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Urine for sterility in pregnant women: what does the analysis show?

Women's health is the key to a good baby's condition. It is recommended to pass this analysis in cases when the general analysis has not given information about hidden diseases. It helps to determine the presence in the body of a disease that does not manifest itself at all (that is, it is asymptomatic).

Analyzes for pregnant women

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time in the life of any woman. Waiting for a healthy baby does not overshadow even the presence of a large number of necessary tests. They need to take everything and in due time to monitor the condition of mother and child. These include:

  • Blood on the definition of Rh factor (the Rh factor can be determined on the surface of red blood cells, 85% of people have it, and they have a positive Rh factor, in 15% of the population it is absent, that is, the Rh factor is negative);
  • Passing the analysis on the amount of hemoglobin (it is carried with oxygen throughout the body, if the content of such in the blood is small, it is necessary to take special medications and eat according to the diet);
  • The analysis of urine on sterility (in another way it is called baposev, it shows the presence of infections in the body, including hidden ones, which do not manifest themselves in any way);
  • Blood test for AIDS (do not worry if the doctor sent you to such an analysis, this does not mean a suspicion, but the demand of all health facilities);
  • Blood for syphilis (the same as in the previous case, this analysis is a mandatory requirement of all health facilities, regardless of whether you are in a paid clinic or in a public institution);
  • Smear for infection (this analysis can not be taken if you have clear vaginal discharge, similar to mucus, if they have an unpleasant smell and are abundant, then analysis is necessary);
  • A common blood and urine test (to monitor the overall health of the mother).

It is also important to note that in the presence of different Rh factors in mom and dad (mom-minus, dad-plus), in order to prevent rhesus-conflict, it is necessary to take gamma globulin at the 28th week of pregnancy and within three days after birth.

There are a lot of myths about the negative Rh factor in mom:

  • The child will be born sick;
  • After an abortion there will be complications with pregnancy and childbirth;
  • This is the cause of infertility and much more.

Doctors warn that this is utter absurdity and you should not listen to such myths. Remember, thoughts are material, if you think about it, then there is the likelihood of their implementation. Mom with a negative Rh factor (if the papa is positive) there is nothing to worry about if you inject gamma globulin in time.

Why should I take urine for analysis?

Urine for sterility in pregnancy is an important stage in a pregnant woman's examination, as necessary as a gynecological examination. Let us pass on to the discussion of the question of the purpose for which he surrenders.

To monitor the condition of the baby, it is necessary to take all the tests, which are painted from the first weeks to the end of the ninth month of pregnancy. Mandatory analysis is the bacteriological culture of urine. Urine for sterility helps to identify the diseases of the urinary system of the mother. In addition, from the result of the analysis it will be clear which drug can be cured.

What the analysis shows:

  • Presence of pathogens;
  • Its concentration.

If in the past the future mother had no problems with the urinary system, then the analysis is given twice:

  • 9-12 weeks;
  • 35-36 a week.

In case there were problems, then the analysis is given much more often. This is necessary, because immunity during pregnancy is significantly reduced, which can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this regard, it is worth paying more attention to your health:

  • Dress according to the weather;
  • Avoid crowded places;
  • In the cold season, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases (drink tea with honey, lemon, raspberries, when putting on the street wear a sterile mask, etc.).

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination (bacillus urine). These circumstances include:

  • Elevated temperature;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Dull lumbar pain and so on.

In the presence of infection, the doctor prescribes special preparations that do not harm the development of the child. In addition, bacteriological culture is carried out 15 days after completion of the course of treatment, it helps to know the effectiveness of the therapy.

Preparation for delivery

When passing the analysis, you must do everything possible to ensure that the result is accurate. To do this, follow the recommendations for preparation for analysis and collection of material. How to take urine for sterility, you can tell in detail your doctor, who monitors the course of pregnancy. Also valuable advice can be given by the laboratory assistant who is conducting the research, for this it is necessary to apply to the laboratory that is located at your medical institution.

Preparation is carried out as follows:

  • Complete refusal of alcohol;
  • Exclusion from the diet of sharp and fried foods;
  • Protect yourself from physical exertion;
  • To abandon the use of beets and carrots, since they are able to give the urine a specific color;
  • The day before to drink about one and a half liters of clean water (tea, soup, juices and so on are not taken into account);
  • Do not use any medications.

These recommendations will contribute to a more accurate result of the analysis. In addition, you need to adhere to some more rules that will be listed in the next section of the article.

Collection of material

How to collect urine for sterility? Adhere to the following rules for the accuracy of the analysis:

  • You must collect the material in the morning after waking up;
  • Tare should be purchased at the pharmacy (it is completely sterile, pay attention to the integrity of the package, if it is broken, then ask for another jar);
  • Wash your hands;
  • Wash the external genitalia thoroughly (do not use antibacterial soap for this purpose);
  • Always insert a swab in the vagina (this will help to avoid getting bacteria from the genital tract);
  • The labia should not touch the sterile container (push them apart);
  • The first and last stream of urine is released into the toilet;
  • Screw the lid tightly;
  • Take it to the laboratory.

These recommendations will help to collect urine correctly on bakpos, which will have a positive effect on the result of the analysis.

How much should I pass urine?

Urine analysis for sterility should be done in the morning. Be sure to follow all recommendations when collecting material. Obligatory point is the erosion is not antibacterial soap and the introduction of a tampon in the vagina. This will help to avoid getting unnecessary bacteria that can deceive the lab technician.

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to collect an average portion of urine (the first and last jet is released into the toilet). As a result of collecting the material in the jar should be at least fifteen milliliters.

It is also important that the material must be immediately sent to the laboratory. Between collection and delivery should not take more than two hours. It is very important! In some cases, storage of the material in the refrigerator is permitted. However, urine should be delivered no later than six hours after collection.


What does the urine test show for sterility? It is important to know that the urinary tract is completely sterile. Therefore, if you observe hygiene, then in the urine there will be no infections. In the analysis, there may be a small amount of non-pathogenic microflora, which is quite clear, because it can get from the vagina or urethra.

Do not worry if you find:

  • E. coli;
  • Streptococci;
  • Staphylococci.

It's not in the presence, but in quantity and form. Do not worry beforehand. From the results of bapsiseva it will be clear:

  • Whether there is an agent;
  • If so, what;
  • How to treat.

In addition, the appointment of therapy takes into account the general analysis of blood and urine. Now, briefly about how the analysis is carried out:

  • Place the collected material in a nutrient medium;
  • For one day they are sent to the incubator;
  • The colonies obtained are sown in Petri dishes;
  • Leave for a day;
  • Divided by species;
  • Multiply another day;
  • Only after all these stages are the bacteria tested for vulnerability.

As a result of the analysis, write out the CFU indicator, which we will discuss in the next section.

KOE indicator

So, what does urine show for sterility? Presence of colony forming units per one milliliter of material. Earlier it was said that the material is specially placed in conditions that are as "comfortable" for bacteria. They begin to quickly divide, forming colonies. In the analysis results, you can see the CFU / ml. CFU is one organism, which in the nutrient medium formed a colony. If the value is more than 10 thousand, then this indicates the presence of infection. If such a result is found, the lab technician begins to conduct a vulnerability check by selecting the necessary drugs to eliminate the infection.

Norm for healthy men and women

Urine for sterility is given not only during pregnancy, this analysis can assign to men and small children. It is important to know that the presence of a small number of bacteria is quite normal, they can be found even in a completely healthy person. The result is the following:

  • Color (light yellow and transparent);
  • Concentration (up to 1025 grams per milliliter);
  • Protein (up to 0.03 mol per liter);
  • Erythrocytes (up to 1);
  • CFU (up to 10 thousand per milliliter);
  • Mucus is absent;
  • Crystals are absent;
  • Glucose is absent;
  • Leukocytes (men - up to three, women - up to six).

A small clarification to the contents of CFU: if the material found less than 1 thousand, the person is healthy, from 1 to 10 thousand - a reassignment is required, more than 10 thousand - a clear indication of the presence of infection.

Pregnancy rate

The analysis of urine on sterility in pregnant women is taken at the 36th week. Even in the presence of excellent results of general analysis of urine and blood, bacussis is necessary, because it shows the presence of hidden infections. Pregnant women should go through it necessarily, because the body is now more susceptible to attacks of various microorganisms.

Good indicators of potato after pregnancy:

  • Color from light to rich yellow;
  • The urine is transparent;
  • Glucose, ketone bodies and cylinders are absent;
  • Density up to 1030 g / l;
  • Protein - 0, 07 g / l;
  • Leukocytes - up to five.

Why take an analysis to a child

Sowing urine for sterility is the right analysis, which will help to identify many problems with the health of the child. With the help of the results of this analysis it becomes clear what hidden diseases the baby has:

  • Infectious inflammation;
  • diabetes;
  • urethritis;
  • Cystitis and so on.

Do not ignore the doctor's request for an analysis, he will help prevent the emergence of more severe health problems for your child.

Features of material collection

How correctly to pass urine on sterility to the child? Although this analysis is very important, it is not always easy to gather material. There are some features of urine collection in children, they will be presented below:

  • Collect the material in the morning;
  • Before collecting, always clean the child;
  • If the child is an adult, then you can do with an ordinary sterile jar, which is purchased at pharmacies (pay attention to the integrity of the package);
  • For infants in pharmacies sell special urinals (always check the integrity of the package, as well as the jars, they must be sterile);
  • The boys are glued to the genitals and put on the diaper, the girls front side to the pubis, the back to the anus (the girl should be worn before urinating in her arms);
  • Further from the urine receiver material is poured into a sterile jar and taken to the laboratory.

Norm in children

Urine analysis for sterility should at best give the following results:

  • Density - up to 1025 g / l;
  • Not less than 1 cylinder;
  • Leukocytes - up to 6;
  • Epithelium - up to two;
  • PH - up to 8;
  • Protein is absent;
  • Mucus is absent;
  • Mushrooms are absent;
  • Salts are absent.

Pay attention to the fact that the urine should be transparent and have a straw-yellow color.

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