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Vacuum in the abdomen (exercise): description, technique, features

Soon, summer, and many in a hurry to start preparing for the beach season, write to fitness clubs or try to tighten the stomach at home. However, working on problem areas, many people face the following paradox. The most difficult thing is to achieve a flat stomach. It is believed that to improve its shape, it is necessary to pump the press. But in practice, everything looks quite different: the more exercises for the abdominal muscles, the less sense. This is due to the fact that fat gradually turns into muscles, or under its layer a muscle corset is formed. A belly does not go anywhere. What to do in this situation? A simple exercise will be a simple exercise - a vacuum in the abdomen. Reviews about it give both sportsmen and amateurs. Exercise helped them to cope with the problem.

Why is it effective?

When performing the exercise, the transverse abdominal muscle is loaded . The very one that keeps all internal organs in its place. Usually the cause of a sagging stomach is its low tone. When doing sports, the main load falls on the oblique and external muscles. From overtraining, they begin to bump. As a result, the stomach stops hanging, but still bulges forward.

This exercise forces the transverse muscle to work. Bodybuilders are very fond of doing a vacuum in the stomach. Exercise removes them from bulging "lumps of nerves." It helps to draw a waist.

How to do a stomach vacuum. Preliminary advice

  1. Consistency is the key to success. Exercise "Vacuum in the stomach" should be done regularly. To get a flat stomach, it will take about a month of regular lessons.
  2. At first glance, the exercise seems very simple, but few people succeed in correctly executing it from 1 time. Do not despair if something does not work out.
  3. The result depends directly on observing the technique of the exercise at all stages.
  4. Currently, several methods of implementation have been developed. You need to start with the one that seems most understandable and simple. Having dealt with the mechanisms of movement, you can move on to more complex options.

Simplified Technology

For beginners, the most affordable option is offered.

I. p .: lying on his back with bent legs. Hands stretched along the body.

1. All air is exhaled from the lungs, but not abruptly, but smoothly, gradually.

2. Then the stomach is drawn as deep as possible and held in this position for 15-20 seconds. Gradually, you can increase the delay time. The stomach should not move.

3. Relax the stomach, breathe in the air.

A little more complicated

When the principle is clear and it is known how to properly make the stomach in a prone position, you can try to perform the exercise while standing.

I. p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1. On exhalation, knees bend, the body moves slightly forward, as when rolling on rollers. The palms rest on the hips.

2. When the lungs are empty, the stomach is retracted and fixed in this position. The head is slightly tilted downward, but the eyes are looking in front of him, the back is straight.

3. Hold in this position for 15-20 seconds.

4. Relax the stomach, breathe in the air, restore breathing.

Similarly, you can perform the exercise in sitting or on all fours.

Technique of breathing "Bodyflex"

Proper breathing is one of the most important components of success when a vacuum is performed in the abdomen. Exercise is well combined with the technique "Bodyflex". Exhalation here is as follows:

  1. First, the lungs are completely released from the air.
  2. Refill with a sharp breath through the nose.
  3. Then comes a full, sharp and noisy exhalation through the mouth. The whole air is pushed out of the lungs at a time.
  4. The abdomen is retracted and fixed under the ribs.
  5. After 20 seconds, relaxation and inspiration follows.
  6. Restoration of breathing and re-execution of the exercise.

This method allows you to maximally clean the lungs. Also, the respiratory system is activated and worked through.

Vacuum in the abdomen. Exercise for "advanced", perfect technique

I.p .: lying on his back with bent legs. Hands stretched along the trunk.

1. Exhalation. The lungs must be completely free of air.

2. Retraction of the abdomen. Fixation of muscles in this position for 15 seconds.

3. A small breath with the subsequent tension of all the muscles of the abdomen. At the same time, you need to continue to pull it. If there is not enough air, then at first you can take small breaths.

4. Relaxation and recovery of respiration. Breathe or exhale (depending on how the previous stage was performed). However, the exercise is not over yet.

5. Exhalation, retraction of the abdomen.

6. The tension of all the muscles of the press and the pushing of the stomach. The breathing is stopped.

7. Inhalation, relaxation, recovery.

Rules of training

  • For the exercise to be most effective, it is recommended to perform it in the morning or in the evening, and preferably 2 times a day. At the same time after a meal should take at least two hours.
  • First it will be enough 10-15 minutes for one approach. Gradually this time can be brought to half an hour.
  • The number of repetitions is determined individually. The optimal level of load can be defined as follows: it's time to finish at the moment when it becomes hard to exhale.

Benefits of Exercises

Vacuum in the abdomen will help not only to pump up the abdominal muscles, increase their tone and endurance, it also has a healing effect. Due to constant retractions, internal organs, gastrointestinal tracts are massaged, which improves their functioning. The muscles of the back are also strengthened, the posture improves.


It is very useful to regularly make a vacuum in the stomach. Exercise, however, may be in some cases prohibited. The main contraindications:

  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. With any diseases of the digestive tract - with caution.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Women's critical days.
  • Period of pregnancy.

To pull up the stomach at home is not difficult. The main thing - to force yourself to do.

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