
Dolls "Nerazluchniki": making by own hands, value

Russian dolls-wards were used by our ancestors not only for games or decorating the interior, they were considered powerful assistants in all spheres of activity. They were created to take care of everyday life, improve personal and social life. Slavs made such dolls before important holidays, for example, on the day of Ivan Kupala or for the Carnival of the Carnival. They were also a valuable gift for the wedding or the birth of a child. Dolls-amulets accompanied our ancestors all their lives, from the very cradle to the death bed.

The value of dolls-amulets

The ancient Slavs did not have everything that fills our life now. They could not watch TV or go online, call someone and ask how things are. They lived by natural laws, subordinated to the cyclical current.

An important role in their life was played by agriculture, so the calendar and climatic conditions were also important for them. Farewell to winter, time to sow fields, harvest a new crop - for all these vital for our ancestors stages were created special ritual dolls. Each had its own purpose, its meaning. Some of the dolls were burned, hoping to be cleansed, others were filled with cereals and exhibited in a prominent place in the hut to bring prosperity and abundance.

Why dolls-amulets have no faces

Each such traditional doll was faceless. Usually needlewomen made their face just from a white rag. So they sought to leave the subject inanimate, so that evil forces could not enter into it. The main purpose of this amulet is to bring health, well-being, joy to its owner.

The dolls-wards were a real miracle: they had no arms and legs, no sign of a face, they were made of just a few rags, they were still alive. Each doll had its own character, it was many-sided, could cry and laugh.

The ancient doll-amulet had to become the protector of its master, save him from misfortunes and evil forces, protect him from illnesses. The needlewomen made them without using needles and scissors. Pieces of cloth could not be cut, it was only allowed to tear them. From this one more name of the dolls is "rvanki".


At all times, the wedding was a bright event, which was remembered for life. The energy of love of the young bewitching and inspiring. Our ancestors respected the wedding ceremonies with all respect. They had their own elements of jewelry, charms and traditions. Slavs made a lot of dolls to this day. All of them had their own meaning and were made solely for the welfare of the future family.

Mother of the bride wore a special doll - "Mother's blessing." It was important to make this amulet secretly from the young. When the wedding ceremony was going on, the parent took out a big doll made, to the hem of which two more small ones were sewn: male and female figures. These two pupae broke away from the big one and were passed on to the young family. The newlyweds had to keep a gift, so that their family had well-being and fertility. A large doll remained in the parental home, she helped her mother survive the parting with her daughter.

Sometimes an ash doll was handed to a young family. It was considered a symbol of the genus, multiplied and protected offspring.

The Slavs cared for the well-being of the future family. When the wedding train departed from the bride's house to the groom's house, where young people were supposed to live, two dolls were suspended under the horse harness. They were fake grooms and brides, on which the evil people looked first. Thus, unkind views did not concern the young.

Even now, at the head of the wedding cortege, a car decorated with ribbons and garlands rides, on the hood of which the doll sits. An echo of ancient customs, it protects the new family from evil views.


The most important doll for the wedding was another, a double doll. It was believed that the dolls "Nerazluchniki" donated to the newlyweds would bring the young family happiness. They symbolized the united in a single whole male and female beginnings. At our ancestors, such a doll was custom-made by the girlfriends of the bride.

They used white, red and other bright cloth flaps, fragments of colored threads. At the heart of the doll was either a thin sliver or a ray. Usually the width of the wand was not more than 1.5 cm, and the length was 25-30 cm. Any tree was suitable, except for aspen and alder. Our ancestors believed that these trees are associated with evil spirits, so they tried to stay away from them.


"Nerazluchniki" - a doll-amulet, symbolizing a strong alliance of the young. The dolls have one hand, which means that the newly-born husband and wife will go hand in hand all their lives, they will be together in sorrow and in joy. Only so will a strong family.

This doll has strong power. Made from a single flap of fabric, tied with a single thread, it connects the young in a single whole. While they are together, they are all well. But if the fateful thread breaks, the doll falls apart into its components. And there will be no union of two lovers already.

It is worth the doll to fall apart, to collect it again will be difficult. As a result, there will be a completely different doll. On it will be seen the knots made for the thread to hold.

To have a strong family, you need to protect the doll - the thread that unites the young, makes them relatives for each other.

How to make a Slavic doll "Nerazluchniki". Master Class

Even nowadays it is possible to make and present such a doll to the wedding. If there is a desire, try to make it for an already existing family. It will bring prosperity, the relations between the spouses will improve, again there will be the energy of love, mutual understanding. This is a good gift.

Dolls "Nerazluchniki" are stored all life. They are placed in the red corner of the house. With each child who appears in the family, a bell or a brush of thread is attached to the doll. They need to be placed between mother and father, in the middle of the doll.

So, how to make a doll "Nerazluchniki" with their own hands? The following materials will be required:

  • A tissue flap measuring 20 to 20 cm;
  • Filler (suitable sintepon);
  • Coil with red thread.

It is important not to use sharp objects. Therefore, no scissors and needles. Everything is done by hand. Cloth for a doll can not be cut, just gently tear off the desired piece from the canvas. Remember that the thread can not be cut off. During the making of the doll "Nerazluchniki" it must be continuous.

Flap horizontally. Mentally divide the resulting rectangle into two squares. You can use the iron and iron the fold to make it easier to find the middle.

The First Doll

The work must begin with the left square. From it the first doll is produced - female. There is an opinion that such traditions were born during the time of matriarchy. You also have the opportunity to do otherwise.

Take a little filler and make a head-knot in the middle of the left square, wind it with a thread. Make sure that enough fabric is left to make a hand. Thread can not be cut off.

The next step is to form a doll figure. We start with the hand. Thread the fabric from neck to palm with a thread, then go back. Determine where the waist should be, and form a skirt with a thread. At the finished doll, the thread is cross-shaped on the chest. The woman is ready.

The second doll

Thread the common hand of the pupae. The right-hand square of the fabric has not yet been used. From it will be formed a male doll.

We begin with the head. Take about the same amount of filler and form a head-knot, fix it all with a thread. A start. The thread is crosswise fixed on the breast of a male doll.

The next step is to form his legs. Everything is done with the same thread. When the legs are done, go back upstairs and make a hand for this boy. Screw the remaining piece of cloth and go back to the head.

Before us are almost completed dolls "Nerazluchniki". The thread must be taken out to the middle of the common hand of the figures, then it should be cut off. First make sure to leave a long enough piece of thread to make a loop out of it. In the future, such a doll can be hung. She will protect family happiness.

In addition to the above, there are many other variations of this doll. The main thing is for its creator to put in his work caress, joy, kindness. Then it will bring happiness.


"Nerazluchniki" - a doll-amulet of happiness of the young. She binds them with family ties, leads one way to their common happiness.

In our time, the tradition returns. Now many people are devastated by constant loneliness. They are increasingly beginning to cherish the main values. And many help puppets "Nerazluchniki".

You can make this gift yourself to any married couple. Present them from the heart, wish the husband and wife to always be together. They will appreciate this gift.

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