Arts & EntertainmentMusic

What is a note, or a musical certificate for "dummies"

In the life of almost every person, not only food, sleep, socialization and wages play a huge role, but also music. The notes of a familiar song can make us cry, laugh at happiness or reflect on a variety of topics. Under your favorite music you can nostalgize the whole company, read wonderful books or spend an unforgettable time together.

Seven notes - idyll

Everyone knows how many notes there are, and therefore it is impossible not to be surprised at the variety and beauty of new tunes that composers do not cease to compose . It would seem that you can come up with something new in music, which consists of only seven notes? All the moves have already been beaten, all the styles have long been invented and successfully exploited, the most amazing vocal data already does not strike anyone as much as before. However, it continues to evolve, the musicians do not lose hope, and the vocalists sing all seven notes in different registers and tonalities.

The importance of music and the uniqueness of music

The question of what a note is, may seem stupid even to those people who are far from musical notation. This, however, does not mean that these people can easily answer it. Many understand the meaning of this word, but not everyone can explain it. A note is a certain height, duration, or quality of sound. Notes are used in musical notation and represent special graphic symbols. These signs are invented in order to literally record music on sheets of paper. Some professionals are able to immediately read notes, creating it just as we read aloud. Of course, to be able to do this, you need to study for a long time in a music school, from which you should go to the conservatory and also work hard and hard. For professional musicians, notes mean as much as Cyrillic letters mean to us. Music in letters is what a note is. This is the way this word can be explained to young children.

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If someone might think that the musical certificate is a simple thing, and any mortal can easily learn it by himself, he will be completely wrong. Note writing is the same science as cognitive linguistics or theoretical physics. Much depends, first of all, on how diligently you learn all the badges and symbols, and also on how often you pick up a music notebook. Here it does not work just to put it under the pillow, but to wake up already with a full understanding of this charter. It will never be remembered, as the multiplication table was remembered - easily and simply. Knowing what a note is, you also need to be able to sing it with a special duration and in a certain key. As a rule, if someone gets a good grasp of this science, his musical ear develops very well. Anyone who understands what a note is, and is able to sing aloud to it, can be quite proud that no bear has stepped into his ear.

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True, it sometimes happens that a person perfectly knows a musical notation and reads music "from a sheet", but he can not repeat the melody with his voice, no matter how hard he tries. A person knows that the note "mi" sounds below the "a" note, can determine by ear which one is audible, but still does not understand why it can not duplicate it using its own vocal cords. This phenomenon is less common than the complete absence of musical ear, and is an easier form of musical "hearing loss". These people usually understand when they do not get into notes, but they can not exactly say what they need to correct to sing them correctly. One can give an example: a person who has studied German for several months will understand much of what he is told, but he is unlikely to be able to communicate in German. He will perceive someone's speech, somehow react to it, but can not put his thoughts into sentences. The same thing happens with people who have a partial musical ear.

A Handbook for Beginning Musicians

To understand what a note is and how to properly sing it, you will always be helped to listen to a large number of musical compositions and repeat for your favorite vocalists. Of course, if you suffer from a lack of musical ear, you are unlikely to catch yourself on what is singing wrong. It is advisable to take a couple of lessons from a vocal teacher who will talk about your musical problems and advise the correct strategy for their elimination. Recording your own singing or playing a musical instrument on the recorder also helps some people pay attention to their faults in the musical plan. The main thing - do not be afraid to make a mistake, try the same several hundred times, until everything turns out perfectly. In music, as in any other science, you need to be persistent and diligent, and then all seven notes will obey you, and, perhaps, you will become one of the greatest composers of the new century. Do not drop your hands, teach music notation, love music and believe in yourself. Art will make any life more beautiful.

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