Computers, Computer games
Rise of the Tomb Raider: tests and their passage
Rise of the Tomb Raider - a new game about the adventures of Lara Croft. This time the famous adventurer will bring to the snowy wasteland of Siberia. Here, the Tomb Raider is waiting for a lot of secrets and mysteries, which will be solved in the process of passing the Rise of the Tomb Raider. Tests are small missions that will occur in each location of the game. How to perform these quests, our brief review will tell.
Rise of the Tomb Raider: Passage Test
The first task will be available at the very beginning of the game, in Syria. A mission called "Tack them higher" is to destroy all the censers that can be found in this area. In addition, in this area you will find several relics and documents.
Siberian wilderness
The following puzzles await you in this small location of the game Rise of the Tomb Raider. Tests for the search for three relics and six documents to perform quite simply - obscure the district, and be sure to find all these artifacts. In addition, in the Siberian wilderness you will have to perform another test called "Grab and Run". To pass this mission, find three enemy soldiers and, killing enemies, search their corpses.
Soviet base
The first test of this area "To Darkness" is very easy to perform - visit any five caves. It is not necessary to investigate them, just go inside. The next task "Damage to data" is a bit more complicated. To pass it, you will need to find ten red computers on the base and destroy each one.
In this area, there are a few more missions to be performed in the process of passing the Rise of the Tomb Raider. Tests under the names "Freedom of thought" and "Capture the flag" will require you to destroy posters and flags that are within the base.
Geothermal Valley
In this location of the game Rise of the Tomb Raider, the test map is quite extensive. In addition, to perform these tasks you will need to perform certain actions. In the mission "Bird in the cage" you need to catch one of the chickens, which in the camp is enough, and throw it into the pen. The task will count when you catch 5 birds.
The next mission "Jumping from high altitude" causes difficulty for most players, because simple jumps from the ledge here are not counted. In order for the mission to be completed, you need to find four springboards and jump right from them into the water. Before making a jump, go to the edge of the springboard and hold down the key that the game will offer you. Only in this case the test will be completed.
To pass the next task "In the bull's-eye," you must find and destroy with the help of the bow seven goals. In doing so, it is necessary to try to ensure that the arrow lies as close as possible to the red circle of the target. In the test "Hanged in the sun" you need to find and cut off the ropes of the corpse rabbits. The last task to be performed in the Geothermal Valley is "Pumpkin Throwing". In this test, you need to find five barrels and throw pumpkins into them.
The test in this location, which is called "Loss of communication", is quite complex and time-consuming. For its passage it is necessary to find six radio sets, each of which is hidden in improvised tents or under canopies. When searching, do not skip a single structure, and then you can find all these items.
Scientific Station
In this area, you are waiting for one test called "Scorched Earth". To pass it, you need to find and blow up four fuel tanks. Each of them will be easy to find, because they all stand on trucks and are visible to the naked eye.
The Way of the Immortals
To pass the test in this location, which is called "Enemy of my enemy", you will need to set fire to six signal braziers. All of them are located slightly higher than your character. Lighthouses can only be lit by means of vessels with an explosive powder, which must be fired from any weapon.
Lost city
You will find many adventures in this final location of the game Rise of the Tomb Raider. Tests of "Banner Down with", "For Whom the Bell Tolls", "Burn, Baby, Burn" and "Hooligan" will bring a lot of pleasure, but they will force you to thoroughly search the whole area. In the first test it is necessary to find and set fire to eight posters. In the second - to destroy five bells, located at the beginning of the city. To pass the third task, find and light the signal torches. In the last task, you need to break up the eight statues that you will find in Kitezh. On this we finish the review of the tests of the game Rise of the Tomb Raider and wish you successful searches.
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