Food and drink, Main course
We understand what is useful apricot
A fragrant and juicy apricot is good as fresh, and in the form of jam or juice. In countries where these fruits are available in unlimited quantities, people can boast of an enviable life expectancy and strong health. So what are the benefits of apricots?
Fruits are full of ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B, P, as well as minerals - iron, silver, carotene and bioflavonoids. In dried fruits, a lot of sugar, so in the food and medicinal sense, they are of great importance, but with diabetes or overweight, such a feature becomes a contraindication. How useful are the apricot bones? They contain vitamin B15 and fatty oils, useful for skin and hair. The poisonous bones make the glycoside of amygdaline, giving bitterness, so there are more than twenty grams per day not worth it.
How to eat fruit?
To preserve all that is useful apricot, most fully, it is best to eat fresh fruit. The fruits are delicious and aromatic, quite nutritious, so that for a snack and a component of fruit salad fit perfectly.
Dried apricot fruits stabilize the heart rhythm, reduce heart pain and shortness of breath, neutralize swelling of the extremities that accompany heart failure. With a strong puffiness, you can prepare a special medicine. Once a week, eat three hundred grams of soaked dried fruits, dividing them into several meals, and also drink the same day a half-liter of juice. In two or three weeks, all that is useful apricot, will help the body cope with swelling. To achieve maximum results, you should continue the course of treatment for several months. You can repeat this method several times a year. In combination with broths from vinca, astragalus, dioscorees, apricot will also help protect against atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart, brain and lower limbs.
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