
Circumstantial friendship is forever

As you know, friendship is a concept around the clock. At any time a friend can ask for help and wants to be sure that he will be heard and properly understood. Friendship is very different from a friendly relationship and therefore in its pure form is rare. We can communicate well with many people, get along with each other, but this does not mean that those who are at the moment are our friends. True friendship, as a rule, is checked by time and lives much longer than any friendly relations.

Circular friendship is a special type of relationship that is built in a certain social environment. Friendship is necessary for every person. Who, if not a close friend, can open the depth of their experiences, share their doubts about a situation, tell us about the sore point? A friend will always listen, correctly understand, do not laugh, do not condemn. On such a relationship is worth a dream, not everyone has them in life.


Most often, friendship is formed in school years, when the children come together on the basis of the similarity of interests: the learning process, lessons, homework. Often there are small intragroup associations. The guys "kuchkuyutsya" by interests, and in each such a small company there is a leader who sets the main background.

Circular friendship always implies close interaction of members of the collective with each other. Probably, it's not a secret for anyone that in closed barracks, Suvorov schools, the guys are much more likely to converge with each other, and this friendship is often left for life. Internally they are a real family and are able to carry their friendship through life. The need to solve complex tasks, to do homework, the same age, very close the guys to each other, they form a sense of responsibility. Circular friendship is, above all, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. When the children know that in their space there are friends who can come to help at any time, then there is a great sense of belonging to the life of another person: one for all and all for one. In these conditions, the strongest friendship is formed, which you can not pour water on. The members of the group are related to each other by common truth, memories, years of growing up. Adolescence and adolescence is the most successful time both for the formation of personality and for the formation of strong friendship.

Friendship with a friend

This kind of friendship is characterized by a commonality of interests and worldview. Members of the group find each other in special sections and circles, for example in literary or sports. In such friendship, first of all, the opportunity to express oneself, to be understood, to be able to evaluate one's talent and listen to others, as well as the opportunity to engage in self-development, to cultivate one's talents on an equal basis with others, is valued.

A very important criterion is the presence of a certain talent in the members of one group or the abilities of the corresponding direction. It is these abilities that help to "germinate" the future friendship. This is what circle friendship is in this context. Explain the expression in your own words, if you have other ideas on this matter.

Trust, appreciation

They say that it is not easy to win the trust of a teenager. And it's not even that a significant revaluation of values takes place in adolescence, everything is subject to analysis and doubt. Friendship can be tied up completely by accident, or it may not be at all. Circular friendship is when one member of the group completely trusts another, can rely on him completely. Pay attention, as in adolescence, the views on things and events are rapidly changing. Before becoming friends, young people manage to survive more than one conflict, participate in more than one brawl, not to argue about one thing. As a result of such "studies", young people recognize each other who is capable of what. This includes the concept of friendship circular. Explain the expression to those who doubt or still do not know what it is.

Mutual respect

An indispensable condition for any friendship to be born, is the respect of its members in relation to each other. It is difficult to imagine a team in which friends are friends who are among themselves in antagonistic attitudes or completely indifferent.

No, only those people who have a feeling of sympathy towards each other can become friends. Then you can develop it in the right direction. Many people ask: "Circular friendship, what is it?" They do not understand the very essence of this concept. But this friendship differs from the ordinary in that in this case the members of one company somehow depend on each other and spend a long time with each other. It can be a classroom or a closed gymnasium, a cadet corps, where students go home only for the weekend.

Mutual assistance

Sometimes friendship can be born out of a feeling of gratitude. Someone helped someone at the exam, shared an extra pen, stood up for the weak, supported in a difficult moment. All this gives rise to a sincere feeling of gratitude and a desire to render reciprocal service. With this kind of attention, there is a positive opinion about a person.

Thus, the circular friendship is the result of hard work, intense internal work, but it is always worth it. As a rule, future friends need to pass a lot before they become truly dear to each other .

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