
How to understand if a guy loves you?

How to understand love? This question can often be seen on all sorts of forums or social networks. But often he is asked not so directly, but in a slightly veiled form. I just try to draw the meaning, laid between the lines ...

To understand love ... alas ...

Understand the love! I wonder if anyone already tried to do this? Questions are asked, but does anyone get answers? The only answer to this question is: "Love - a state of change, it is severe, strange and immense, and therefore it is simply impossible to fully comprehend its laws."

However, despite this, every successive generation of young people, strives to prove that this is not so. It's easier to answer the question: "How to understand, does the guy love you?", Rather than breaking his whole head over the eternal problem of all civilizations and generations.

Understanding love at the first level

In love, too, there are levels. How to understand if a guy loves you? This is a question of the first level, often asked by girls who, falling in love, feel the embarrassment of confessing their feelings. And from this they are looking for any hints from the side. The variant "likes - does not like, we 'll pay for the daisy" is not good enough to answer the above question. Divination is just childish games that will not give you any confidence. The only thing that will give you confidence in the attitude of your chosen one to you is the ability to catch his eye cast in your direction, the desire to visit you more often, the ability to notice timid attempts at courtship, and all such details of the behavior of a loved one. The girls look intuitively at such subtleties, rather than men. However, in fact, most likely, this question should be asked by men, but they have no time.

Men are always a clash with a fact. They prefer to always go head-on. They ram you with their confessions and expect that you will notice their feelings and manifest their. Often such an interest turns out to be a bluff, only in order to saturate bodily desires. Therefore, for girls, the question: "How do you know if a guy loves you?" - in principle, it can be considered relevant. A person will always understand if he wants to understand! You just need to love and never give up on this gift. And in time you will understand everything and will not suffer from guesswork. You will become more experienced and will see every detail of this feeling, you will learn to think emotionally, heart, sometimes turning off common sense. Love - and you will learn to look with your heart, not your head.

The mind and heart must work together

The human heart is the center of the body, and perhaps the most popular organ after the brain. It was sung by many poets and writers of the past and the present. To the heart all Romantics turn, singing their beloved or suffering about the sad loss of love. The heart is the supreme organ of romantics, in our minds responsible for all manifestations of emotion. Reason, on the contrary, created everything to analyze and subordinate to strict logic. Rationality and weighing all the details and facts is the main goal of our enamored mind. In love, the mind and feelings must work together as perfect companions. How do you know if a guy or girlfriend likes you? For this you need to learn to take into account the prompts of both the heart and mind.

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