HealthDiseases and Conditions

Violation of cerebral circulation symptoms, causes, types and prevention

Stroke is one of the main causes of cerebral circulation. Symptoms and causes lie mainly in people's wrong attitude towards their health. Insulto (lat.) - swoop, attack, this translation perfectly reflects the essence of what happens to the brain at the time of hypertensive crisis.

According to statistics, this disease is on the third place in the list of causes of mortality after a heart attack and cancer. In Russia, more than 400,000 strokes are recorded annually, with more than 40% of people dying as a result of cerebral circulatory disorders. Symptoms of the disease can appear most often at night or in the early morning.

Causes of circulatory disorders of the brain

The causes of such a serious illness as a stroke or a "minor stroke" can be hypertension, brain aneurysm or atherosclerosis, emotional stress associated with negative emotions. The microinsult is very similar in symptoms to a stroke. It differs only in that the signs pass fairly quickly, leaving pernicious consequences not from the outside, but inside.

A rare phenomenon is the rupture of an aneurysm, when, due to congenital changes in the brain, a "bag" is formed on the wall of one of the vessels that supplies the brain with blood. Its walls are thin, not so elastic due to protrusion to the side, therefore, a small change in arterial pressure or a negative emotional change is sufficient so that the vessel wall ruptures.

Types of the disease

According to the degree of brain damage, severity and consequences of the manifestation of the disease, an acute disorder of the cerebral circulation is divided into stroke ischemic and hemorrhagic. They have different consequences and somewhat similar symptoms.


  • In the case of treatment with antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, the blood supply to the brain can be restored.
  • Sometimes, surgical care and treatment are provided in order to maintain normal brain function.
  • Assign maintenance therapy (mildronate, emoxipin, ascorbic acid), drugs that improve tissue metabolism.



  • To reduce the consequences of the decomposition of the formed thrombus and reduce the permeability of the vessel wall, angioprotectors (troxevasin, ascorutin), drugs with vasoactive action (cinnarizine, cavinton, vinpocetine, euphyllin) are prescribed.
  • Prophylaxis of secondary ischemic lesions can be carried out only with constant monitoring of arterial pressure and in case of its persistent decline.

Disorders of cerebral circulation. Symptoms, relief, causes and prevention

The main signs that an acute impairment of cerebral circulation occurred , the symptoms:

  • Arterial blood pressure rises sharply;
  • The headache comes suddenly;
  • Dizziness and a shaky gait;
  • Speech impairment, when intelligibility decreases (sometimes to zero);
  • The vision is also severely disturbed, on one eye on both;
  • The body temperature rises, the face turns purple, the breathing is rapid, the pulse slow;
  • There may be paralysis or numbness of the muscles in one half of the body.

The diagnosis will be determined by an ambulance team, which must be called immediately. The patient should help to lie down, open the windows, if he is at home or the door to the room, so that there is more fresh air. In the future, in order to determine the type of disease, they conduct a survey and the necessary procedures.

Causes of the development of the disease, cerebral circulation disorder, its symptoms lie on the surface and are already nagging. This is the same wrong way of life when a person has excess weight, improperly eats, abuses smoking and alcohol, moves little, and is in a stressful condition for a long time.

Less often, the appearance of changes in the blood circulation of the brain is affected by pathological and innate changes. Chronic diseases, such as diseases of the endocrine glands, kidneys, increased cholesterol can cause hypertension and as a result - a violation of the blood circulation of the brain.

Persistent phenomena in the violation of the blood circulation of the brain become chronic

Chronic impairment of cerebral circulation arises from the prolonged insufficient supply of the brain with blood (and hence oxygen and other nutritional elements). Violated the whole system of blood circulation, which leads to persistent disturbances and changes in the brain tissue.

The functioning of the brain can not go through fully. The causes can be: hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases, affecting cerebral arteries. Symptoms of such disorders can be:

  • General fatigue;
  • Constant noise in the ears;
  • Persistent headaches;
  • A feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • The instability of emotional reactions. Minor events cause tears, tenderness, increased sentimentality;
  • Sleep, memory and attention are disturbed;
  • There are unstable dizziness and instability when walking.

Treatment can be carried out only in a complex way and appointed after a complete examination individually in each case. A person should immediately consult a doctor at the slightest sign of the onset of the disease, which will help to avoid its acute phase.

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