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Pain in the abdomen, giving in the rectum: what can it be?

Every living person faces pain one day. It can be blunt, sharp, cutting or stitching. Also, unpleasant sensations can be felt at the bottom, at the top or side of the abdomen. Pain prevents a person from living normally and knocking him out of the rut. It is worth noting that the emergence of discomfort is only a symptom, not a disease. Depending on the cause, the pain in the abdominal area below may have different localization and intensity. We will understand what can cause such pains.

Pain in the lower abdomen, giving into the rectum: causes

Representatives of the weaker sex are forced to face this condition more often, but men can also be exposed to it. We learn what is the most common cause of unpleasant sensations.

Ovarian rupture

This pathology has the main symptom: pain in the lower abdomen. This state occurs in the middle of the cycle. Everyone knows that before the ovulation in the ovary follicle grows. Reaching the right size, he breaks and releases a female cage. In some cases, a large area of the ovary ruptures. At this moment, the woman begins pains in the lower abdomen, which give to the rectum. In addition, the fair sex feels weak, nauseous and dizzy.

If such a pathology occurs, you should not use painkillers and self-medicate. It is necessary to call an ambulance rather quickly and take a horizontal position. Depending on the complexity of the disease, treatment can be performed in a conservative manner in a hospital or with the help of a surgical procedure.

Ectopic pregnancy

Dull pain in the lower abdomen can be observed with ectopic pregnancy. It appears an average of fourteen days after the delay.

If the fetal egg is attached for some reason in the fallopian tube, then the walls of the organ will stretch with the course of pregnancy. This brings the woman discomfort and pain. With such a disease, you should immediately contact a specialist. Otherwise, the uterine tube may break. In this case, the woman complains of the strongest pains in the lower abdomen, which give to the rectum. You can also note the combination of a frequent pulse and low pressure.

If you have such complaints and symptoms, you should urgently call a doctor, since this condition can threaten the life of a woman. Treatment is carried out exclusively by surgical method.

Torsion of the legs of the cyst

Pain in the lower abdomen, giving into the rectum, may appear when the cyst is twisted. Most neoplasms appear on the ovaries, although they may be in the abdominal cavity. The cyst grows on the so-called stalk. It is through this process that the blood supply of the tumor occurs. In some cases, such a leg can turn and twist. This condition causes pain from the left lower abdomen (if the tumor is located in the left ovary). Similarly, if the formation is located in the organ on the right side, unpleasant sensations will appear on the right.

Treatment should be carried out surgically. A person should be given medical assistance as soon as possible.

Inflammatory process

Pain in the sides in the lower abdomen occurs when the inflammatory process develops. Often this condition is preceded by an infection that has not been cured.

During inflammation, the mucous membrane of the abdominal cavity gives off fluid, which causes pain. If you do not pay attention to this symptom, the inflammation can go into a chronic form. In this case, the isolated fluid forms a spike between the uterus, ovary, intestine and fallopian tubes. From this moment the woman feels constant pain in the sides in the lower abdomen.

Correction is carried out by taking necessary preparations. Adhesive process can be eliminated only by surgical intervention.

Pain caused by pregnancy

Quite often a woman who is in an interesting position, complains of various pains in the lower segment of the abdomen. One of the ailments that gives such symptoms is the threat of miscarriage. If there is a suspicion of such a development of events, it is necessary to get a specialist consultation in the near future and begin treatment.

Also, such pains that give to the rectum may be a harbinger of an early delivery. If the pregnancy is full, then do not worry. However, it is worth informing about your new feelings to a specialist and getting a qualified consultation.

Acute appendicitis

Pain in the intestines in the lower abdomen may appear due to the development of an inflammation of the appendix. Usually, a few hours before the development of obvious symptoms, a person complains of unpleasant sensations throughout the abdominal cavity. Also at this moment, the temperature may rise and the general condition may worsen.

If the patient is put on his back and gently presses on the area of the peritoneum on the right, and then abruptly let go, then the person will feel an increase in pain. In this case, you need to quickly call for emergency help. Remember, you can not offer a person anti-inflammatory or pain medications. Otherwise, the diagnosis may be incorrect.

Treatment of this condition is done by taking antibiotics or by surgical intervention.

Colic in the intestine

In some cases, a person may experience pain in the lower abdomen and bloating. Excessive amount of gases presses on the walls of the organ and causes unpleasant sensations. The cause of such an ailment may be a violation of the intestinal microflora or the use of gas-producing products.

Pain in the lower abdomen and swelling in this case is treated with medications. Most often the patient is given a course of beneficial bacteria and teas that reduce gas production. Also, a doctor can recommend a special diet.

Stool disorders

The cause of pain in the abdominal cavity, which is felt in the rectum, can be a violation of the stool. Most often a person is faced with diarrhea or constipation. The cause of such an ailment may be malnutrition, climate change, an allergic reaction, or a disturbance in the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

Treatment in this case is most often symptomatic. With diarrhea, drugs are prescribed that reduce intestinal peristalsis and remove toxic substances from the body. During constipation, the doctor recommends taking medications that soften the stool. Also in both cases, a corresponding diet and taking medications containing beneficial bacteria is prescribed.

Intestinal obstruction

A more rare ailment that causes pain is the intestinal obstruction. In this case, a person complains of the lack of a chair. In addition, the patient does not feel the gases escape.

With these symptoms, you need to urgently consult a doctor, as the consequences of the ailment can be very sad. Treatment is most often performed surgically.


If you suddenly have severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is given to the rectum, you need to contact the doctor and undergo the prescribed examination. Perhaps you have a banal digestion and stool, and, perhaps, a serious treatment will be required.

Be attentive to your well-being and be healthy!

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