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Without defeats, there are no victories. Is it so?

Everyone knows that victory and defeat are nothing but two sides of the same coin. To achieve success, you have to fall repeatedly, and the reward will never be drawn into hands if there is no failure behind it. вице-президента СКА Романсона Ротенберга. " There are no victories without defeats" - a quotation of the vice-president of SKA Romanson Rotenberg. What is behind this statement, and why is it so, and not otherwise?

We'll carry on to life ...

Man, inadvertently watching the life of another, often draws in his thoughts an erroneous opinion: "He deserved this position, because he was dishonorable," "She won the beauty contest, because everything is bought," "They have such an intelligent and agile baby, because The defining role here is played by genes "and so on. People are able and like to condemn their kind, but they a priori do not dare to risk and quickly drop their hands. They are afraid of defeat, afraid that someone will be better or planned to collapse due to unforeseen circumstances. Fear of losing saves a person from the sweetest pleasure in life - from the game. A game in which it is important not to win, but steadfast and confidently transfer the defeats to the most cherished moment, when in the end everything turns out.

» - высказывание, смыслом которого руководствуются лишь сильные и уверенные в себе люди. " Without defeats, there can be no victories " - an utterance whose meaning is guided only by strong and self-confident people. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the life aspect is at stake, be it business, personality formation or interaction with other people. It is extremely important to survive the moments of decline, if only in order to transform the accumulated experience into success. Of course, defeat can be wrapped in victory, if you make appropriate efforts.

Without defeats, there are no victories. Sport Training

A vivid example of the effectiveness of such an interesting statement can serve, for example, deliberate exercise. Someone will consider sports training for torture, and others will correlate it with a chance to become stronger. What will you choose?

The fact is that the initial stage of training is the most complex aspect both physically and morally. First, the human muscular system is simply required to withstand a much greater tension; Secondly, physical training, as a rule, is accompanied by some changes in the regime of the day and nutrition, which is undoubtedly an important psychological factor. . The presented frames in this case serve as a kind of "defeat", and in fact there are no victories without defeats .

Increase the scale of the situation

Roman Rotenberg, whose quote is considered in this article, is one of the most famous Russian functionaries in the field of sports. So, like no one else, he can confirm his statement with hundreds of examples that he has ever encountered in practice.

A clear proof of the obviousness of the statement can serve as competitions that take place in various sports fields, whether athletics or swimming, figure skating or gymnastics, football or hockey. Let's say that a separate athlete, who is not able to raise a huge weight in 2014, will definitely master him by 2017, provided he has been working hard on himself and his physical abilities for all three years, because there are no victories without defeats.

, что в жизни все дается легко? Who said that everything in life is easy? Life - a thing unpredictable and at the same time very predictable, because only we decide, do something for us to achieve another goal, or to drop our hands, but in the end, we do not have anything left to do.


? Is there a victory without defeat ? Of course, yes! Here are two options: either you are lucky in life, or you have a wild willpower, and you are ready to make a lot of effort initially. It's great if this is so, because not everyone is able to fulfill their goal qualitatively from the first time, especially if it is something significant, for example, about winning a sporting event or about bringing your figure to an ideal state (in fact, ideal in The world does not exist, but this case is a rare exception).

. If you are an ordinary mortal, who is prone to make mistakes or sag because of certain circumstances, it will be expedient to understand for yourself the fact that there are no victories without defeats . In general, it's even more interesting, because society would be bored if not skillfully to lose.

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