
We grow potatoes. Variety "kiwi": variety description, peculiarities of cultivation and care

Potato in our country takes an honorable place. Without it, not a single holiday and not a single hearty dish. It is not surprising that agronomists have managed to create hundreds of unique varieties, differing not only in their different tastes, characteristics, but also in breeding methods. And what grows better in the garden than potatoes? The variety "kiwi", variety description and other characteristics of this species will be a key topic of today's narrative. Also, some myths about this sort will be debunked.

Taste qualities

Many agronomists love to grow kiwi potatoes. The description of the variety of reviews varies from person to person. Some like this kind of friable structure and soft thin skin. Others are unhappy with the long boiling period, which sometimes exceeds 40 minutes and practically tasteless. But at the same time, tubers are very productive categories. So, from one bush it is possible to collect up to half a bucket of a hearty vegetable.

Maturing time

"Kiwi" refers to late varieties. The term of its maturation is 120 days. Of course, this is not the final figure, because during the formation of tubers affects many factors: climate, weather conditions, the amount of moisture. Even in the same region in different years, the degree of maturation (under the condition of the same planting) can be different.

It is best to eat young potatoes. It is thanks to a very velvety and thin peel, which is easily separated, you can feel the beauty of the variety. Only the ripe potatoes are still sweet, it is filled with fresh strength and a vigorous beginning. And in winter, this variety is great for salads.

Characteristic of the variety

In various encyclopedias and reference books one can find the following description of the potato variety "kiwi". Some parameters are described below.

  • The color of the tubers is white.
  • The shape is round.
  • Peel - mesh, velvet.
  • Ripening time is 120 days.
  • The yield type is high-yielding.
  • The degree of pest damage is low.
  • The cluster system is lush, with violet inflorescences.
  • Requirements for soil - low, resistant to thickened planting.
  • Shelf life - all winter without special conditions.

Has its own characteristics potatoes variety "kiwi". The variety description does not in vain contain one distinctive graph - resistance to pests. The Colorado beetle does infrequently infect young shoots. And there are two reasons for this. First: the leaves of the plant are very rough and have a hair structure. This frightens off the insect, as it becomes difficult to lay eggs. And the second: the potato in its structure contains bioglobin, which is not digested by the pest.

In addition, this variety of potato does not affect late blight, scab, macrosporia and other similar viral diseases.

GMOs or not?

Many CIS residents do not often meet or hear about kiwi potatoes. This is not surprising, because for a long time information about him was classified. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union believed that work for the benefit of society should be hidden behind seven seals.

Many people still think that "kiwi" is a Briansk sort. After all, they developed simultaneously with several other types: lasunok, tempo, Belarusian-3. But such rumors are just a leak of information from the laboratory. In fact, these are completely different varieties.

There remains one unresolved issue. If you carefully read some parameters, there is a doubt whether potatoes are "kiwi". Description of the variety, GMO or not, will help to find out. There are two arguments that indicate that the product is grown without the use of gene technologies.

The opinion of some agronomists: once the potatoes are not damaged by insects, it means that the gene of the bacterium, the enemy of the Colorado beetle, has been introduced into its gene. Firstly, these technologies have become obsolete for a long time, and biocellular, present in potatoes, got there by the method of ordinary crossing.

Secondly, increased hairiness on the shoots is also a result of traditional selection, and no interference with the gene structure has occurred.

Thus, it is obvious that the kiwi potatoes are completely safe.

Peculiarities of growing

Experienced agronomists can tell how to grow different types of potatoes correctly. Characteristics (variety "kiwi"), growing and nursing depend more on the efforts of the owners. There are techniques to get the maximum yield. So, experts recommend planting a vegetable in a Dutch way. The following principles must be taken into account.

  1. The layout of the rows looks like this: two adjacent rows of potatoes, a gap, again two adjacent rows, a gap.
  2. The distance between the beds should be 70-75 cm. This is enough for the small technique to pass, and the land is used to create embankments.
  3. The distance between the tubers is 30 cm.
  4. The bushes do not hill up, but are buried on both sides of the earth. While the sprouts are small, they need to be buried completely: so that only the upper leaves stick out.
  5. For the whole summer, the beds are only watered three times.

The Dutch way of planting allows you to harvest the maximum amount of harvest. From one bush, you can get up to 2 kg of tubers.

What you should know about care

Perfectly grown potatoes, grade "kiwi". The variety description indicates that it is not picky about soil or fertilizers. In addition, since the species is not affected by various insects, it should not be treated with pesticides, which affects the quality of the final product. Growing "kiwi", you can be absolutely sure that the vegetable is safe and does not contain nitrates. But at the same time, people's recipes have their secrets, how to get a delicious and healthy harvest.

  • Soil preparation begins in autumn. At this time, the top layer, 15 cm thick, is being plowed. It is good to bring manure. The main components that potatoes take from it are phosphorus and potassium.
  • In order to make the potato rich and juicy, you need a fertilizer that contains a large amount of nitrogen. But you need to know the measure, otherwise the excess will act the other way round. Nitrogen fertilizers are introduced in the spring.
  • Before planting the tubers should sprout.
  • If planting a variety for the first time, it does not need to be fed.
  • Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out by introducing liquid into the hollow between the bush. The first time it is done in the beginning of summer, when the warm weather has already established, the second time - after 10 days, and again in the same period of time.
  • A few days before excavation, the entire tops should be cut off, retreating 15 cm from the ground.


All of the above was a description of high-yielding potato varieties "kiwi". If you take into account all the points, the result will really exceed expectations. The fact that the tubers are ripe, they learn on the dry tops. For reliability, dig one bush and check.

All grown potatoes are first dried, then sorted, rotten removed, and then sent to storage in a cellar or other cool storage.

Comparisons with other high-yielding varieties

Let's give examples of what are the best sorts of potatoes. Description, recommendations for their cultivation can be found in encyclopedias or directories on gardening. Here are just some varieties that can compete with "kiwi" for yield and taste characteristics.

"Agria". It is deduced in Holland. Has a light color, medium late. Well preserved in winter, has an excellent taste.

"The Gingerbread Man". The tubers are round in yellow, which is why the name arose. It is popular due to its excellent opportunities for industrial processing. Mid-ripening, is not affected by pests.

"Fairy tale". Has a very delicate taste. The rind is rough, yellow in color. The middle is snow-white. Resistant to all known viral diseases.

"Jelly." It is considered the most nutritious. The color and structure is very similar to "kiwi". The rind has a slightly golden hue. The variety belongs to the medium-born.


Truly universal for our latitudes potatoes variety "kiwi". The description of the variety says that it perfectly suits in any soil, it is undemanding to the climate and weather conditions. With all this, it has high yields. "Kiwi" is little affected by the Colorado beetle, it is resistant to viral diseases, so it does not need to be treated with pesticides, from which nitrates can get into the tubers. This is an excellent option for the infield.

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