HealthDiseases and Conditions

What if the temperature rises in the evening?

Colds hurt almost every one of us and it should be noted that the condition is not pleasant. High fever, headache, runny nose are far from all the symptoms that allow the doctor to diagnose ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection). This means "the virus is rampant" in the body, and if this is actually so, then the temperature rises by night for good reason. Let's try to understand the mechanism of the effect of a viral infection on the human body. Getting into the body, the virus begins to multiply and best of all it feels at a temperature of 35 - 36 degrees. Our body is trying to cope with a viral infection, so the body temperature rises. As soon as it reaches 38 - 38.5 degrees, the multiplication of microbes stops, and above 39 degrees they die at all. As a rule, the temperature rises in the evening, at this moment the protective forces of the organism are activated.

What is body temperature ?

Body temperature is a complex of indicators that reflects the heat exchange of various organs and tissues of a person with the external environment. The usual temperature of the human body is 36.5 - 37.0 degrees Celsius. Internal exothermic reactions and safety valves allow the removal of excess heat during sweating. The hypothalamus plays the role of a thermostat and is involved in thermoregulation, since the body temperature fluctuates within a day. Sometimes the difference between internal organs and skin can be 5 - 10 ° C. Women may experience an increase in body temperature by the evening depending on the menstrual cycle, in men the body temperature in the genital area may be 1.5 ° C lower than on the skin and mucous membranes of other parts of the body. In athletes, the temperature in different parts of the body can be different depending on the position of the body and physical exertion.

What is hyperthermia (fever)?

Body temperature often rises, as a signal that not everything is in order with the organs and systems of the body, this condition is called hyperthermia or fever. If the temperature rises by the evening for a long time and does not go down for a long time, it signals a serious danger that threatens the health or life of a person. Body temperature above 42 ° C can lead to loss of consciousness, if this condition lasts for a long time, irreversible changes occur in the brain. Hyperthermia can be intermittent, temporary, permanent, recurrent. Intermittent fever manifests as periodic daytime temperature changes, temporary - temperature drop to normal, then again increase. If a person during the day is all right, and by the evening the temperature rises - this condition is called a temporary fever. Sometimes a temporary fever with large temperature changes is accompanied by chills and increased sweating, a condition called septic fever. Constant hyperthermia means a constant fever, sometimes with swings, when the temperature rises in the evening.

How to relieve the state at high temperature?

If the temperature rises in the evening to 37.5, then, as a rule, it is not accepted to fight it. This temperature means that the body itself is struggling with harmful bacteria or viruses. If the temperature is higher, then it is necessary to take an antipyretic agent in order to avoid the development of complications. To relieve the condition and to remove intoxication will help abundant warm drink, the liquid will help to remove toxins from the body. Today, doctors together with antiviral, vitamin and antihistamine drugs often prescribe anticonvulsants. This is understandable, since high temperatures can adversely affect the body. Coping with this problem will help the most common compress of alcohol and vinegar, and if there is no alcohol, you can take the usual vodka. Having lowered the temperature to the required level, do not forget that appearing to the doctor in this situation will be superfluous.

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