Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Repair your lawn mower yourself
In private households and in the country without a lawnmower simply can not do - manually mow the lawn for a long time and hard. Many use electric and gasoline units. Sometimes these devices fail, but you do not need to rush into the service. Repair of lawn mowers is possible with their own hands. If the unit is electric, then, most likely, the problem lies in the wiring. In the case of gasoline, problems with candles are possible, or the engine has failed.
Malfunctions of electric lawn mowers
Often, any malfunctions with the devices of such a plan are associated with violations in the electrical part. Those who have at least a little knowledge of the electrical, say that the contact has disappeared (or has appeared where there should not be). In any case, repair your lawn mower yourself with the best start with a visual inspection. Typical faults include insulation damage or a start button malfunction.
Petrol Equipment
Repair of lawnmower gasoline more complicated than the restoration of electrical equipment. But nothing is impossible. It is enough to know typical problems, be able to diagnose them and replace parts. In most household lawn mowers, gasoline two-stroke ICEs are installed. Sometimes the units can be equipped with motors from other equipment. Often it is possible to meet in lawn mowers engines from chainsaws and trim tabs.
The motor starts, keeps the revolutions well, and the knives do not spin
This is a very typical problem. In this case, the mechanical part breaks down.
The engine starts with difficulty, but it works stably
In this case, the unit with a gasoline engine does not start well, but it behaves well in the operating mode when fuel is supplied. This is a common cause, which is associated with malfunctions in the idling system of the carburetor.
The engine starts badly, unstable operation on any modes
In this case, you should check the carburettor. Perhaps fuel jets are clogged. Also, the reason may be in a clogged fuel or air filter. Repair of a lawn mower involves cleaning or replacing filters, as well as blowing out jets.
Power unit starts, but can not withstand the load
It happens so. The engine runs at idle speed, but at the slightest load they fall. In this case "oxygen starvation" takes place. The solution is very simple - the replacement or cleaning of the air filter will help.
If you do not start a gasoline engine
It happens that even with normal fuel supply the engine refuses to start.
Cleaning the carburetor
The carburetor is the most frequent cause of problems in the operation of lawn mowers and other gasoline equipment. The cleaning of the device helps. The structure of all lawn mowers is approximately the same. Therefore, you can easily perform such repairs of lawn mowers with your own hands, regardless of the model or brand. The first thing to do is remove the air filter cover. Unscrewing the screws, remove the plastic cover and remove the filter. If it is clogged, it should be cleaned. Under this cover there is an inner lid. It will be removed after unscrewing the bolts. Under the lid is a carburettor. It should also be removed. To do this, first disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel tank directly to the carburetor. If there was fuel inside, it would flow. You have to be very careful. Then the carburetor is removed - it is held on two bolts. Now, when the device is removed, it is necessary to disassemble it. Unscrew the bolt that holds the fuel chamber cap. Cleaning involves the use of special fluids.
As you can see, most of the malfunctions of garden equipment can be eliminated at home by themselves. If the lawn mower owns a car enthusiast who at least once set up an automobile carburetor, repair of self-propelled lawn mowers for such a person will not be difficult. But it's better not to bring the device to this state. The guarantee of uninterrupted operation of the device - high-quality fuel, good oil, compliance with proportions in the mixture. With proper preparation and high-quality fuel, it is very difficult to damage a two-stroke engine. If you comply with all the rules, then repair of lawn mower "Husqvarna", as well as any other models for a long time will not be needed.
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