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Biography, personal life, photos and creativity of Apollon Grigoriev

Apollo Aleksandrovich Grigoryev is an outstanding critic and poet. This person became one of the brightest in Russian literature of the XIX century. But his theories remained a mystery to contemporaries and provoked interest among poets and prose writers only at the beginning of the last century. The life and work of Apollon Grigoriev is the topic of this article.


Biography Grigoriev Apollon Alexandrovich began in 1822 in Moscow. His father was a civil servant, and his mother was a daughter of a serf. For understandable reasons, the parents of Apollon Grigoriev get permission to the wedding was not easy. The future literary critic turned a year when the mother was able to take him from an educational home.


The early years of Apollon Grigoriev were cloudless. He received a good home education. Father paid a lot of attention to his education. A brief biography of Grigoryev, Apollon Alexandrovich, includes many moves from one city to another, constant search and the desire to realize oneself in various fields of activity. So, becoming an adult, he was able, without parental assistance, to obtain a legal education. But to follow in the footsteps of his father, the future poet refused. Even after he managed to get a secretary's seat on the university board, he suddenly left the capital.

St. Petersburg

In the northern capital, Apollon Grigoriev's attempts to make a career as an official ended in failure. He was able to get a job in the Deanery Administration, then in the Senate. But none of the posts Grigoriev could not stay for long. The reason for this was a restless and artistic temper.

The first poem in 1845 was published by Apollon Grigoriev. The biography and work of this poet and critic during this period is not particularly noteworthy. In one of the St. Petersburg literary journals in those years, several poems and critical articles by a little-known author appeared. Their existence today, literary scholars remember only thanks to a later stage in the work of Grigoriev.

In 1946 the first collection of poems was published. But the young poet Apollon Grigoriev did not arouse much interest among his contemporaries. Subsequently, he created little original poetic works. Grigoriev achieved greater success in literary translation.

Yet, as a student, the hero of this article led a disorderly and unruly lifestyle. During his stay in Petersburg, he did not change his habits. And that is why, perhaps, he did not achieve what he aspired to. Soon Grigoriev had to return to his native city and temporarily settle down.


In the capital, Apollon Grigoriev began to teach jurisprudence. In parallel, he collaborated with one of the Moscow periodicals. During these years Apollon Grigoriev led a relatively correct way of life. His personal life is connected with the name Korsh. Lydia Fedorovna - wife of Grigoriev - was the sister of a famous literary figure. Marriage with this woman somewhat ordered the life of Apollo Alexandrovich. In 1850 he headed one of the popular literary circles. But the activities in this organization brought criticism a sad popularity.

His main idea was that art should grow solely on a national basis. Sharp criticism of Apollon Grigoriev was aimed at supporters of Byron and other foreign authors. At the same time, he often expressed his ideas in a poetic, but incompetent form.

The creative activity of Apollon Grigoriev grew in proportion to his unpopularity. Eventually, vague arguments about national art so tired of contemporaries, that his articles simply stopped reading. One of the few admirers of Grigoriev's work - Fyodor Dostoevsky - suggested that he sign a pseudonym. Only this step allowed an unfortunate critic to draw attention to his work.


Work in the magazine, whose editor-in-chief was Dostoevsky, allowed Grigoriev to occupy a relatively favorable position in the literary field. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the philosophical current, known as "soil", began to gain momentum. The journal Vremya published works of mostly those authors who were adherents of this trend. One of them was Apollon Grigoriev.

The photo of the building in which the editorial office of the magazine "Vremya" was located is higher. This institution was associated with a significant period in the biography of Apollon Grigoriev. But, as was already said, this person did not differ in constancy. So, an extremely romantic poet soon went to Orenburg province. To leave their adherents forced conviction in their prejudiced attitude towards his work.


Arriving in this city, Grigoriev was filled with confidence that his true vocation is teaching. The literary critic decided to devote his life to teaching Russian language and literature. He took up the new business not without hobby. But the year did not pass, as life in the provinces bored Grigoriev, and he again went to Petersburg.

Literary and theatrical bohemia

In St. Petersburg, Apollon Grigoriev began again to lead an erratic lifestyle. The consequence of his numerous frivolous actions was staying in a debt prison. After liberation, this addictive nature wandered from one magazine to another. "Time" in 1963 was banned. And throughout the year Grigoriev worked in the editorial offices of other literary publications, primarily as a theatrical critic. In this sphere, he unexpectedly achieved recognition. When considering the next theatrical premiere, Grigoriev demonstrated a profound knowledge of the German and French schools. Theatrical notes he made without the usual for that time dryness. Critical articles Grigorieva in the Petersburg cultural circles have gained wide popularity.

Sudden death

In 1964, the magazine "Time" resumed its existence. However, the name was different now. Work in the journal, with which a significant period in the work of Grigoriev is associated, once again inspired him. But alcoholism - a disease that the poet suffered - by this time seriously undermined mental and physical health. Apollon Grigoryev died in his forty-third year of life.

The psychological portrait of Apollon Grigoriev, created by later authors, suggests that this man was extremely inclined to depression. Khandra, who accompanied him all his life, was an integral part of his nature. He was extremely impractical and constantly possessed by irrepressible passions. All this did not allow Grigoriev to improve his personal and professional life. His ideas, he could, and did not seek to attach to any particular literary trend. So he felt an acute loneliness all his life. The lack of discipline, which was inherent in Grigoriev's everyday life, was also transferred to his work. That is why it was so difficult for contemporaries to perceive the literary works of this author.

Organic criticism

This is the name given to his philosophical thought by Apollon Grigoriev. For all his creative career, he was never able to formulate the foundations of his own worldview. They were unknown even to close friends and admirers. The last article of this extraordinary personality is called "Paradoxes of Organic Criticism." The essay was not finished, as usual. In it, the author tried to state his main idea. But here he did not succeed. In the last article the author told about everything except the main subject.

"Organic criticism" aroused interest in Dostoevsky. The great writer offered to criticize his thoughts in the framework of a single literary article, because he saw in them something new, talented and unrepeatable. However, the confused thoughts of an employee of the magazine "Epoch" did not want to be built into theoretical theory. Therefore, the ideas of Apollon Grigoriev gained popularity much later, after the death of the critic.

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