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"Defeat" Fadeev: analysis and summary

Fadeev's "defeat", the analysis of which we will carry out in this article, was written in 1927. Alexander Aleksandrovich for the first time in Russian literature focused on the depiction of the inner world of the participants in the civil war and the revolution - fictional characters, ordinary heroes. In the novel everything is subordinated to the solution of this problem - from the features of composition, the choice of situation to the psychological analysis used in the text. This is the feature of the work "The rout" of Fadeyev. An analysis of it, as well as a brief summary of this novel, we bring to your attention.

The author's choice of time and place of action

Fadeev, talking about the partisan movement that was developing in the Far East during the civil war, chooses for his story the tragic situation, which is indicated in the title: it is about the defeat of one detachment of partisans. Most clearly in these trials, the characters of different characters are revealed, as shown by our analysis. "Defeat" (Fadeev) is a work in which the idea of personal transformation plays a big role. According to the author himself, there is a "alteration of people".

Image of psychology of heroes

An extensive introduction is the first 8 chapters of the work "The rout" of Fadeyev. Analyzing them, you can see that the whole series is named after the main characters of the novel: "Levinson", "Metchik", "Morozka". It can also be noted that the author deliberately slows down the pace of development of the action in order to present the history of the main characters to the readers, describe their mutual relations, and prepare them to understand their behavior during the battles.

Representing the psychology of heroes, the writer uses the tradition of classical Russian literature. Carrying out an analysis of the novel "Defeat" Fadeev, it should be noted that most of all Alexander Alexandrovich relies on the work of Leo Tolstoy. The author follows his principles, despite the fact that the time in which the work was created was marked by a fierce denial of the past, including literary, and attention to the analysis of the inner world was considered a "psycho-lingual". Tolstoy's traditions contain psychological analysis methods: landscape and portrait details, as well as internal monologues that reveal the secret reasons for the actions of the characters, their feelings and thoughts (the chapters Nineteen, Gruz, Levinson).

Use of the reception of the antithesis, its analysis

"Defeat" (Fadeev AA) is a work in which the method of the antithesis is used, which reveals the tension of psychological, moral, historical conflicts. In contrasting Morozka and Levinson, as well as the latter and Metchik, the value of consciousness, conviction in the formation of the human personality is shown.

Thus, Metchik and Morozka collide in the work. Analysis of the novel "Defeat" Fadeev reveals what their confrontation is. From the very beginning, the superiority of the "class instinct" inherent in proletarians, over the doubts of this "clean" intellectual who is not interested in the revolution as such, but in itself is revealed from the very beginning. After reading the work, we can see that the novel clearly dominates the class principle, when a person is evaluated. This is primarily due to the historical limitations inherent in the views of the author.

Picture of the inner formation of man

The focus in the novel "Defeat" Fadeev (the analysis of the work proves this) pays to such a moment as the formation of the personality of a person struggling for a new life, his moral and psychological formation. The process of its maturation is most fully revealed by the example of Ivan Morozov, a miner named Morozka. With it are connected in one way or another 12 chapters out of 17. The work depicts successively the changes in the thoughts and feelings of this person. In this process, a special role is played by Levinson, the detachment commander. The feat was the result of the short life of Ivan Morozov. He saved his comrades at the cost of his own life.

The hero who could not stand the test

As we have already noted, Fadeyev's novel "The Defeat" is based on the antithesis. Analysis of the work shows that the antipode of Ivan Morozov is Pavel Metchik, who could not stand the trials with a harsh reality. Each of his actions the author treats as an expression of selfishness, weakness, the lack of a moral core. All these traits eventually push Mechik to betrayal. In the debunking of this hero the author is consistent. This man for him was initially cowardly, shallow, and his sufferings are insignificant, superficial. In describing this intellectual, we do not find the desire to portray a contradictory, complex personality, characteristic of the author's contemporaries.

We have singled out only the main points that are present in the work "The rout" of Fadeev. Our analysis can be supplemented. After all, each of us understands literature in his own way. Try yourself to find some other features of the novel "Defeat" (Fadeev). The analysis of the chapters will help you to better understand the work, to reveal interesting patterns.

Summary: the beginning of events

The work tells that Levinson, the commander of a detachment of partisans, orders Morozka, his orderly, to take a package to another detachment. Tom does not want to go, he suggests therefore send someone else. The commander, hearing about this, orders his orderly calmly to surrender their weapons, and then go wherever he likes. Reflected, Morozka decides to take the letter and goes with the task, noticing that he can not "leave the detachment". It is not accidental that Fadeev ("The Rout") notes. Analysis Morozko, the main character of the novel, reveals his complex nature, internal struggle. Than it will end, you will learn, after reading the end of the short content of the work.

Prehistory of Frost, the hero picks up Mechik

We will describe the following events. Then comes the prehistory of Ivan Morozov. He worked as a miner, already in the second generation. Morozka did thoughtlessly everything in his life, including marrying Varya, a walking hauler, and then also left to defend the Soviets in the eighteenth year.

On the way to the detachment under the command of Shaldyba, where the orderly pack is taking him, he notices the battle between the partisans and the Japanese. Russian soldiers flee, leaving the wounded boy dressed in a city jacket. The frost pick it up and return to its commander Levinson. Carrying out the analysis of the story "The Defeat" of Fadeyev, we have already mentioned Paul Mecica. A little later we will introduce you to this hero in more detail.

Swords in the infirmary

Pavel Metchik, whom Ivan picked up, only woke up in the forest hospital, noticed the nurse Varya (who is the wife of Morozka) and Dr. Stashinsky. The wounded are bandaged. It is reported in the prehistory of this character that he, when he was still in town, wanted to wreak havoc, so he decided to go to the partisans. However, he was disappointed when he got to the Reds. He tries to talk with Dr. Stashinsky in the infirmary. But he, having learned that this man was leading a friendship with the maximalists-SRs, reluctantly talks with Mechik.

Misdemeanor's Offense

The wounded hero immediately did not like Morozka. His opinion of him was strengthened when, in the infirmary, Morozka visited his wife. After that, he tried to steal from Ryabts, the village chairman, a melon. However, he was forced to retire, caught by the owner. Complains Levinson chairman, and he gives the order to take weapons from Morozka. The village gathering was scheduled for the evening in order to discuss the improper behavior of this orderly. Pushing among the peasants, Levinson finally realizes that the detachment must be retreated, since the Japanese are already quite close. The guerrillas gather at the appointed hour, and the commander expounds what is the matter, offering to decide how to deal with Morozka.

Morozka makes a promise, guesses about the relationship between his wife and Mechikov

Dubov, a partisan, a former miner, says that it is necessary to drive the orderly out of the detachment. This is so strong on the guilty hero that he gives the floor to never again disgrace the title of the former miner and partisan. Frost on one of his trips to the hospital knows that Metchik and his wife have a special relationship. Never before jealous of his wife, he this time is angry with his wife, and this "mother's son" (the definition that Morozka Mechika rewards).

A horse gets a horse

Everyone in the detachment thinks that Levinson is a man of the "right", "special" breed. Partisans believe that the commander understands everything and knows, although he sometimes felt hesitations and doubts. Levinson, having collected information from all sides, orders to retreat to his detachment. Metchik, already recovered, returns to the detachment. The commander decides to give him a horse. So Mecik gets a "sorrowful tearful" mare named Zyuchikha. The offended partisan does not know how to deal with it. Unable to get close to other members of the detachment, he is not able to see the "main springs" of his mechanism.

The Swordsmen with Baklanov go to the reconnaissance

Mechikov together with Baklanovym decide to send in intelligence. They stumble into the village on a Japanese patrol and kill three in a shootout. Having discovered the main forces of the Japanese, the two partisans return to their detachment.

History with Frolov

You must retreat, you need to evacuate the hospital, but you can not take Frolov with fatality. Stashinsky and Levinson therefore decide to give him poison. Their conversation accidentally hears Metchik. He tries to stop the doctor. He yells at him. Frolov understands what's the matter, and agrees to drink poison.

Events in the village

The detachment retreats, Levinson goes to check the guards during the night, starts a conversation with Mechik, who stands at the post of sentry. He tries to explain to the commander that he is ill in the detachment, but Levinson after this conversation gives the impression that this partisan is an "impassable messenger". The commander sends Metelitsa to the reconnaissance. He creeps into the village, where the Cossacks are at that time, climbs behind the fence of the house in which the squadron chief lives temporarily. The Cossacks find him, lock him in a barn, and next morning they interrogate him, then they lead him to the square. Here, a man in a vest comes forward, leading a frightened shepherd's hand. This boy Metelitsa left his horse on the eve, meeting with him in the forest. The chief of the Cossacks wants to interrogate the child "in their own way," but Metelitsa, striving to strangle, rushes at him. The chief shoots and the Snowstorm dies.

The battle with the Cossacks

Continues his work Fadeev Alexander ("Defeat"). Analyzing further content, we can highlight the following key points. The Cossack squadron leaves on the road. At this time, it is discovered by the guerrillas, who ambush, turning the Cossacks into flight. Killed during the battle of the horse Morozki. Partisans, taking the saddle, on the orders of the commander, shoot the above-mentioned man in a vest. In the village at dawn, the enemy cavalry arrives. Levinson's squad, considerably thinned, retreats into the forest, into the marshes, but sticks there, because the bog is ahead. Then Levinson decides to break the swamp. Having carried out this, the detachment makes its way to the bridge where the Cossacks have ambushed. Sent to the guard Mecik, but runs, discovered by the Cossacks, afraid to warn the detachment of Levinson. Morozka, who followed him, shoots three times, as agreed, and dies. The order of Levinson rushes into the attack, only 19 people remain alive.

So, we looked at the work that Fadeev created ("The Rout"). A summary, an analysis of it were presented to you. I hope this article was useful to you.

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