Health, Stomatology
Good toothpaste: reviews. What is the best whitening toothpaste that whitens teeth well, according to dentists?
Such a daily hygienic procedure, like brushing your teeth, can be ordinary or curative. It all depends on the toothpaste and its useful substances, in addition, not everyone knows how to properly brush your teeth. The vast majority of patients in dental clinics do not thoroughly brush their teeth, as evidenced by a mild or already mineralized plaque on the tooth enamel. Correctly selected good toothpaste will help not only cope with the plaque, but also prevent the appearance of caries, clarify the enamel, refresh your breath. But how to navigate in abundance, which is now put on the shelves? It is necessary to carefully understand the question.
Traditional Hygiene
Since childhood, we have been taught the habit of proper oral hygiene, and basically it is a regular brushing of teeth with a brush and toothpaste. As an option, you can use tooth powder, although at the moment it is less popular and can only be used at home - a good toothpaste in a small package is more suitable for a trip.
Nevertheless, with age, it may turn out that daily care is not enough. In many respects, the acquired habits are guilty of this - smoking, addiction to beverages that color the tooth enamel (strong tea or coffee). A good advice can be given by a dental hygienist who will show the correct movements for cleaning your teeth and give recommendations on the selection of toothpaste.
Tooth-paste in the "mass market" category: bad or good?
Asking about which toothpaste is the best, buyers choose mostly popular brands or are guided by such unreliable signs as attractive packaging design. However, no manufacturer will write on the box that the goods are of poor quality, and the consumer remains one on one with a couple dozen different-colored packages. In most cases, retail sales offer hygienic types of toothpaste, that is, a remedy for daily removal of soft dental plaque and fresh breath. With an absolutely healthy oral cavity, this is quite enough, another question is what is the perfect state of teeth and gums is the rarest rarity.
The category "mass-market" is designed for mass consumption, hence the name of the product category. If you read information on tubes and boxes, you can find four main categories: preventive, curative, therapeutic and prophylactic and whitening toothpaste. If it's just about removing the dark coating from the enamel, it can be difficult to figure out what a good toothpaste whitening. You need to remember about the mode of use of this hygiene remedy. The usual whitening paste contains fine abrasive particles, so it can be used once or twice a week, not more often, otherwise it will negatively affect the quality of tooth enamel.
Special therapeutic and preventive toothpastes
If there are minor problems with teeth or gums, then instead of the usual everyday, it is better to use curative-prophylactic toothpaste. The composition usually introduces extracts of various medicinal herbs, propolis, honey. If you need the best toothpaste from the category of treatment and prophylaxis, it is better to get an exhaustive consultation with a dentist. However, it should be noted that the content of medicinal extracts in the composition of the therapeutic and prophylactic paste is not so great that it could be considered a panacea for all ills. Rather, it helps to keep oral health under control and makes caries prevention more extensive.
Propolis, coniferous extracts are introduced into the toothpaste for good condition of the gums, they have a beneficial effect on the state of the soft tissues of the mouth. With parodontosis, these compounds can not cope, but the risk of developing this disease can be reduced.
Medical toothpaste
The composition of therapeutic toothpaste necessarily includes all sorts of disinfectants, mineral supplements that contribute to the restoration of tooth enamel. If the paste is designed for the treatment of gums, then it includes extracts of medicinal plants, tannins, reducing bleeding gums. Due to the quality of the therapeutic component, it is possible to achieve a sustainable positive effect with regular use of the drug. The composition of therapeutic toothpaste is fluoride, enriching enamel fluoride, chlorhexidine, triclosan or hexidine as an antiseptic. Propolis, part of the toothpaste, delicately cares for the gums, heals even microscopic lesions and has an additional disinfecting effect.
Even the best toothpaste for bleaching enamel can not replace a remedy specifically designed for treatment. Teeth can be perfectly white, but at the same time require treatment and preventive measures to prevent the mineralization of plaque, from caries or all kinds of diseases of the mouth that do not directly affect the state of the enamel.
Best whitening toothpaste
Healthy white teeth are considered a symbol of youth, they are compared to pearls, so it's not surprising the desire of people to give their smile a sparkling whiteness. Unfortunately, darkening of tooth enamel can happen for many reasons. The predilection for sweet food, for tea and coffee, smoking - all this contributes to the coloring of the enamel. However, in a number of cases this is just a scurf that can be cleaned, especially when it comes to tobacco, tea and coffee.
Not so long ago, a special Welcome tool appeared in stores - for smokers the best whitening toothpaste: it whitens teeth well, removes the painted plaque from the enamel. Such means are abrasive, that is, small particles are introduced into the toothpaste, which act in much the same way as the cleaning powder when washing dirty dishes. Abrasive toothpastes do not brighten the enamel, they erase the painted plaque, this must be borne in mind! Use them no more than twice a week, otherwise you can significantly thin the already thin layer of tooth enamel, because of this, the teeth will become unnecessarily sensitive.
Can I get used to toothpaste?
It is often possible to find the opinion that one and the same toothpaste can not be used all the time. Allegedly, the teeth "get used to", the useful effect stops and you need to look for another paste. To help maintain this myth from time to time, dental problems arise, and patients of dental clinics have a legitimate question: "How is it, after all, teeth are cleaned all the time, why do problems begin?" Therefore, people start to speculate which toothpaste will whiten well, which will help cure caries or save from periodontal disease.
I want to note that toothpaste is not a panacea. Unfortunately, sometimes the development of caries or darkening of tooth enamel does not depend on the thoroughness of hygiene procedures. For example, a phenomenon known as "tetracycline teeth" is known - excessive doses of tetracycline, taken in childhood, give a persistent darkening of the enamel, significantly worsen the condition of the teeth. To treat these problems should the dentist, improvised methods here not to consult. Properly selected good toothpaste will always work, it does not become addictive, it is not necessary to change the paste brand!
Mechanism of action of toothpaste
The hygienic effect of the toothpaste is due to the ratio of the ingredients. Foam is provided by surface active substances, as an abrasive component can act chalk, crystals of calcium, soda, the latest development in this direction - silicate fillers. Compositions with the inclusion of sorbents contribute to the active suppression of microorganisms that can develop in a soft coating or in food residues between the teeth. The best whitening toothpaste, developed by technologists, not only cleans plaque, but also helps soften and remove tartar. It is important to remember that even the finest toothpaste will not work if you brush your teeth with an incorrect or unsuitable toothbrush.
The best toothpaste in the opinion of dentists
Judging by the ratings compiled after a conversation with professionals in the field of dentistry, you can supplement the arsenal of hygiene products with the following types of toothpaste.
Lacalut White - the best toothpaste in the opinion of dentists, is manufactured in Germany and undergoes comprehensive laboratory testing. Not only whitens, but also strengthens tooth enamel, enriches it with fluoride. The cost per packing (50 ml) - from 150 rubles.
Pasta for smokers and coffee lovers
Cigarettes and strong coffee quickly dye your teeth in different shades of brown. In this case, not a soft coating that forms on the teeth during the day is painted, but a stable layer of tobacco resins and pigment-forming coffee is created. At the moment, toothpastes of the company "Splat", "Rembrandt", "President" and "Silka" can be considered one of the best in the segment "the best whitening toothpaste." Good teeth whitens any of them. The above brands belong to different price categories, from 75 to 500 rubles per package (50 ml).
Advertising and Reality
According to experts in advertising and advanced marketers, there is no better way to prove the quality of toothpaste than to process half of a chicken egg and put this food in vinegar. Of course, after such a massive advertising attack, inquisitive minds did not fail to test the theory with practice and rushed to test the means for hygiene for teeth. Of course, the experiments proved that "Blend-a-honey" is really a good toothpaste, but only to protect the chicken shell from vinegar forever is incapable.
In most cases, commercials, which are shown by television, very poorly reflect the reality. However, there is one really weighty factor that can prove that we have a good toothpaste - reviews, including professional opinions of dentists. This factor is based on actual data, on statistics, and not on the spectacular picture and developments of marketers.
Toothpaste for the whole family
Often, in order to save money and simply for reasons of basic household amenities, consumers prefer to choose hygiene products for the whole family - they all wash with one kind of shampoo, soap, use the same toothpaste. Because of this, you can miss the moment for prevention, because the means of wide application can not be called highly specialized. In the question of which tooth paste is the best, consumers of this category are guided by the advertising picture as an indicator. If a family is represented there, then a purchase is likely to be made. Usually it is the mass market - Colgate, Blend-a-honey, some less well-known brands.
However, it would be correct to purchase a tube of paste for each member of the family that best suits his individual needs. This, for example, is a baby toothpaste for babies, whitening for a family member who smokes (and then it can only be used intermittently), a medicinal paste with propolis and an extract of oak bark for someone who suffers from periodontal disease.
Alternatives and feasibility of replacement
Despite the fact that tooth powders are already receding into the past, they can still be purchased in stores and pharmacies. According to some buyers, it is the powder that cleans the teeth better. Also on sale were imported oral hygiene products, which only remotely resemble paste - hard pastes in boxes, special sticks, which need to chew the tip and use without toothpaste as a toothbrush.
You can also meet on the shelves quite a revolutionary product - a black paste with an admixture of activated carbon. According to many buyers, this is the best toothpaste they have enjoyed to this day. Perhaps, the novelty of the product, the contrast with traditional hygiene products, contributes to the formation of such an opinion. It is important to remember that when you have doubts, you can always rely on a consultation with a dentist - the expert will give good advice and at the same time conduct a preventive examination of the oral cavity.
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