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Tongue talking is ... Definition, reasons, treatment

Tangling is a serious problem that makes speech difficult. This is an obsolete popular word, which characterizes the defects of pronunciation.

What it is?

Tongue speaking is a lack of speech, which manifests itself in the improper pronunciation of individual sounds. With the extreme degree of development of human pathology is almost impossible to understand. The speech becomes illegible, like a childish babble. With moderate development, the defect, of course, creates an unpleasant tone for the hearing, but it is quite understandable.

Forms of tongue-tied

Tangling is an unpleasant problem. There are several common forms of this defect:

  • Monoform tongue-tied speech is a problem with the pronunciation of one or more letters from the category of hissing and whistling.
  • Polyformed tongue-tied - the problem with the pronunciation of several letters from different groups at once.
  • Physiological stiffness is observed in children under 5 years of age and is associated with an insufficient degree of development of the speech apparatus. With age, the problem usually passes on its own.
  • The functional form is characterized by the absence of disturbances in the operation of the speech apparatus. Defects of speech are caused by problems with the central nervous system, hearing aids and articulation.
  • Organic form is a consequence of the effects of congenital, genetic or acquired defects of articulation.

Common causes

In order to effectively combat the problem of tongue tampering, it is important to understand what causes it is caused. Here are the most common factors:

  • Prolonged chronic diseases (eg, a cold or digestive system disorders) that lead to neurological and physical weakening of the body;
  • Pedagogical neglect, when parents do not pay proper attention to the correct pronunciation of individual sounds by the child and do not try to demonstrate a positive example;
  • A multilingual family when, for example, the father speaks Russian, and the mother - in Italian (in this case the child accumulates different phonetic norms in his speech);
  • Imitation of a person who represents a pattern of wrong speech (this can be a parent, teacher, senior friend or any other individual with whom the child often contacts);
  • Violation of phonemic hearing;
  • Wrong structure of the tongue, gums, teeth and other elements of the speech apparatus;
  • Hereditary factors that are transmitted from generation to generation (curves or sparse teeth, advanced jaw and other defects);
  • Congenital disorders that were formed during the period of intrauterine development;
  • Acquired defects, which could have arisen because of injuries sustained throughout life.

Talking language: how to get rid?

Defects deliver a lot of problems to the person himself, as well as those around him who can not accurately perceive information or are annoyed by improper pronunciation. The method of correction is determined in accordance with the causes of the problem. In any case, the probability of a favorable outcome is much higher in childhood.

In the event that stammering is a consequence of incorrect speech education, a defect will help to correct the lessons with a speech therapist. But if the problem lies in the structure of the speech apparatus, special prostheses (orthodontic locks) can be used. In the most severe cases, surgical intervention is performed.

Tongue Tongues: Synonyms

As mentioned earlier, the word "tongue-tied" refers to the common language. In medical practice, this term sounds like "dyslalia." Nevertheless, in everyday communication one can hear a whole series of vain words that are synonymous with the concept under consideration. This is illegibility, indistinctness, indistinctness, inarticulism, lack of language and other words that illustrate the problems of pronunciation.


It should be noted that tongue-tie is peculiar to all children without exception under the age of 5 years who are just learning to speak. If the defect does not disappear over time, this is the reason for an immediate request to a specialist. In most cases, the problem is solved by practicing with a speech therapist. But if the reason lies in the wrong physiological structure of the speech apparatus, more serious measures, up to surgical intervention, may be needed.

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