
Friendship Between Guys Stronger Than Between Girls?

How many beautiful words are said, verses are composed and songs are sung about male friendship. And what she really is? Dominance in this case is mutual assistance and support, but the strong sex is silent, but active. The friendship between the guys reflects the fact that men are not used to shaking the air with reflections and unnecessary exclamations. They are all simple, clear and, they think, logical. Male friendship is a system of certain rituals that are firmly embedded in everyday life. Relations between women are formed on a slightly different model. Mutual understanding is of great importance and psychological support is provided. Ladies believe that all problems can be solved simply by discussing with a friend and, thus, working out ways to resolve them. Female friendship is perceived with irony, which, of course, is a banal stereotype.

Male and female friendship are inherent attributes of interpersonal relationships, they simply have a different form of expression. It can not be said that one or the other is stronger, better and more reliable.

Let's see, who such friends. First of all, these are people who can safely share their successes and failures with each other. Friendship between guys and girls is based on trust and confidence in a loved one. It is important to always strive to make your friend pleasant and comfortable in your society. Close friends will never criticize a comrade and will certainly protect him from attacks, especially in his absence. In order to establish good relations, people keep, the secrets entrusted to them, try to be more tolerant and never teach each other. Friendship between guys is based on mutual respect and tolerance. Although, you can also say about the relationship of girls.

Male and female friendship is filled with meaning. It does not differ in content or degree of stability. The essence of relations varies only because of the characteristics of the nature of the representatives of the strong and the weaker sex. So, we women sometimes do not understand how you can not talk to each other for weeks, and at the same time be considered friends. Men treat daily meetings and conversations very calmly. For them, the main thing is to know that a friend is always ready to help and help out in a difficult situation. Friendship between guys is silent and never based on mutual benefit or hypocrisy. Men will not be jealous of a new jacket, manicure or mistress. They are straightforward, and almost always, they say what they think.

Friendship between guys involves the possibility of donating something for her, while women often have to sacrifice friendship for the sake of family or work. Men support one another with action, for them words are not important. They usually always choose friendship. And the fair sex representatives are ready to listen to the girlfriend and give efficient, as they think, advice.

Friendship between guys, as a rule, comes from childhood. After all, there are a lot of problems in adult life. Time to find new friends is sorely lacking. Very often, wives do not understand the importance of their husbands attached to friendship. Silly ultimatums "or I, or friends" usually do not lead to anything good. One day it may happen that a man chooses a friendship. After all, only the guys are able to rush to their friend on the first call, not paying attention to the outrage of the wives and girlfriends. It is among the stronger sex that there is an opinion that it is not so easy to find a true friend , but a new partner in life is elementary.

Thus, to contrast male and female friendship is not entirely correct. In any case, truly true relationships between people are built on unselfishness, honesty, dedication and deep respect. Without them, it is impossible to imagine a long, strong and reliable friendship.

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