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The most interesting facts about the lynx. Features, legends

Interesting facts about the lynx constantly attract the attention of researchers to this regal animal. The beast, being a bright representative of the cat family, intrigues people with its original appearance, a special manner of behavior. What is known to science about the owner of ears with brushes at the moment, are there any unsolved mysteries?

Legends of the Lynx: Vision

A rare animal is awarded such frequent references in history at all times like this specimen of the cat family. Legends of the lynx are often associated with the eyes of the beast. Inhabitants of Ancient Greece sincerely believed that due to sharp sight the predator is able to see through objects. Even the thick walls were not considered an obstacle to the penetration of his gaze. Not surprisingly, the name of the animal is a reference to the legendary character Lucius, who had a similar talent.

Heraldry is a sphere where there is also an active interest in the regal "cat." It is often suggested that this particular beast, mistakenly mistaken for a lion, flaunts on the historical coat of arms of Finland. Interesting about the lynx - the popularity of this image in heraldry is associated with the features of vision, its sharpness and completeness. The same reason led astronomers in 1690 to stop on behalf of the representative of the family of felines as the name of the constellation.

Lynx features: hearing

The visual acuity that an animal possesses is not the only fact that potential hunters should know about. Attention deserve and the ears of a predator, with characteristic brushes. Thanks to such "antennas" it is necessary to mention a perfect hearing, listing interesting facts about the lynx.

It is not surprising that hunters who are able to track down such a "cat" are declared experts of the extra class. Perfect hearing allows the animal to calculate human steps long before the danger approaches. However, if you deprive the beast of special brushes that serve as "amplifiers of sounds", the ability to hear at a distance of several kilometers disappears.

The manner of communication

Interesting facts about the lynx, point to the impeccable upbringing of royal animals, which not all people can boast of. If these instances of the cat family collide with each other, they never forget to say hello. The ritual begins with a mutual sniffing of the noses, followed by a touch of each other's foreheads.

The facts about lynx point to the ability of luxurious "cats" to create a full-fledged cell of society. It is true that this happens only during the period that is allocated to the establishment of offspring. Animals not only live side by side, but also participate together in caring for newborns. Moms and dads provide food for children, extracting small rodents for them. Also, both participants of the pair teach the children the basics of hunting in preparation for an independent life.

Is the trot dangerous?

Valuable fur, which these animals possess, for a long time pushed people to their catch. At the moment, the animal is listed in the Red Book. Interesting facts about the lynx completely refute the legend, which says that every encounter between a person and a forest cat ends with the death of the first. In fact, the independent nature of the beast encourages him to avoid any contact with everyone who does not belong to the category of representatives of the same family.

Lynx, who discovered a man, will certainly try to disappear from his field of vision. Animals never attack people first. However, a fight with them can lead to serious consequences. Physical abilities allow furry beasts to even break the neck of the enemy.

It is believed that the lynx tracks down potential prey, conveniently located on a tree, and jumps, jumping off it. In reality, a forest cat chooses a ground ambush. She has no rivals in terms of the ability to creep silently. But the lynx is not capable of prolonged persecution, the extraction can go if the first 60 meters are held.

Do lynx enemies

Each predator has rivals in the forest kingdom, lynx is no exception. Scientists managed to establish a negative attitude of the animal to foxes. The origins of competition are associated with the habit of animals resembling them, stealing someone else's food. It is interesting that lynxes only kill their enemies, throwing defeated bodies in the forest. As a food, they are not considered by them.

The lynx attacks first, allowing foxes to approach them as close as possible. By the way, the leap of a forest cat can be up to four meters, which gives representatives of the species clear advantages over many other predators.

The volume of food consumed also became an object of curiosity of researchers. It was possible to establish that the average daily ration of the lynx includes about two kilograms of meat. They receive the necessary amount, hunting down rodents, hares, birds.

This is how the most fascinating information about the lynx that the scientists have managed to acquire looks.

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