
Golden calf. Worship of the Golden Calf

"Golden Taurus" is an expression that has been used for a long time to describe the wealth, power of money and gold. Let us consider the history of its appearance in more detail.

Biblical legend

The expression "golden calf" is not one thousand years old. Even in the book "Exodus" of the Old Testament there is a narrative about how Moses led his people into the land promised by God from Egyptian slavery. Once, for the rest, the Israelis were defeated at the foot of the Sinai. God told Moses to go up the mountain to give him the famous Ten Commandments, as well as to receive other guidelines on which his people should live. On the summit of Sinai, Moses spent forty nights and forty days. At the same time he constantly communicated with God. The long absence of Moses stirred the Israelites. They decided that he might not return to his people. That is why the Israelites appealed to his companion and brother Aaron. The people asked him to make a god, for which one could go further. The brother of Moses ordered to collect all the gold ornaments available to the Israelites. Of precious metal, he cast a statue of a calf, which was offered as an idol to the people. The new deity was sacrificed, after which they arranged a feast. Thus the Jews betrayed their true God.

Moses, coming down from the top of the mountain, saw the feasting people. In anger, he destroyed a new idol and punished those responsible for this crime. Since that time, the golden calf is an image that means renunciation of the true God to achieve a different life goal. It is the accumulation of momentary earthly riches.

Why the Taurus? The fact is that the ox in ancient times was a symbol of energy and strength. That is why the Jews decided that the Taurus is a deity that helped bring them out of the Egyptian land. However, the Lord told Moses that the worship of the idol of greed is not a service to Him. And the Apostle Paul held the same view .

The worship of a golden calf is natural for a greedy person. But for him money very quickly becomes a kind of deity. It is to this idol that avarice brings any sacrifices. Will all the gold in the world be a guarantee of eternal life, love and wisdom? Surely these riches are available only to those who worship the real God. So before a golden calf becomes a life priority, any businessman should think hard.

The golden calves of Jeroboam the First

This king of Israel erected in his kingdom two golden calves: one in Bet El (Bethel), and the other in the north of the country, in Dana. They were formal symbols of the foot of the throne of Yahweh. These calves were worshiped by local people as gods, their cult remained for a long time.

Some kings went further, accepting foreign cults, but even the rulers of the kingdom of Israel, most positively estimated by the Bible, did not depart from veneration of the Bethel and Danish calves.

The mention of the idol in other sources

The golden calf as a cult object appears in later chronicles. These are historical chronicles. They deal with the establishment of the Northern Israel after the split of the single state and the choice of the golden calf to guide it. This idol immediately decided to renounce the cult that exists in the Temple of Jerusalem.

Today, researchers suggest that the expression "golden calf" refers to the throne (pedestal). It is on him, as expected, and the Israeli god sits. In this case, the golden body is similar to the winged cherubs. They served as a solid pedestal to the invisible god.

The Jewish prophets believed that worshiping the One God who sits on a throne decorated with a golden calf is tantamount to serving the very idol of greed. This was severely condemned and even punished.

A precious metal

It is known that gold is the most attractive force. For many centuries it was mined and acquired, it was passionately dreamed of. And all this because of the combination of the beauty of the precious metal, its unique physical properties, as well as the limited available on our planet reserves.

States use gold as a means to effect international payments, and also as a guarantee of financial stability. Citizens acquire a precious metal for insurance against unstable rates of various currencies. Gold can be found everywhere. It is in the sea and in the river water, in the rocks and in the bowels of the earth, and, of course, in the windows of jewelry stores. One of them is the "Golden Calf" (Murmansk), specializing in selling products made from this precious metal.

The combination of quality, price and beauty

The world of jewelry, presented in the store "Golden Calf", is very rich and diverse. Here, each buyer will certainly find the goods to their liking and afford.

About company

Jewelry network "Golden Taurus" is currently considered the largest among similar companies in the Altai Territory. Its shops can be visited in such cities as Biysk and Barnaul. "Golden Taurus" has been operating since 1996. Currently, the stores of this network, and their fifteen, are open in the largest shopping complexes.

This is a brand that is trusted by well-known suppliers in the industry. Among them are Region Jeweler, Adamas, Estet, Bronnitsky Jeweler, Krasnoselsky Jewelryprom, and many others. Directly, without intermediaries, jewelry comes to Biysk and Barnaul. "Golden Taurus" offers its customers a wide range of jewelry at affordable prices.

Entertaining film

Based on the novel by M. Ibragimbekov, the criminal comedy "The Waltz of the Golden Calfs" was removed. It's a fascinating story about two old school buddies. At the time of the meeting, which took place after twenty years of separation, one of them is an aviation engineer, and the second is a gold digger. The latter was unexpectedly lucky. In the northern mines, he accidentally found gold bars. Friends (in their roles - Vladimir Steklov and Alexei Zharkov) decide to forward the unexpected wealth to Moscow, hiding it in the toilet on the aircraft. What ended this scam, you can find out by watching a fascinating film.

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