Beauty, Skin care
Types of tattoos and their meaning
Tattooing is a form of body modification created by the introduction of indelible ink into the skin layer of the dermis in order to change its pigment. For the first time, the word "tattoo" is mentioned in the logbook of Joseph Banks (1743 - 1820), a naturalist who sailed on board James Cook's ship "Endeavor." He wrote: "I want to mention the way they put indelible marks on their bodies - each is marked according to their mores and inclinations." Thus, the word "tattoo" came to Europe when James Cook returned from his expedition to Tahiti and New Zealand, publishing a magazine with a mention of a certain process called "tatau" (before that he was described by such words as "scarification" or "drawing" ). Unlike the modern drawing process in specialized salons, Maori tattoos (a tribe living in New Zealand) are still applied to the skin as a sacred rite. As a rule, they are spiral lines on various parts of the body in men and women, and are performed with the help of charcoal and chopsticks.
Types of tattoos and their meaning
There are 5 types of tattoos:
- Traumatic, or so-called "natural tattoos", which are the result of accidents on the roads, damage by the ink pen, etc.
- Amateur.
- Professional.
- Cosmetic types of tattoos, known as "permanent make-up."
- Medical tattoos.
It is known that workers in coal mines may have specific marks due to the ingress of coal dust into the wounds. This can also occur under the influence of black powder or in cases where substances such as asphalt enter the skin. Typically, traumatic tattoos are difficult to remove, since they can spread to several layers of skin, and discoloration and scars are inevitable.
Amateur and professional types of tattoos can be part of the initiation rite, point to the status, be symbols of religious affiliation, courage, love, serve to enhance sexual attraction, play the role of talismans and charms, be applied to the skin as punishment and so on.
Symbolism and the purpose of tattoos vary according to place and culture. A tattoo can show feelings about relatives (usually mother or child) or close people.
Today, the drawing is often applied in decorative, cosmetic, memorable, religious or magical purposes, as well as to identify its belonging to groups, including criminal groups.
Permanent makeup includes tattoo of eyebrows, lips, eyes and even moles.
Medical types of tattoos allow to provide accuracy in certain types of operations and therapy.
Sometimes they are used to deliver some important information about the carrier (blood type, health status, etc.).
Among other things, flesh colored tattoos can be applied to hide vitiligo, a violation of the pigmentation of the skin.
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