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Various puzzles for a child of 10 years

And at 10 years old, the son or daughter is still children. Therefore, parents need to periodically show their attention to the child. Riddles for a child of 10 years will help to have fun and with a head to plunge into the game. The most important thing is to find suitable tasks so that they are diverse and on different topics.

Riddles for the child 10 years about objects in the house

Children of ten years are not quite small, but they have not grown up yet, so the questions should be asked cheerful, rhythmic and inspiring. There are a lot of things in the house about which it is possible to guess riddles for a child of 10 years, so you should use fantasy and start an entertaining program, having prepared yourself beforehand. For an example, you can take the following options:


Of the two halves it consists,

If the wind blows, our things will be preserved.

And if we forget to fasten it,

Clothing from the balcony will take off, do not return.



These shreds hide lights at night,

To sleep we did not interfere.

In the morning the sun does not admit,

They worry about you.

Various colors are,

What do they call them?



On it we understand how to dress.

It became warmer - the column rose to the top,

And when the frost - from the cold, he crawled down.

And he knows exactly which of us gets sick.



There are wooden, plastic,

Their colors are also different, each one for himself chooses.

On them a jacket and a dress, and a blouse, and trousers,

There are a lot of them in the closet,

How are called, say?



A piece of wood is a piece of wood, but we need it on the farm.

The whole cloth is covered with a natural cloth.

If the dress and pants were wrinkled,

Then all the people turned to her for help.

What is this?

(Ironing board)


From this spout you wash your face, clean your teeth, and bathe.

In the kitchen, the spout also serves faithfully, we wash the dishes from it,

We'll clean up, cook up dinner.



On it numbers - not to count,

But it's good that we have it.

After all, without it we lose count of days,

And with him we know for sure the whole weekend.

(The calendar)


Its window is a porthole,

Fit like a stove.

Washing clothes for us,

Cleanliness and aroma of things will be given.

(Washing machine)

Such riddles for a child of 10 years will surely appeal to both boys and girls. Therefore, moms, dads, grandmothers and grandfathers should always take them to the note.

Riddles for children 10 years old with answers about products

Problems about food will be able to guess both adults and baby. Of course, the riddles for a child of 10 years should not be too easy. Also it is necessary to take care of that the daughter or the son could understand, in what an essence of a question. For example, you can take into account the following riddles:


They are eaten with cheese and ketchup, too,

On long sticks they are damp.

Usually they are loved by children,

Of course, this is ...



Crispy green,

Inside it is white-white.

At the dacha you collect,

With pleasure you weave.

What kind of vegetable is this, answer, my friend?



Pot-bellied, red, juicy,

It is useful, very tasty.

In the garden he grows,

In the salad, well, just get.

(A tomato)


From this berry jam is very tasty,

And raw it, too, very much even.

Pink, for cold to children

And helps adults, how is the berry called?


It is necessary to include in the program with questions to which the child should give an answer, funny puzzles for children of 10 years. After all, fun only adds to the desire to create and solve, so parents should pay attention to this fact.

Mysteries of children about toys and equipment

At the age of ten, the child still plays in his favorite toys, and also has a great command of technology. Therefore, the riddles about these objects will be interesting and filled with inspiration. As an example, you can take the following ideas:


What a box, it has a lot of wiring,

He turned it on with his remote control and was ready for the cartoon.



He has many functions of different,

Games also can not be counted in the open spaces.

A lot of social networks are different,

Through them to friends letters can fly.

Sometimes you sit with him for a long time,

This mom and dad a little angry.

And how to put on charging -

Finally you look in the notebook.

(Mobile phone)


We collect his whole family,

Oh very game is interesting,

Of the small parts is,

Then the figure collected for a long time is worth.


Such puzzles are interesting and the strength of a child of ten years.

How to entice a child

Of course, the best motivation is the promise of fulfilling what the child has long dreamed of. For example, a hike in an amusement park. Only the promise must be fulfilled, so that the daughter or son knew that the parents know how to keep their word.

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