
Flour phosphate: formula, composition, properties, application

Flour phosphate is ubiquitously cultivated in the ground before planting plants. The effectiveness of its action is noted on acidic soils, because the composition of the earth affects the decomposition of phosphorus to a state that plants quickly absorb. This is a suitable bait for any planting culture, without exception.

To the consumer phosphorite flour comes in the form of brown or grayish powder, it does not smell, it is practically insoluble in water. The merits of this tool are that it has a long period of effective action. They are used as the main fertilizer for plowing and for the preparation of composts based on peat and manure. Since phosphates are slightly soluble in water, fertilizer is assimilated by plants only in acid soil. In such a land, phosphate flour (the formula Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ) is converted to dihydrogen phosphate.


Phosphorites, which form the basis of fertilizer, lie in the earth in layers. They are extracted together with clay, sand and other rocks. Often, besides phosphorites, calcites, apatites and silica are found. In this case, their extraction is in parallel, and the processing plants are located next to the extraction sites.

Fertilizer is obtained by the method of purifying phosphorites from sand and clay, followed by crushing into pieces and grinding. This is how phosphorite flour is produced. The composition of the fertilizer includes quartz, calcium, gypsum and siderite.

Fertilization is well fixed by the earth and remains where it is added. And this means that during watering the product does not penetrate deep into the soil and is not washed out of the soil. Before the start of the planting flour, phosphorite is introduced deep into the moist soil, to the root system of plants. This is due to the lack of mobility of phosphorus: the closer it gets to the roots, the more effective its effect.

During a shallow introduction of fertilizer, part of it remains on the surface, quickly dries, which leads to the withering away of the roots. Therefore, surface feeding without deep sealing is ineffective. The higher the grinding of flour, the better the decomposition of phosphorus under the influence of acid soil and is easier to assimilate by plants.

Phosphorus is one of the basic microelements necessary for root formation, plant growth and seed ripening. It controls the metabolic processes and supplies the necessary energy, being an important source of nutrition. Some plantings require a significant amount of phosphorus, others - less. But one thing is clear: without this element the life of plants ceases.

Important: introduced into the ground in abundance, does not cause any harm to phosphate flour, fertilizer is assimilated in the required volumes and helps to reduce the harmful effect of acidic soils. The fertilizer demonstrated its positive effect due to its use on sod-podzolic soils, marshy and alkaline chernozems.

Lack of phosphorus affects the plants not in the best way. Their growth slows down, roots are poorly formed.

Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency

If you know the signs of insufficiency of any nutrients, they can be quickly added. The phosphorus deficiency in the earth is manifested in the following:

  • Plants change their color towards dark green or purple.
  • The appearance of the leaves changes, they fall early.
  • The bottom sheets are covered with dark spots.
  • The plant does not go into growth and begins to bush.
  • The rhizome is so weakly formed that the plant falls out of the soil.

The causes of the appearance of phosphorus starvation in plants

These signs can be easily eliminated if phosphoric flour is added in time. The causes of phosphorus deficiency include:

  • Transition of phosphorus into intractable forms.
  • Improper addition of fertilizers.
  • Depletion of soil as a result of active use of land.
  • Removal of phosphorus with a crop without its subsequent addition.
  • The soil is treated with inorganic.

Positive features

  • The addition of phosphorus helps to increase the yield.
  • Develops resistance to diseases.
  • Significantly increases the% sugar content in root crops.
  • Saturates the plant with the necessary trace elements.
  • Reduces the maturity of the harvest.
  • Promotes resistance to frost, drought or moisture.
  • Reduces the leaching of useful elements from the soil.

Phosphorite flour, the properties of which were considered above, does not absorb moisture. During long-term storage does not lose its characteristics: it does not dissolve in water, does not emit toxins, is not explosive, but very dusty.

Categories of phosphate fertilizers

Phosphoric fertilizers behave differently with water, therefore they are divided into:

  • Fertilizers are readily soluble. They are related to universal top dressings, and they are recommended to be introduced into acidic and alkaline soil.
  • Fertilizers are hardly soluble. These include phosphoric and bone meal, used in acidic and gray forest soil. Plants will be able to obtain phosphorus after exposure to the acidity of the soil or acid, which is extracted from the roots.

Flour phosphorite even layer scattered on the surface of the ground and then dig over, based on the calculation of 30 kg per hundred square meters. This is best done in the spring, before the beginning of the sowing season. Adding flour and slaked lime is not recommended at the same time.

Milled fosmook, getting into the ground, is easily assimilated by plants. The more quality it is mixed with the soil, the greater the effect of its use.

Phosphorite flour is environmentally safe. Its application does not lead to contamination with toxins of soil and reservoirs. It does not violate the ecological balance, and this is an important advantage over water-soluble fertilizers.

Bone flour

When extracting phosphorus from organic compounds having a biological origin, bone meal is obtained . Made from processed bones of large livestock, this fertilizer is actively used for all cultural plantings. In addition to phosphorus, bone meal is also a source of nitrogen and calcium and is ideal for feeding root crops such as potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.

To maintain and grow home flowers, bone meal is used more often than expensive phosphoric fertilizing. Especially seen is its beneficial effect on large plants growing in a tub. It is worth considering that compost, peat or manure is applied in kilograms, bone meal should be calculated in grams or spoons.

Fertilizer with grass

Nature itself allows farmers to prepare a phosphate fertilizer from weeds. As a basis, those herbs that contain a lot of nitrogen are taken. Adding such plants will only improve and enrich the compost. Natural phosphorous fertilizers include the following plants: fruits of mountain ash, hawthorn, wormwood, thyme and feather grass. When using these herbs, you can get nutritious compost without adding chemical fertilizers.

Security measures

Flour phosphate is low-toxic, has a 4-hazard class. But when working with it, wear a respirator and protective suit to prevent the ingress of flour into the respiratory tract. If it still got in the nose and eyes, they must be rinsed with water and leave the treated area.

Soil, enriched with phosphorus, is more an exception than reality. But thanks to the systematic addition of fertilizers, the amount of phosphorus required for normal growth and ripening of plants accumulates. Therefore, it is not required to make it annually, it is enough once in three or four years. Timely feeding will help to collect a worthy work of your own harvest.

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