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Wheat bran: benefit and harm. How to take wheat bran

What are wheat bran? The benefits and disadvantages of this product will be discussed in this article. Also we will tell you about how to get bran, what is included in their composition, what they are needed for and so on.

General information about the dietary product

Wheat bran, the benefit and harm of which are the subject of dispute among many specialists, are a dietary food product. For quite a long time it was used as a valuable and nutritious food for livestock and poultry. For a person, bran was considered a simple waste of production, which resulted in the processing of grain. However, it should be noted that in the pre-revolutionary Russia, the product in question still helped many people to maintain their health.

Wheat bran - what kind of product?

Do you know how to get wheat bran? The benefits and harms of this product directly depend on the method of its production.

After harvesting the grain, it must be given a commercial appearance and do everything to be able to eat it. As a result of this processing, a so-called by-product is formed, which is a hard shell of grains. This is bran. And it does not matter which grain was processed (wheat, barley, rye, buckwheat or oats). In any case, waste remains in the form of their shells.

Bran is also called husk and the smallest dust that is formed after the grains are ground, cleaned, and then sent to produce flour or cereals. By the way, in the future it is from flour that delicious, but not very useful buns are prepared. It is from them that people safely gain weight. As for bran, it is a secondary product of production. Its use does not contribute to the accumulation of fat.

Composition of bran

What is the composition of wheat bran? Experts say that this product includes carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In addition, it has many vitamins and minerals. However, most of all bran contain fiber and coarse fibers.

So what substances have wheat bran available (the price of the product will be presented a little lower)? These include ash, starch, di- and monosaccharides, protein, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and water. This product also contains vitamins such as B1, PP, E and B2.

As for the minerals, they are also full in bran (zinc and potassium, magnesium and selenium, calcium and sodium, phosphorus and iron, copper and chromium).

Wheat bran: benefit and harm

At first glance it may seem that bran is just rubbish and waste material. However, it is not. Bran is a very valuable food product. It can be used as for any disease not complaining people, and for those who want to improve their health.

As mentioned above, the bran contains a huge amount of fiber and fiber, as well as polyunsaturated fats, carbohydrates, protein and protein. Microelements and vitamins are also components of this product. That is why a large number of dietary recipes include such an ingredient as wheat bran. Dietitians say that they quite well saturate the human body, but they do not have a very high calorie content.

Useful properties of the product

Wheat bread with bran, as well as ordinary bran contain beta-glucan. This polysaccharide is able to bind fatty acids in the intestine and significantly lower the level of cholesterol. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that this product helps to clean the vessels.

The bran contains selenium. In combination with vitamin E, it takes a direct part in all oxidative processes of the body, as well as in the synthesis of DNA cells.

Wheat bran, the price of which is not very high and is about 90 rubles per 500 g, should be included in your diet to those who suffer from diabetes. After all, adding a couple of spoons of the secondary product to food, you can easily change the glycemic index of any dish.

It should also be noted that with the regular use of wheat or any other bran not only reduces blood sugar, but also strengthens the immune system, and improves metabolism.

Crushed and granulated wheat bran are the main source of coarse fibers, fiber and trace elements. Such a product is comparable to a conventional brush. It easily removes all the excess from the human body, and also improves the peristalsis of the intestine and easily cures constipation.

Few people know, but bran can absorb a lot of toxins that accumulate in the body. These are rather coarse fibers that are not digested by the body and not absorbed by them. They only swell inside the intestines, cleanse it, and also absorb fats, excess water and toxins.

Benefits of using bran

Bran crisp wheat must be included in your diet. In fact, thanks to this, the beneficial microflora of your intestine will noticeably increase your growth. This is due to the fact that in the bran is full of fiber, and nothing will prevent the flora from multiplying and performing its direct tasks.

With a healthy intestine, the appearance of a person becomes more attractive and healthy. Nails, hair and skin also have a well-groomed appearance.

One can not help saying that bran is a natural blocker of calories. Using such a product every day, you can easily adjust your weight. It gives a feeling of saturation, but it does not contain a lot of calories.

Getting into the stomach, bran swells, and it seems to the person that he is already full. However, it should be remembered that without additional physical exertion, using only one wheat husk, it will be very difficult to achieve a result in losing weight.

Bran is not a way to lose weight, but only a small part of the whole complex of individual measures.


It would seem that after all this, the benefits of wheat bran to the human body are undeniable. However, do not forget that any product has its own contraindications. Moreover, his abuse can be quite damaging.

In view of this, in some cases the stomach needs a sparing regimen, and bran is a rough enough food, they are contraindicated when:

  • Gastritis;
  • Colitis;
  • Stomach ulcer, especially in the stage of exacerbation.

It should also be noted that in no case can not combine the consumption of wheat bran with a low-calorie diet. As a result of this regime, you may experience a decline in strength, as well as exhaustion of the body.

Bran binds and removes not only wastes, but also useful substances. In this regard, their prolonged use can easily lead to a deficiency of certain trace elements or hypovitaminosis.

The daily dosage of wheat bran for a person should not be above 30 grams.

Wheat bran: how to take?

Most people do not have the faintest idea that such a product can be eaten. And the earlier you master this information, the faster you will start to lead a healthy lifestyle.

How should you prepare the wheat bran? How to take them for food? These questions are often asked by those people who decided to get rid of health problems naturally.

Many mistresses mistakenly believe that porridge can be cooked from bran. This is really so. However, during the heat treatment, most of the nutrients in the product simply volatilize. In this regard, experts recommend that you include in your diet only raw wheat bran. How to eat them? For this, 2-3 dessert spoons of the product can be mixed with natural yogurt and enjoy the healing process. Also bran is often added to ready-made and slightly cooled porridge.

If you decide to consume bran for breakfast, then they should simply drink ordinary drinking water.

Where are they sold?

Wheat, as well as other types of bran can be purchased at any pharmacy. Moreover, such a product is often sold in supermarkets among diabetic products. Also it can be found on the market.

Before consuming bran, remember that our ecology is contaminated. Therefore, to reduce the effect of toxins and other harmful substances on the human body, this product is recommended to disinfect. For this, it can be soaked in water, periodically draining it.

It is also often bran disinfected oven and microwave oven. However, I want to note that while some of the vitamins and minerals are volatilized.

Can I give it to children?

To normalize the digestive system, children should be given bran only after three years of life. In this case, the product must be pre-soaked in water. Use it in childhood is desirable together with the main food.

How to store?

Most often, wheat bran is sold in polyethylene bags placed in cardboard boxes. To keep this product longer in a usable form, it is recommended to move it to glass and hermetically sealed cans. It is desirable to keep bran in a dry and dark place.

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