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The biggest beetle in the world is the mystery of nature!

Tourists traveling in South America, at the sight of this beetle can do badly. No kidding! You just look at its size! The biggest beetle in the world is the so-called woodcutter-titanium. No one can truly say its exact dimensions. Some scientists say that the longest adult is 17 centimeters, others allegedly met a woodcutter up to 22 centimeters long. In South America, found only a 16-centimeter beetle, which is now in the museum in dried form. According to entomologists, There is no longer a single specimen longer than this museum in any museum in the world. However, it is known that the average size of these insects is about 13 centimeters. By the way, it's not only the biggest beetle in the world, it's the most expensive insect! Imagine that only in the dried form of woodcutter-titanium is not less than a thousand dollars!

The call is!

Woodcutters of these beetles were nicknamed not so much because of their size, but because of the most powerful jaws capable of breaking timber. This, strictly speaking, they are engaged in all their short life. The fact is that the woodcutters are the orderlies of nature. Their main goal is the consumption of decaying and already dead wood. Beetles live up to five weeks. It is interesting that in their short life they absolutely do not eat anything, they exist at the expense of their fat, which, by the way, they have accumulated in the stage of the larvae, without even realizing it. That would be so to people!


On average, a large black beetle weighs about 28 grams. Its main color is black, but there are specimens of dark brown and reddish-brown color. Their body is widened from the sides and flattened from above and below. On the back of each side, the woodcutter-titanium has three sharpened thorns. The eyes of the lumberjacks are notchy, just before them are a long mustache. As in the whole animal world, females of these insects are larger than males, which differ significantly from them, primarily in their structure. In addition, it became known that males are more sensitive to bright daylight. Like many other living organisms, males in the mating season begin the struggle for females not for life, but for death, biting off each other's legs and mustaches.


The largest beetle in the world inhabits the territory from Ecuador to Guyana. Woodcutters are night insects. In the afternoon they sit in their shelters - trees, hollows, rotten stumps. But as soon as twilight comes, the woodcutters creep out, climb to some elevation and safely fly up into the sky. Almost nothing is known about the larvae of these beetles. Scientists suggest that their size is up to 4 centimeters. Larvae develop in the basal zones of already drying trees or in already rotted trunks. There they eat and gain their fat. The stage of pupae, apparently, they pass in the earth itself, while it lasts at least a couple of years!

Woodcutter-titanium and man

It sounds awful, but in different tropical countries the biggest beetles in the world in the stage of larvae are an exquisite treat for both the local population and tourists! They say that this "dish" is known since the days of Ancient Rome!

The biggest beetle in the world has a great popularity among tourists. For example, in South America there are special tours to catch these beetles.

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