
Skin Diseases Rights

Skin is the outer covering of the human body, which protects the body from various environmental influences. It also participates in breathing, in metabolic, thermoregulatory and other processes. The outer cover is represented by a massive receptive field with completely different types of surface sensitivity, the manifestation of which depends on the effect of pain, pressure, and temperature. In many cases, human skin diseases arise due to the action of biological factors. These include viruses, microscopic fungi and animal parasites.

To a benign neoplasm on an external cover carry warts. They are the result of viral etiology. The causative agent of the neoplasm is transmitted by means of household items or by contact with the patient.

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in the outer cover. This disease is manifested by the disappearance of melanin in the skin areas.

Human skin diseases caused by viruses include a disease such as herpes. It is characterized by eruptions on the mucous membranes and the outer cover in the form of grouped vesicles. Herpes, as a rule, accompanies ARVI, pneumonia, influenza and other ailments.

Human skin diseases also include various types of lichen.

Development of shingles is caused by a virus agent of chicken pox.

Trichophytosis (ringworm) is an infectious fungal lesion of hair, nails and skin.

Psoriasis (lichen scaly) refers to chronic diseases of the external cover. The disease is not contagious, but difficult to treat. The development of this disease, which is hereditary, is associated with genetic disorders in the activities of the nervous and endocrine system and in the metabolism.

Corn is a limited thickening of the cutaneous stratum corneum. Its occurrence is provoked by a prolonged pressure or friction of the portion of the outer cover.

Skin diseases of a person can be inflammatory. To such ailments include erysipelas, acne, boils.

Erysipelas are classified as acute inflammation. Its causative agent is streptococcus, which penetrates through damage to the external cover. Erysipelas can also be a complication of a purulent wound.

Skin diseases of adolescents in many cases are associated with an increased function of the sebaceous glands and a change in the composition of their secretion. This category includes familiar to many acne.

To purulent-necrotic inflammations in the hair sac and the sebaceous gland surrounding it, there are furuncles. This inflammation is provoked by pyogenic bacteria. The origin of furuncles occurs, as a rule, due to poor digestion, under the influence of the loads carried out on the filled stomach. During the process of inflammation, careful hygiene is necessary. This will prevent the introduction of an even greater infection in the focus of inflammation.

Scabies is a disease transmitted by contact. Its causative agent is the itch mite. This defeat of the external cover is characterized by a long incubation period (about two weeks), during which the infected person does not suspect its presence.

Chronic and acute non-communicable disease of the external cover is eczema. This disease is allergic and is accompanied by a rash, burning, itching. For eczema is characterized by a recurrent manifestation.

Allergies of the external cover are classified as a separate group of diseases. The history of the disease for skin diseases is of great importance in the conduct of research activities. In many cases, for example, with allergic contact dermatitis, all potential pathogens are tested.

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