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Small animals: what is the name of the baby sheep and ram?

What is the name of the baby sheep and ram? Sometimes the names of the kids are not at all like the names of their parents. A cow has a calf, a horse has a foal, a chicken has a chicken, and a dog has a puppy. And what is the sheep's calf called? Now we will understand.

What is the correct name for the baby sheep?

There are several ways to name small sheep and lambs, many of which are wrong. There are many different options. The most common and most accurate name for the sheep's cub is the lamb. This term can be used accurately to describe babies who are less than a year old.

Are there other names for the baby sheep?

What is the name of the sheep and sheep cub? Newborns, as a rule, are lambs, and when they grow up a little and their gender identity can be determined with accuracy, they will accordingly be called young sheep and lamb.

The sheep and the sheep have a lamb

The female ram is a sheep, when they meet together, after a successful mating, about five months later, a small miracle appears. The baby is still quite weak and can barely stand on his feet. If you do not look closely, you might think that it looks very much like a baby goat - a kid, but in reality there are differences, and significant ones.

Incorrect names

What is the name of the baby sheep? Perhaps, many people had to hear such names as a sheep, or, even better, a sheepskin. The first is still there, although the word lamb is more correct. It's a lamb of a male, who is already over 1-1.5 years old. The words "sheep" in general in Russian literary language does not exist.

Religious name

We have already found out what the sheep's calf is called. But there is a name that has a religious meaning. This word is "lamb". It is also called the "lamb of God", or sacrificial lamb. Telling children about animals and their children, this point can be omitted and their question "What is the name of the baby sheep and ram?" You can safely answer: "Lamb". In addition, the word "lamb" is very old, and it is practically impossible to trace its origin today.

Meaning of the word

The concept of "lamb" originates from the Latin "agnus" (young sheep), to it also goes the Old Slavonic "lamb". Let us analyze the word by composition. The root will be the "lamb", and the diminutive-affectionate suffix is "enok". Everything is simple and logical. It turns out that a lamb is a little sheep or a young sheep.

Interesting facts about sheep

The question of sheep, rams and their cubs has already been considered, now it has come to some interesting facts, which you probably did not hear before. Here are some of them:

  • These cute, curly creatures do not know how to find their way home. Some scientists attribute this fact to the presence of dementia in animals (dementia). Others believe that sheep have a natural lack of skills in spatial orientation, as well as poor eyesight. This has its own meaning: how can you remember the road, if you simply can not see it? Even if you agree with the first statement and admit that these animals are by nature silly, you can not disagree with the fact that, despite this shortcoming, they are extremely lovely creatures, especially lambs.

  • The sheep do not have a leader. The appearance of a leader is hindered by the presence of a herd instinct, they simply can not distinguish it, since all behave like others. However, shepherds manage to solve this problem. They send a she-goat (or goat) among the sheep. In this case, the herd not only has a leader, but also a guide who knows and can show the way home.
  • Many, most likely, have heard about the incredible taste of lamb meat, it is so, and no one is surprised. But very few people know that also milk and cheese are very healthy, having almost a curative effect on the entire body. These products were valued by the weight of gold still ancient Egyptian doctors. A great discovery was finding the most ancient recipe for sheep cheese, which dates back more than 2000 years.

  • A flock of sheep is called a flock, and a shepherd (shepherd) man is leading this assembly. He is in this difficult matter (we already know how much the sheep are dependent beings) is often helped by a team of specially trained dogs that drive animals together, not allowing them to wander wherever they want, and also protect against all sorts of predators and search for missing people.

Sheep do not tolerate loneliness

Unlike a female, sheep have large horns, usually twisted into a spiral. Among mammals, sheep are considered to be fairly prolific animals, on average they have from 1 to 5 lambs. They live in groups, because they do not like to be alone. Science calls it herd instinct. Where one sheep ran, all the remaining run there also.

An interesting name is a dwelling where sheep are kept. This is not a cattle, not a stall and not a shed. Koshar - this is the name of the place where the animals are fed grass and hay. Sheep perfectly tolerate sharp changes in temperature, they calmly tolerate both cold and heat. The sounds they produce are called bleating. There are a lot of breeds and varieties, which are bred primarily for the sake of wool.

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