Genoese fortress was built to protect Kafa. It is not only a vivid sight, but also a real pride of the city of Kafa (Theodosius). The Genoese fortress was the second largest, and also the most powerful in all Europe. It was located in the south of the city, on the coast of the Feodosiya Gulf. She had two lines of defensive structures: the citadel - the heart of the fortress - and the outer part.

Its perimeter numbered more than five thousand meters. It consisted of more than thirty towers. It is interesting that each of them had its own name. Under the walls of the fortress was a deep ditch that served not only for the defense of the city, but also for the flow of water into the sea.

The citadel was built on steep slopes that played the role of primary defense structures. The material for its creation was limestone mined from the seabed or from nearby mountains. The total length of the walls exceeded 700 m. Their value was more than 11 m, and the width - about two. In the citadel was the palace of the consul, the local treasury, the court, as well as warehouses with especially expensive goods - furs, silks, jewels.

And although most of the structures were destroyed in the course of many centuries, every inhabitant of the peninsula can proudly tell where the Genoese fortress is located, how it was created.

Siege of the fortress by the Golden Horde troops

One of the most tragic events in Europe is associated with the fortress in the Cafe. It is an epidemic of plague that erupted in 1347-1351. It all started with the fact that the Golden Horde army headed by Khan Janibek tried to capture the rich and prosperous city of Kafu (Theodosia). Genoese fortress, we note, was built in such a way that it could withstand any offensive. The Tatar cavalry simply did not have the opportunity to overcome the high and strong walls and to cross the deep moat dug before them. Dzhanibek had only one hope - to take the inhabitants of the city by the sea. The siege by the Mongols of the Genoese fortress in the Crimea could last for many months, if not for the tragedy.

Summer heat and non-compliance with the most basic hygiene requirements, as well as the accumulation of a huge number of soldiers provoked an outbreak of plague among the besiegers. Then, in order to quickly seize the fortress, Janibek orders to transfer the bodies of the dead through the walls. An epidemic begins in the city. Realizing what was happening, the well-to-do Genoese merchants (and there were about a thousand of them in the city) secretly left Cafu and went to their homeland.

The remaining residents, trying to quickly leave the contaminated territory, hurried to open the gate and surrender. However, Khan Janibek did not enter the city to prevent the spread of the epidemic in his army, but left him without even closing it. Meanwhile, the Genoese, returning home, left a terrible disease in all the cities where they only stopped. The result was the worst epidemic in Europe's history, lasting more than three years and taking lives, by various accounts, from a quarter to half of the entire population of the continent.

Some countries and cities are completely deserted. This epidemic is described in many literary works, including Boccaccio's Decameron.

Genoese fortress in the XV - XIX centuries

At the end of the XV century Feodosia was captured by the Ottoman army. The Turks at first destroyed the city, and then rebuilt it and renamed it. Now it was called Kefa. The city became the main Turkish commercial port. Here was the most famous market of slaves in the entire Northern Black Sea coast.

In 1616, the fortress was stormed by Zaporozhye Cossacks under the leadership of Pyotr Sagaidachny. They quickly defeated a powerful garrison and freed the prisoners.

From the end of the XVIII century Feodosia was a part of the Russian Empire.

In the XIX century, the fortress was almost completely destroyed. And, strangely enough, the reason for this was not the war or the siege. The fact is that at that time, there was a catastrophic lack of materials for building houses and other structures. Local residents had to dismantle the medieval fortress in order to use this stone.

Fortress in the XX century

In 1920, Soviet power was finally established in the city. Feodosia (the Genoese fortress with her), despite the destruction, continued to store traces of former power.

During the Great Patriotic War, most of the city, and with it - and the ancient fortifications, was destroyed by German troops.

After the military actions, Feodosiya gained the status of a resort. Ruins attracted tourists from all over the country.

Genoese fortress in our days

Today the fortress is practically not preserved. All that is left of it is the southern and part of the western wall of the citadel, several towers scattered around the city. Also in the central part some churches, Turkish baths and a bridge were saved.

Despite the fact that the Genoese fortress in Feodosia is not as famous as Sudak, today it remains a popular tourist destination. Perhaps, due to the fact that the buildings were not subjected to restoration, but managed to preserve the authentic, incomparable spirit of antiquity and the Middle Ages. And so the Genoese fortress is so attractive. Traveler's testimonies indicate that this is an amazing and unique place where you want to come back again and again.

How to get there?

Today, perhaps, every resident of the city can easily tell where the Genoese fortress is. The tour can start directly from the railway station area, looking at the tower of Constantine, located there. Find the remains of the ancient citadel very easily - just ask any passerby where the Genoese fortress is located.

How to get there by transport? You can get there by minibus No. 1 from the market. And you can also take a walk - it will take no more than half an hour, but the impressions will remain the most pleasant. We must pass along Gorky Street. After turning left, the Genoese fortress will already be visible. The entrance, or rather, the gate remained well, but it's better to start the survey from the majestic bridge, from where you can see a magnificent view of the valley.

Fortress in Feodosia and art

A dazzling sun of Theodosia attracted many famous people. But it was glorified by the world-famous painter, marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky. Anton Chekhov preferred to rest here. In Feodosia lived Osip Mandelstam and Alexander Green. By the way, it was here that his "Running on the waves" was written.

Other surviving fortresses of Crimea

The fortifications in Feodosia are not only the Genoese fortress in the Crimea. As already mentioned above, the merchants, trying to completely seize the sea routes, fortified different cities. One of such protective structures has remained surprisingly well, and today it attracts many tourists. What is the name of the city in which the Genoese fortress is located? Zander.

The ticket price in rubles is about 150-160. And although there is practically nothing left of its central part, the walls of the structure are now striking with their grandeur and inaccessibility, clearly stand out against the backdrop of the bay. The fortress in Sudak, or, as it was then called, in Sughd, was built a little later than in Feodosia. Today it is a nature reserve. It is best to come there in August - at a specified time in the fortress is a large-scale knight tournament, lasting more than a week.

What else to see in Feodosia?

The medieval citadel is undoubtedly the oldest, but not the only pride of Theodosius. Among others, no less beautiful can be noted a unique gallery of paintings by Aivazovsky, presented by the artist to his native city.

Another famous place - the house-museum of Green, in which he lived and worked writer. The amazing world of the science fiction is recreated in the form of a ship. And, of course, do not forget about the numerous monuments and fountains, museums and public gardens that adorn the appearance of this magnificent city.

Feodosia is beautiful, as well as the preserved remains of the ancient Genoese fortress. An inexpressible atmosphere of antiquity makes the heart beat more often and causes an irresistible desire to return to this fascinating city.

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