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Flint is a stone endowed with special properties. Using flint

Not for one million years the period in the history of mankind, called the stone age, lasted. All this time he helped people to survive flint. It is a stone with a unique property to give a spark, which was what the man used, creating the first tools for the extraction of fire from him - baptized, flint, tinder.


The color of this natural stone depends on the impurities contained in it. There are a lot of colors - from yellowish white to dark brown and even black. In this case, the flint is not always monophonic, there are stones striped, patterned. Depending on the composition, and accordingly on what the flint looks like, there are 4 groups: quartz siliceous, quartz chalcedony, opal chalcedony, opal. This stone has very high strength values (up to 7 units on the Mohs scale). His property of sparking when striking pieces of each other ancient people used to produce fire. Sharp fragments of flint went to the manufacture of axes, knives and arrowheads.

Flint deposit

This type of stones does not belong to the rare category and is found practically in all corners of the planet. The oldest deposit is the island of Rügen near Germany. Crimson is also mined in Russia - in the Moscow region, in the Tver and Belgorod regions. There are known deposits, where flint is found very unusual colors - it is mostly in the south of Kazakhstan. There you can find stones of pink, lilac and bright red color.

Healing properties of flint

It is noticed that this stone has a very beneficial effect on the human body. Particularly effective is its use in the field of psychotherapy. Use silicon and for the early healing of fractures, bruises, treatment of skin diseases.

But the most famous in medical practice is an aqueous solution of silicon. It is believed that he is able to cure many diseases. Flint is a stone that is able to change the energy structure of water, transferring some of its energy to it, and making it sterile. Such water has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It is recommended to drink it for fractures, diseases of the digestive system, for the prevention and treatment of various infectious diseases and as a hemostatic. Especially these properties are distinguished by black flint, which contains a small amount of organic substances.

Magical properties

It is believed that flint is a mineral that can give a person confidence and strength. With its help, even melancholy and lazy people become more active and resolute in their actions. A stone can affect a person's desire for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

It does not matter what part of the body there is an amulet made of flint. The pendant on the neck promotes leadership qualities, self-reliance, and empowers people to lead. If there is a flint where the heart is, on the left side of the body, the surrounding world will receive love, care and attention from the owner of the stone.

It has long been believed that flint protects travelers, protecting them in transit and protecting them from adversity, difficulties and deception. Collecting all the negative energy and translating it into a positive one, this stone can serve as a keeper of the house.

Ornaments from flint

Some types of flint have such an amazing coloring that they are used as decorations. Many of them are even given names (opal, jasper, chalcedony). Figured stones often go for the manufacture of buttons, pendants and cuff links. Larger specimens are used for grinding vases, caskets and candlesticks. How does a flint look like an interior decoration, you can see in some public buildings, halls of ceremonial meetings and subway stations, whose walls are decorated with this mineral. The floor of the Annunciation Church of the Moscow Kremlin is laid before the altar with natural flint glass.

Flint in Industry

The high strength of this stone is widely used in construction and industry. It is especially popular in abrasive production. Grinding skins made with the use of flint can long keep the surface in working condition, without being clogged. And when building roads, this stone is also used. Granite, flint, limestone - all these simple stones are found around so often that we are already accustomed to simply not noticing them.

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