Health, Stomatology
Toothpastes for sensitive teeth: choice of paste, side effects
Do you know the feeling of acute pain, piercing the jaw? Have you ever paid attention to what it is related to? A sip of scalding coffee or a bite of ice-cold ice cream? And maybe your teeth begin to ache from the thought of the juicy pulp of an orange or grapefruit? Are you nervous every time you pick up a toothbrush and toothpaste, because you know what will hurt now? All these signs indicate problems with enamel. In this case, you should go to toothpastes for sensitive teeth.
Of course, discomfort can be caused by caries and pulpitis. However, if you visited a dentist, and he did not find any diseases, the cause of all hyperesthesia. This term in medicine indicates the increased sensitivity of enamel. Completely get rid of the disease is impossible, but you can slow it down and remove the symptoms. To do this, it is necessary to use toothpastes for sensitive teeth and several times a year to carry out the fluoridation procedure. With the regular performance of these simple actions, the pain will weaken and gradually come to naught.
Possible reasons
Before going to the pharmacy and studying the toothpastes presented there for sensitive teeth, it is worth to learn more about the factors that provoke the disease. It is caused primarily by a violation of the integrity of the enamel. It can be noticeable with a superficial examination (caries), but it can also be hidden from prying eyes. Among the most common causes noted in most patients, dentists call wedge-shaped defects and erosive changes. In addition, the area near the neck of the tooth may become bare: it also causes severe pain. Are you afraid of dental doctors? Do not worry. All these problems do not require special investigation, since they arise mainly due to improper cleaning of the teeth. Want to know which toothpaste is best? First of all, it is worth paying attention to the technique.
Teeth cleaning
Many patients of dentists admit that they press the toothbrush too hard: they think that this helps to remove plaque. However, doctors say that this can cause damage to the enamel - especially if the bristles of the toothbrush are too stiff.
We choose paste
Toothpastes for sensitive teeth can minimize pain. This is explained quite simply: they contain hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate, penetrating during cleaning inside the tooth and reliably "sealing" the dentinal tubules. Increased sensitivity decreases after the first use, but in order to achieve a significant result, you will completely abandon the usual paste and go to a specialized one.
Side effects
So, you found out what good toothpaste suits you, and began to actively apply it. In a couple of weeks you may notice that some teeth are dyed grayish. Do not be scared: this indicates the accumulation of hydroxyapatite. In order to return the teeth to the former whiteness, select a paste with a low degree of abrasiveness. It does not affect the coloration, but will create a protective layer.
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