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What does a peacock female look like? Bird keeping conditions

Peacock is rightly considered one of the most beautiful birds that inhabit our planet. Therefore, many will be very surprised to learn that their closest relatives are ordinary domestic chickens. After reading this article, you will understand how the male and the female peacock look.

Short description

These amazing birds originated from wild pheasants and chickens. Despite their common ancestors, they are much more than their kindred. It is interesting that the female peacock, the photo of which will be presented in this article, visually differs from the male by the shape of the tail and the coloring. Her body is covered with a uniform grayish-brown feathers, and her head is adorned with the same crest. The bird has a white abdomen and a greenish neck. This low-key coloring allows her to perform the basic function of hatching eggs. If it had a bright plumage, it would not be difficult for predators to track it down in the thickets of vegetation and destroy the future offspring.

Where does the female peacock live?

As this bird is called, even babies know, so we will immediately move on to the natural habitat. Wild peas and peacocks can be found only in Sri Lanka and India. They try to avoid open territories. Most often these birds live in thin forests and bushes. From time to time, they wander into neighboring agricultural plantations.


One male needs more than one female peacock, so in the wild they gather in small flocks. They live in a hilly, forested area. In the afternoon they hide in shady thickets. After the twilight, peacocks begin to search for accommodation in the crowns of trees. In general, their daily routine is characterized by a certain cyclicity. Every evening, peacocks climb the same tree, where they are arranged for a night rest. Even food they try to look only in well-known places.

What does the female peacock feed in nature and in captivity?

The basis of the diet of these unpretentious and non-selective birds are grains. If necessary, they do not disdain small vertebrates, insects and young greens.

Despite the fact that male and female peacocks are considered grains, one third of their diet can be replaced by wet mash-pans with boiled potatoes. To this mixture it is recommended to add fresh pre-crushed herbs, including meadow motley grass, nettle, alfalfa and clover. In the winter and spring months, when it is not possible to give the birds green fodder, grated vegetables, rubbish or hayfish should be added to the mash.

In normal times, they need to be fed twice a day. However, during the breeding season a female peacock, whose photo can not convey all its beauty, should be provided with three meals a day.

Features of content at home

Peasants have been engaged in the domestication of peacocks since ancient times. In those distant times they were a true decoration of the gardens and parks of noble nobles. Today, many of our compatriots are breeding these feathered handsome men.

The first thing to remember for those who plan to start these birds is that they need a separate cage. They can show aggression towards other birds and are able to simply peck the relatives living in the neighborhood. In order to avoid such incidents, it is recommended that each peacock family be provided with its own corral.

Ideally, they should be kept in a spacious enclosure, consisting of a foundation and a frame, covered with a stainless fine mesh net. It is desirable that the corral, whose height should be not less than three meters, was combined with the shed-bird house.

On the floor, it is necessary to pour a ten-centimeter layer of river sand, on top of which fine pebbles are added, which helps birds digest solid food. In addition to the enclosure, peacocks need a poultry house, which is a shed with perches and nests.

Reproduction and breeding of chicks

Sexually mature individuals are those who have reached the age of three. The breeding season of these birds usually falls on the spring and summer months. The ritual of taming is very different from the other birds. They perform beautiful marriage dances. To win the favor of his girlfriends, the male starts flaunting his tail in front of them. Each female peacock lays from five to twelve eggs. A month later they hatch from them.

It is interesting that the peacock chicks, whose body is covered with a grayish fuzz, develop much faster than the offspring of other domestic birds. A week after the birth of the kids, they are already starting to fly and lead an active lifestyle. In order for them to develop normally, they need to ensure a sufficient amount of feed and constant access to clean drinking water.

Young animals can be given the same food as adults. However, in their feeders it is desirable to additionally mix kefir, cottage cheese, boiled eggs and oatmeal. Until six months of age, the chicks are recommended to give vitamin supplementary supplements and coccidosis preparations.

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